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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog


5/14/90 – 12/16/96

My best friend

Mimi Englander

Bernese, Rocky, sadly lost to Histio

In Loving Memory of
Maine’s Rocky Raccoon
7/3/90 – 12/16/96

Rocky, my Rock of Gibralter, my Rocketman

Rocky was my best friend. He was my rock and my salvation. When times got hard, he was always there to comfort me. Sometimes I don’t know how he knew I needed it, but he always knew. We spent the last three years of his life just him and me. Lord how I wish I had known that that was all the time we were meant to have together. Histio snuck up on us – I didn’t get any warning that within days of finding out something was wrong, I had to somehow find a way to say goodbye to the one I loved more than anything in the world.

Enough time has passed now that I can finally reflect on Rocky’s legacy with a smile through the tears – his calling in life was to patiently help many, many people overcome their fear of dogs. He also sent me on my journey of discovery of natural rearing so that future Berners would have a better chance of living a long healthy life. God bless you my baby boy and know that I will see you again.

Love, Mama

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