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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog


Ch Madchen von Barengraben

April '81 - early '91

owned by Harriet and Leon Gehorsam
Charlottesville, Virginia

Bernese Mountain Dog, Madi

Madi was our third Berner who came to us as a wee puppy. She was a "devil" right from the start, until she came to realize that she was not King of the Hill. Madi came to us as a Show Potential, and lived up to that name very quickly. She finished her Championship very easily. Madi won Best in Sweeps at a National Specialty in New York State, placed in the Group at the prestigious Westchester Kennel Club Show, and continued to win many Best of Breeds I never put a CD on her, but she always went High in Trial at the Match shows in which she was entered. Madi had three litters. One bitch from her first litter died of Histio. I do not know anything about the cause of death of the other puppies in the other two litters.

One day I noticed Madi's gums were snow white. Off to the Vet to reveal a swollen spleen, liver. A biopsy was taken. It took the pathologist quite a few days to recognize Histiocytosis, as she was one of three Berners in the area and they had really never come across it before.

Madi left our arms at 10 years of age. We were blessed to have her for so long a time. She was such a special lady, as they all are...needless to say, 10 years after her passing, we still long for her. She was such a treasure to have in our home.

*Histio Roll Call Main Page*

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