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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs

In Loving Memory of


November 8, 1991 - April 8, 2004

"She was my first berner. She changed my world!
Took Bussard

Bernese Mountain Dog, Bibi
Bernese Mountain Dog, Bibi!

Bibi in the Snow
Bibi in the Snow

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From Laura, a Celebration of Bibi's Life!

Bernese, Quincy and Bibi
Berners, Quincy and Bibi

Sadly in 2006, Took and David were also to lose their Berner Boy, Quincy, to Malignant Histiocytosis

Quincy's page here on Histio Roll Call
<click here>

They had previously lost Berner Boy, Devon, to MH in 1998

Devon's page on Histio Roll Call
<click here>

*Next Page*
David and Took's adopted cocker spaniel, Baby

*Samson's Story. *My Gang .* Sunny,Pixie,Simmy&Barney,* Friend's Gallery.*
*In Loving Memory*Links. *Humour. *Guestbook. * Bernese Art*

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