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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog


01/13/98 - 01/29/05

Lost to Histio and so sadly missed by Pope Burr

"We, who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortaility, never fully understanding the necessary plan . . . ."

Bernese Mountain Dog, Fred
Bernese Mountain Dog, Fred

Berner Puppy, Fred
Fred's puppy picture at 9 weeks - there's mischief in those eyes and pink nose!

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I call my "Bear" shot.
My last name is Burr but the company that made Fred's ID tag made it Freddy Bear - it stuck!

Fred is ready for the "Stairway" game -
I would peak around the corner at the bottom of the stairs and pretend to run away - he would bark once and come tearing down the stairs in pursuit.

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Fred felt it was important to not only lay on the bed but to arrange the pillows in a more ergonomic fashion.

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