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In Loving Memory of


April 9th 2004 July 14th 2008

Daegan this Sunday

How can your life do such a turn around in just twelve days. Daegan and his sister were rescue Berns. Dave and Bernadette rescued them. They had a litter of puppies at the time so in a few weeks Daegan came to our place. His sister was adopted almost immediately. You could see by looking at this dear boy that he had a lot of orthopedic problems. Krista had fallen in love with him, even though she was aware of all his problems, just had to find a place to live with him. Over the next few months, and ever since, he has been under the guidance of Dr. Marlene Smith at Tree of Life Veterinary Clinic. We took him swimming at the doggy pool. He had acupuncture, chiropractic and gold bead implants. When we first got him his legs went in all directions, you touched his neck and he would yelp, his skin was so bad if you touched him he fell down. Eventually after all the prodding and poking and tender loving care by all of us he improved immensely. He was very playful and very noisy. Would bark for his food, bark for his walk, bark for us to get up. Had many squeaky toys he loved.

Our new puppy Pepin, (two years ago) adored him. We had to get after her to leave him alone many times. We have so many pictures of them together. She always had one of her paws on him or resting her head on him.

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Pepin and Daegan a week ago.

Krista took a job in northern Alberta, two years and eight months ago. It was impossible for her to find a place to live and take Daegan with her so he stayed with us. We travel a lot so he would go and stay with Bernadette and Dave. He thought he was going on holidays, loved to go there. Barked all the way down the driveway.

What a personality he had. Even with all the things he had done to him, he would keep pawing at you for pets with his massive paws or bark at Dr. Smith for treats in the draw. He knew where they were.

Twelve days ago to find out we were not going to have him for long was such a blow. Krista had been down around June l3/14 and he was his same noisy, barky self. We had to phone and tell her and she flew down immediately and spent two days with us. How hard it must have been for her to leave here.

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Daegan and Krista about a week ago

My friend from England who has been involved with Bernese and cancer for many years wrote yesterday. Part of her message was "I so wish this devastating illness would go away and never be heard of again. Maybe one day people will say "Bernese use to get histio and other cancers, but now a days it is never seen". I am sure that is all of our dreams.

We had to say good bye yesterday. Dave and Bernadette were with us. He is buried with all of our Berns. His favourite squeaky toy under his beautiful head.

Daegan, you started out life on a rocky road but I do hope that all your Mums and Dads made it a happy life for you.

Pepin is looking for you.


Card that Krista left with us for Daegan.

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