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In Loving Memory of


Eur-am's Aspen Alpenglow

February 5th 2000 to April 7th 2006

Loved by Terry, Denise & Ellie Brown

'There will never be a time, it seems, when the tears are done, when something doesn't surprise me and make me mourn the loss of you, our beautiful goofy Berner boy. But the smiles in memory outnumber even all my tears now, and for that, we are forever thankful for you, for the fact that you were part of our lives. No amount of time would have ever been enough; your loss would have always, always come too soon, no matter what path life had taken. Your six years were amazing, and you remained our happy, loving boy until the end. Thank you for that, and for everything you brought to us. We will miss you forever.'

Here are some of my favorite photos from the last year of his life, after we moved to Colorado. After years in hot California, Aspen was SO happy that we finally figured out where a Bernese MOUNTAIN Dog belongs, and he loved his time here.

One of our last 'outings' with him, hiking up a trail in the snow.

Aspen and Denise

Aspen about 3 weeks before we got the histio diagnosis

He slowly learned to swim over the years, and finally loved paddling around in the ponds
up the trail near our house.

Aspen with our daughter, Ellie, when she was 15 months old;
she still calls all Berners 'Aspen-puppies'.

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