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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog


10/3/92 - 4/16/01,

loved by Jen & Peter Cunningham

Bernese Mountain Dog, Barney, sadly lost to Histiocytosis
Barney, beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog, sadly lost to Histio

Here is our very special boy, Barney. Taken too soon from us by this awful, awful cancer. Gone almost 2 years, but still missed every day. He was a majestic, beautiful, and gentle boy loved by all who were lucky enough to meet him. He was our wonderful companion and best friend who will forever be in our hearts!

*Histio Roll Call Main Page*

*Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Home Page*
*Samson's Story. *My Gang .* Sunny,Simmy&Barney,* Friend's Gallery.*
*In Loving Memory*Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. * Bernese Art*

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