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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog

Shady Grove


loved and sadly missed by

Jane, Steve, Kate, Molly, Sam and Julie Kunzman.

Bernese Mountain Dog, Shady Grove, saly lost to histiocytosis

We lost our sweet girl, Shady Grove this past January. She would have been 6 on April 12. She was a sweet dog, and very much loved by our family. She loved the outdoors, stealing food from the table or wherever she could reach, sitting in the car, and being anywhere I was - although preferably -from her perspective - outside in our back yard. I miss her every day, every time I come home. When I go to bed each night I feel incomplete not bringing her in for the night to sleep on the floor next to our son. Here is a picture of her taken this past Thanksgiving. She must have been sick at that time but we didn't know it. We went away in December but when we came home and retrieved her from the family that takes care of her, she seemed tired and listless. That was not unusual, though, as they have a number of dogs and she is usually tuckered out. But the condition persisted. Some visits to the vet revealed masses in the chest and abdomen. Then she began to lose control of her hips. Then cancer had gotten into her nervous system. We tried chemo, but it was not working. I had to carry her in and out of the house. 5 years is too short a time. We were all devastated.

I appreciate the site you have created if only to look at the beautiful dogs and the understand the grief of their owners and to know that I/we are not alone.

Thank you.

Steve Kunzman

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