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Santa Comes Early to Longlease

James has a new Bernese Mountain Dog Cap!

"Hey Sunny! I got an early Christmas Present!
New baseball cap!"

{short description of image}

"And what's the picture?"
"James in Charge of 3 Bernese Mountain Dogs!"
<click here> for the original pic and page.

Been busy here at Longlease!

What started out as a Walk on The Wild Side Page earlier this week, me and my three Bernese rooting in the woods, turned into big communications with Hereford Nature Trust. Found a, not exactly rare but mightily uncommon, fungus up in the woods! OK Simbo, you found it! Just slightly down the hill on the bridle path, badger has made a loo, and these most amzing fungi had appeared just below it. As I got closer thought they were flowers, then fallen stars, 'cause that's what they looked like. Hmm! We were busy, back down the hill, get the camera, emails everywhere and identified as "Earth Star",Geastrum quadrifidum, member of the Puffball Family:

Earth Star

"OK Simbo, you were on original pic as proud finder but cut the pic down to show the Earth Star in detail!"
Quite amazing! Seems the points of the star can turn back to form legs and it actually can walk!
Thankfully, not known to talk!
Guess we have some new members of the Gang, about twenty of them, are they gonna make it down the hill?

Barney, BMD a rooting!
Meantime, Berner, Barney is rooting hazelnuts, walnuts and sticks!

Bernese Mountain Dogs love Blackberries
Berner Sunny has found the ripe blackberries!

Bonnie waits the throw
Bonnie, next door neighbours'dog, awaits the Throw and Fetch - again- while James poses in new baseball cap!

Spike the Terrier
"Oh dear! Spike has hurt his leg again! He goes chasing around and forgets that he's only got one good eye now. Jean had a good look and gave it a good rub, says he will be OK! Poor Spikey"
<his story here>

Barney, BMD, clears up!

Friends L, Paul and clockwise Alan and Eric who I have not seen for so many years, came to visit today!
Barney is collecting up the toys and checking for crumbs!
"Hey! What's this Santa comes early thing! Haven't found my present yet!"

{short description of image}

Evenings drawing in, what's with this pic of the cherry tree?

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Come on down, little Monkey, James!
Time to go home, baseball cap and all!

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