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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog


March 5th 2000 to March 28th 2007

Loved and sadly missed by Barbara Pilnick & Family

"Sammy was never registered with the AKC by her original owners, so she never had a pedigree name. I don't know if it's "against the rules" for me to make one up now, but really, she's just "Sammy." It's an odd name for a female, but the original family had three small children and the parents told the kids that they could name their new puppy whatever they wanted, and they chose "Sammy." It's not short for Samantha or anything else. Sad that these same three children totally ignored Sammy for the three and a half years that they owned her.

She was rehomed with me on September 5, 2003

Sammy, my first Bernese Mountain Dog, came to us when she was three and a half years old through a rescue group. Her original family compassionately gave her up when they realized that they had no time or room for her.

Sammy grew up living practically wild on a farm, greeting strangers in the town when she needed human companionship. She only knew indoors was for sleeping at night.

From the moment I saw her, I knew she had to be mine and I, hers. Her transition into her new life took only a short while. Although she still preferred to remain outdoors much of the time, she came to crave human attention and got plenty of it by nudging elbows and forcing her big nose into any tiny crevice where a hand would be. She went from sleeping on a throw rug in a laundry room to taking over half of my king-sized bed. She relished in games such as tug-of-war and made up for a lot of lost time. She made me get out of the house to go on long hikes daily, and that was the favorite part of the day for both of us. Sammy was my bouncey, flouncey, loud, loving dog that we nicknamed Tigger because she could bounce so high straight into the air when she was excited, all the while giving us a taste of that tremendous bark of hers. She always seemed as young as a puppy until malignant histiocytosis quieted that beautiful voice at age 7.

She gave it a brave fight, as she did everything else, and fought the disease for five months. She is my brave, happy girl and I'll miss her deeply forever.

I think I need to come out of my grief a little before I would know what more to say on this page".

Sammy, so much loved!

Sammy and the Lion

Sammy barking in the water

Sammy with her saddlebag

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Sammy so much loved and sadly missed!

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