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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs

Sunny, Sim & Barney in the Snow!

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Snow here at Longlease overnight!

The dogs went crazy in the meadow!

Just chasing around and so much fun!

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Hah! There's Sunny!

Good sniff under there!

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Simbo is loving this white stuff!

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Here comes Barney!

Let's romp again!!

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OK! We are supposed to sit and pose!

Make it quick this white stuff is melting!

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And, Oh Boy!

What's that over there???

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Yes, Folks!

The Christmas Tree is still on the balcony!!

Jean's excuse, has been too wet and windy and dangerous to take it down!

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We don't care!

Home and dry again and not too muddy!

Jean is not too happy, we have another power cut!!!

LOL We'll keep her warm!

*Next Page - More Snow*

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