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In Loving Memory of


May 5th 2005 to April 4th 2011

Loved and deeply missed by Deborah Saks

Bogey was re-homed through the Heart of Michigan Bernese Mountain Dog Club. We had just lost our first rescue Berner (Olaf), and I wasn’t sure I was ready for my next one, but when Bruce Whiteside called, I had to go meet him. It was love at first sight, so Bogey joined our family in 2007. Bruce explained that Bogey (nee Butch) had been dropped off at the shelter, so they were not sure of his exactly birthdate, but he was approximately 2 years old. Since Bogey brought a spirit of celebration with him, we decided to declare Cinco de Mayo as his birthday.

Bogey was a very kind, happy, gentle dog who maintained he was a lap dog throughout his life. He quickly became a registered therapy dog and brought joy to many people through his visits to nursing homes and the local reading program for children. Bogey’s funniest moment was in the library program for children to read to dogs. He had rolled over on his back for a tummy rub while a little girl read to him, and he fell asleep during her reading period. When she got up to leave, I asked her if she wanted a bookmark with his picture on it, and she was very emphatic that she did not. I asked her what was wrong, and she declared, “Bogey wasn’t even paying attention,” when she read.

He always enjoyed pulling his wagon, and he bounced around with joy when he saw his harness for pulling. After watching Rally at the 2010 Specialty, we came home, and Bogey took to it immediately. He had earned two legs on his RN title and was registered to complete that and begin his next title when he began limping slightly in early 2011. Checking with our vet, we were told he had elbow dysplasia and arthritis, so we arranged for him to have stem cell therapy to help him get back to normal. He was all set to go when, in his pre-op check, they found a suspicious tumor on his neck. It was biopsied, and it came back that he had histio. By the time this was determined, there was a large mass in his elbow, and he was limping constantly. We gave him medication to keep him comfortable, and he enjoyed his normal eating and hanging out getting petted routine for another 10 days. The night he was unable to get on the bed with me anymore, I slept on the floor, and I told him I would do the right thing and not make him stay around just for me.

We sent him to Rainbow Bridge the next day, April 4, 2011.

He is gone but will never be forgotten.

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