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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog


CH Newcastle's Shalimar V Bev's

June 17th 1999 to November 5th 2004

B-G Dog ID = 36291
COD: Euthanasia due to Malignant and Systemic Histiocytosis

"Not a day goes by that I don't miss you, Shali girl... Much Love, Esther Wilson"


From the time Shalimar came to live with me as a puppy, she expressed love and gentle acceptance of others so very easily. She naturally mothered the other puppies I brought home from time to time. She taught the other girls how to rule with the iron paw inside the velvet glove. And she taught me about unconditional love and understanding.


Shali always gave her very best, every time, no matter what.



Thank God its not Goodbye, dear one...It's just see you again soon!


CH Newcastle's Shalimar V Bev's
Always Loved, Always Remembered

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