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In Loving Memory of Bernese Mountain Dog

Teddy Bear

11/30/01 - 1/13/04

Just a baby...

Loved by Vicki Yates & his Mom, Nelly Belly

Bernese Baby Teddy, lost to Mailignant Histiocytosis

Teddy Bear

Bernese Teddy Bear and nurse Lily

Sweet Teddy Bear and his nurse, Miss Lily

Bernese Mountain Dogs Teddy Bear and Nelly Belly

Teddy Bear & his real Mommy

For pictures of Nelly Belly and Vicki's two new Berner Boys
<click here>

*Histio Roll Call Main Page*

*Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs Home Page*
*Samson's Story. *My Gang .* Sunny,Simmy&Barney,* Friend's Gallery.*
*In Loving Memory*Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. * Bernese Art*

*Articles & Info, *Berner Shop *Recent Updates*