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Bernese Mountain Dog

11/23/95 - 3/26/02
loved by Cindy Reid

Beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog, Travis, at 2 years

In Remembrance
11/23/95 - 3/26/02

I loved you best...

From Cindy: His breeder's first words to me were, "Travis is a sweet boy". He certainly was. I have never had such a wonderful relationship with a dog as I had with this berner boy. Travis was the kind of dog who was always aware of every little thing going on around him. He would notice a plane in the sky, a robin looking for a worm, the family cats getting into trouble! His dearest trait was when he would notice something that was special to both him and I and he would give me an excited look as if to say, "Do you see what I see?".

Travis initially was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the scapula. He had the typical pain and symptoms associated with that type of cancer and although we took two biopsies we could not get a positive diagnosis. Eventually the pain went away and in the last weeks of his life it became apparent the cancer was most likely malignant histiocytosis. Results from the bloodwork taken the week he died indicated MH. I am sorry now that I did not do a necropsy and get a firm diagnosis. I realize how important that information is for the breed overall and will make that decision in the future if I ever again have that decision to make.

I miss you sweet boy.

Cindy and Travis, sadly lost to malignant hystiocytosis

Bernese Mountain Dog Travis in the snow

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