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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs, Pixie, Herb and Miss Ida

Puppy's Progress!

Jaybiem Ida Dream

B-G Dog ID = 79378

From Ida - August 15th 2011

"I've been here just over two weeks now and I've been having a lovely time, though it's all been very different so it's been a lot of new things to take in. I might be a big girl but I'm still a baby! Having GrandPa Herb here is such fun, Auntie Pixie is Great though she tells me off when I do something wrong and I've even made friends with Pip the Cat now. Jean said I should tell you all about this as seems there's a lot of you out there with pups about the same age as me, I was just 5 mths old last week!"

This is me with Pip the Cat, I'd never met a cat before before I came to live here and the first few days I would try to chase her, she'd just jump up high out of my way! Jean told me not to chase her and let her come to me. Seems I am the third puppy to come into the house since she's been here but I am the biggest.

Jean showed me these pics with Simmy as a pup and even Pixie when she first came here

Simmy takes Pip for a ride! Pipsqueak meets Pixie

Well, Simmy was only five weeks old when he came to live here and Pixie was 8 wks so they were not much bigger than her and I am a big girl! Barney was much older, he was 4 yrs old and my GrandPa, Herb, was 3 yrs old when he came to live here last year.

Gramps gave me the same advice too!

"Let her come to you!!

"Ooh, that tickles!"

{short description of image}

"That's right, Ida, but she's very loving and her purr is soothing!" says Herb.

"Pip and I are now very good friends!"

"Meeting the ponies for the first time was a bit scarey, they are MUCH bigger than me!"

"Oooh! Andy just gave me a kiss on the nose and he was ever so gentle!"

"Thanks GrandPa Herb, you've really been helping me out here!"

"I love you Gramps, and honest, I didn't mean to nibble on your ear!"

{short description of image}

"Auntie Pixie is great to snooze with!"

{short description of image}

"She doesn't even mind when I wake her up 'cos I'm dreaming I'm running in the woods and get into all sort of funny positions!"

"I try my hardest to be a GOOD pup, I know I can be a bit naughty too but I am learning and I am sure keeping very busy doing the stuff I am supposed to do. The last few days we've been going up the hill and into the woods. So much to see, so much to do, I love it here!"

Jean says "A tired pup is a Happy Pup!"

"I am very tired tonight, it's been Pixie's 6th Birthday and all and it's been such a very exciting time

Hugs to all you other pups out there and wishing you the very best!

Night, Night!

PS I've only had a few "accidents" in the house since I came here and Jean says to let you know they weren't my fault, she didn't take me out at the right time. We've got it right now and I'm learning to hold it 'til we get outside too!

PPS I already learned how to "Sit" and "Stay" only took a couple of times. Jean says I am a very clever girl!

August 16th - We all have to "Sit" and "Wait" and then get the "OK" (I just learned that one) before we nose dive into our food bowls! Jean feeds us all together now and we don't try and snitch anyone else's food!

BTW! Jean has also trained me to sleep in a crate at night, I was being a bit naughty when I first arrived. First thing in the morning when I woke up before anyone else did and being a Big Girl most things even high up on shelves were not safe from me exploring! Duh! I did break a few things! No more! I am happy to sleep in my crate in Jean's bedroom, still close. She goes to bed real late at night and gets up early anyway so it's usually only a few hours and I have a comfy mat and my toys in there and Pixie and Herb on the cushions nearby! When she wakes up in the morning she lets me out and we all jump on the bed with her!

August 17th - Here I am in my crate, this is only posing for the pic but Jean says it's where I should have been earlier this afternoon!


Caught in the Act! - See my 1st Video!


(This is only a tiny clip as Jean thought she was taking a photo and didn't realise the camera was set to movie)

Charles is watching the clip and thinks it's kind of funny though very naughty and that I am very agile!


August 18th - "So that's who's been sleeping in MY chair!" says Jean

Oh, No! I got Caught in tha Act again! I'd better be VERY GOOD tomorrow!

*Next Page - Kelvin, Royce and Royce's Mum visit*

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