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Happy Birthday to Jean!

12th March 2002 belated pics from the party!
Birthday actual 5th March, party belated 9th March, pics now!
And, yes, is Jeannie Human, birthday, but we dogs enjoyed too!
But first a very special birthday greeting all the way from Russia,

Very special Siberian Tabby says "Happy Birthday!"

Syoma, you are so beautiful, many thanks!
<click here> for more Syoma pics.

Meanwhile, back in the UK where the party is happening!

Berner caught in the act!

"Oh No! Caught in the act!" says Simmy,
"Everyone had disappeared and left all the food on the table!"

Berner and dog with senile dementia

"Well! Ken and Ian and Perry were next door watching the football.
Hmm! Geriatrics together, where is everybody else?"

Matt joins the party!

Matt appears from Cottage in the Woods!
"Hands up, I am not a burglar!"
"Hah. He snuck a packet of crisps, I saw him!"

{short description of image}

"Oh, Sunny has found the party and brought 'em in to where it's all happening!"
"Phew! And I was guarding Kitchen Door!
And everyone else snuck in!"

Back in charge!

"I am back in charge!"
"The Party is going really well!"

BMD swings the Blues!

"Cool Blues! This party is swinging to Jean's Birthday CD!"
"Let's Dance!"

Perry to bed?

"Been Keeping my eye on Perry! Think he needs to go to bed, he's slipped off his cushion! Or maybe go outside!"

Let's Dance!

"Come on, Mar!, I've been a good boy all night, please, come and dance with me!"

Great party, we all had fun! Somewhere in the beginning and middle of it all we had visit from Cousin Angela, her birthday the 10th, and Ian and Bobby Blue, standard poodle, and not a single picture with them on!

Take that back, Pic of Ian watching the football match with Ken!
Searched me camera index, camera shy! For Bobby Blue pic on my Friend's Gallery, <click here>

And did you see? Standard Poodle took Crufts last night!
And came over very strong despite the Poncy Lion Hairdo!

Next year a Berner! Way to go Simbo!

All love Us All

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