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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs

Happy Birthday to Me!

It was my birthday at the beginning of last week and the postman has been here bearing packages almost every day since then. We have all had such fun!!

Pixie's presents?
LOL! Pixie thinks it was her birthday, so many new toys and treats!
From Karen, Michaela, Took and Leah

But I got some presents too!:-)

dustpan and brush dustpan and brush glasses in hard case
Dustpan and brush
Long handled dustpan & brush
Glasses for the small-print
in a HARD case!

LOL! The items above from Karen Connors to replace the items chewed up by Pixie
and also from Karen this beautiful Berner Angel

Berner Angel

And fun stuff from Michaela

Berner Jigsaw Bernese Cushion
Berner Jigsaw Puzzle A Wonderful Berner Cushion

And from Took along with a huge box of party stuff for Barney's coming b-day

Thai silk scarf
A Beautiful Scarf Made of Thai Silk

And from my ever practical sister, Nadine!

Muck Boots
Wonderfully warm wellies and long socks!

Thank you all for so many wonderful birthday greetings.

I had a wonderful birthday and so did the dogs!

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