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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Abby, Ravel and Lloyd

Laura Lopez Mendez's MexGang

Yorkie, Abby Bernese Mountain Dog, Ravel BMD Ravel with Lloyd the kiiten
Yorkie, Abby. Bernese Mountain Dog, Ravel. BMD Ravel with Lloyd.
From Laura, 7th Feb. '03 "Lets see...Abby is a 10yo yorkie, she's been with me since she was 2mo Ü. A very bossy little girl, she rules the house! She's convinced that I am her person, not that she's my pet, ha! Though she's one of the smartest dogs I know ;-). Bernese Mountain Dog, Ravel, was given to me when he was 7mo and his owners realized it wasn't a good time to have a puppy, though I've known him all his life, as I took care of his mom throughout breeding, pregnancy and delivery. He is such a character! So sociable and adorable! I have total confidence on him with people (adults and children), dogs, cats, etc! When he came to live with me he was a handful, so I decided to go to agility classes...after two months I realized we needed some obedience classes first, so that's what we've been doing for the past year. He got his CD title last December. Normann and Ravel had a very special Baxter and Abby had. After my boys went to the Bridge the relationship between Abby and Ravel has become so much closer! People always smile when they see them playing in the park or walking in the street Ü. Lloyd was abandoned outside the vet hospital, along with his sister, when they were 2-3 weeks old. He's such a sweet kitten! Plays with Ravel, shares the bowl at dinner time and is trying to convince Abby he's a little pup looking for a mom...almost got her now! About me? I'm a house-call vet in Mexico City...can't imagine my life doing anything else! Here you have some pics of the gang, enjoy! Ravel will turn 2 in Feb 17th and we'll have a party the day before in obedience class...I'll send you some pics ;-) Thank you so much for having us in your site!"
Hugs, Laura and the MexGang

Bernese Mountain Dog Ravel plays tug-of-war
Tug of War!! Who's winning!

Bernese, Ravel
Berner Boy, Ravel says "I'm a winner!"

Yorkshire Terrier, Abby
"No Rosette, but so am I!" says Abby.

Bernese, Ravel, with kitten Lloyd
"Hey, Lloyd! You eat that all up, if you want to grow into a big strong Bernese Mountain Dog like me!"

Laura with Bernese Boy, Ravel
Laura with beautiful Berner Boy, Ravel.

For Normann's Tribute Page and his wonderful 10th Birthday Party
<click here>

Ravel's 2nd Bithday Party
<click here>

Bernese Ravel v. Lloyd the Cat
<click here>

And new Berner addition to the MexTex Gang, Tani
<click here>

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