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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Gallery of Friends

Harley and the new Kitties

With thanks to Heidi Hansen for these wonderful pics of Berner, Harley, and the new babies

About 2 weeks ago we brought home two rescue kittens. (I know, why make life more complicated? I couldn't help myself.)

Wally is a ragdoll with some lynx perhaps thrown in, why is probably why he was dumped at the shelter. Felonie is a cream/bluepoint Siamese that was literally 15 minutes from euthanasia when the rescue people got there. She had a bad respiratory infection. When it didn't clear up with the first antibiotic that they tried, they were just going to put her down. She was so flea bitten the bath water turned pink from her bites, and she was anemic. But just look at her now!

I was SO worried about how the kitties and my dogs would do together, particularly Harley, my heart dog. I wrote to my favorite sages, Jean Cheesman (who assured me all would be well) and Rose Tierney. I love Harley so dearly -- I was very worried that he would feel pushed aside or less loved. Their advice was so reassuring.

Well, the kitties, especially Felonie, get along with Harley famously! He is so gentle and sweet with them -- I didn't think it possible to love him any more, but I do!

Felonie loves HER Harley!

Wally thinks it over!

Wally decides to play!

Handsome Boy, Wally

Miss Felonie

Left: Wally Right: Felonie

Wally, deep in thought

Felonie (she can't meow, so we decided that
she is retaining her right to remain silent, LOL!!!)

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