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In Loving Memory of


January 21st 2004 to February 20th 2010

Much loved and now so sadly missed by Marty Taub

"Sadly, but no more suffering for my brave and proud Zev, he succumbed to that dreadful histio "alien" attacking his body. He fought hard, pleasing me to the end as always. A truly remarkable DOG, who left his imprint on everyone he met who loved him."


"Dealing with a cancer pet is a balancing act, commiserating with your Doctor, common sense approach and YOU, the individual who knows your dog the best, when it comes to dosing on the Lomustine, Ondasetron (anti-nausea), Prednisone and Tramadol, you must be your Dog's advocate, and be vocal, backed-up by current results. Dosing on textbook theory, is not going to get the results. So, you must be flexible. And taking into account the weight changes that occur, sometimes the Chemo will not be effective.

In Zev's case, maybe his carcinoma was so aggresive, that the Chemo, did not stand a chance. But, I was able to do homecooking of mostly proteins to help gain his weight back from 76 lbs. to 92, in a matter of weeks, and his coat looked shiny. But, I felt his dosage of lomustine was too weak in relation to his increased body weight, and unfortunately this alien disease won out. All these facts were brought out to the Oncologist, but you don't have the time to fiddle away. I am not into the blame game, but my point is keep asking and questioning your Doc, time is not on your side!!!"

For more photos of Zev in earlier, happier days and his and Sister's Sari's page on the Friends' Gallery
<click here>

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