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Bernese Mountain Dog

U-CDX Gweebarra's Ace in the Hole CDX TD NDD BNDD CGC


loved by Patricia Tackett

Ace Bluebonnet
Ace in the BlueBonnets

Halloween Bernese Mountain Dog
Peek-a-Boo, it's Halloween Therapy!

{short description of image}
Ace at Estes park

Pat and Ace Bernese Mountain Dog
Pat and Ace, Dancing in Tucson


Things I want to remember.

Your silent way of standing at the door waiting to go outside
The way you turn and look cheekily at me saying "are you coming"
Your whirling dervish spin while chasing Molly
Your BIG stretch
The way the "lightbulb" went off in Clicker training
"Your begging for ice cubes", backing, twirling, nudging the glass
Your Woo Wooing in the morning and when I arrived home each evening
The way you would "Monkey Talk"
Your stretching out at my feet
Your following me from room to room
Wanting to go with me ALWAYS
Tracking your FORTE!
Loving to watch you follow the track AND finding your article
Loving the way you'd trot back to the van from tracking fields
The way you loved kids
The way you loved Therapy work
The way you loved your BELLY RUBS
How you'd press your paw against me to continue with Belly rubs
How you'd rub your face against my legs
How you'd walk between my legs wanting a full body rub
BUTT Scratches -- your FAVOURITE of all
Your constantly wagging tail and cheeky smile!

ACE - owned and loved by Pat

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*In Loving Memory*Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. * Bernese Art*

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