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In Loving Memory of


Santera's Good Time Charlie

February 25th 2003 to June 18th 2009

So much loved and now so sadly missed by Susie, Joe and the Folk Family

Charlie is greatly missed not only by Mom and Dad but also by four adoring grandchildren, neighbors of all ages, visiting relatives, dinner guests, fellow dogs and even the mailman. Charlie's impressive achievements in his short life included many hospital visits as a therapy dog, marathon carting in the frigid Williamsburg Christmas parade, author of the family Christmas letter and numerous get-well notes, yard rodent eliminator, neighborhood gossip gatherer on walks with Mom, unproductive assistance in car washing and gardening, and faithful companion of Dad at secret back-porch beer nipping unbeknownst to Mom.

He had an expansive appetite, with no preference between spills on the kitchen floor and off-limit cakes and breads on the counter. Sticks of butter on the dining room table would disappear after guests had departed, with a lethargic Charlie apologizing for his misdeeds with repentant brown eyes.

Rest well, Sir Charles, our "Best Boy".

Your loving spirit possessed all of man's virtues and none of his vices.

Love, Susie and Joe

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