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Changing Breeds Card List

The following is a list of various cards from all sets of Rage new and old focused on the Changing Breeds. I know that the main guys are the Garou, but hey, it's good to have the other guys working with you too!

Credit goes to Little Bear since I got sick of looking at my cards and typing, however, I've omitted and added a few things of my own. If you want more info, check out Little Bear's site at: Little Bear's Lore

Anyways, let's get onto the list!

Atahualpa "Blood of the Incas"
Renown: 6
Breed: Balam Bastet
Gender: Female
Aspect: Defiler
Feline Rage: 3
Battle Rage: 9
Feline Gnosis: 6
Battle Gnosis: 4
Feline Health: 4
Battle Health: 6
Atahualpa cannot withdraw from combat or play escape cards until after the 4th round of combat. She can still use Bastet Gifts.
Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: Richard Case

Black Claw
Renown: 10
Breed: Balam Bastet
Gender: Male
Pryio: ?
Feline Rage: 5
Crinos Rage: 9
Feline Gnosis: 4
Crinos Gnosis: 4
Feline Health: 5
Crinos Health: 10
Black Claw is practised in many mystical Rites. As his alpha action he may double his Gnosis for the purposes of using Gifts or Equipment. This doubling lasts until the beginning of the next Combat Phase.
Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: LA Williams

Renown: 1
Breed: Balam Bastet
Gender: Male
Pryio: ?
Feline Rage: 1
Crinos Rage: 2
Feline Gnosis: 1
Crinos Gnosis: 1
Feline Health: 1
Crinos Health: 2
Eager to prove himself, Frenar can switch places with his pack alpha if that alpha is attacked.
Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: Richard Case

Renown: 7
Breed: Balam Bastet
Gender: Male
Pryio: ?
Feline Rage: 3
Crinos Rage: 8
Feline Gnosis: 5
Crinos Gnosis: 5
Feline Health: 3
Crinos Health: 9
Markat will not under any circumstances join a pack with Get of Fenris, Shadow Lords, or Silver Fangs. Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: Ron Spencer

Renown: 4
Breed: Bagheera Bastet
Gender: Male
Pryio: ?
Homid Rage: 1
Crinos Rage: 3
Homid Gnosis: 5
Crinos Gnosis: 5
Homid Health: 1
Crinos Health: 5
Shakar is of the Bagheera (panther) tribe of the Bastet (werecats). He can use Theurge and Philodox Gifts.
Set: Unlimited/Limited
Artist: LA Williams

Renown: 5
Breed: Balam Bastet
Gender: Female
Pryio: ?
Homid Rage: 2
Crinos Rage: 5
Homid Gnosis: 4
Crinos Gnosis: 4
Homid Health: 2
Crinos Health: 5
Svajda possesses a distracting beauty. Once per game she may end any attack against her before any Combat Actions are played. This action will revert her to Homid form.
Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: LA Williams

Breath of Fire
Renown: 9
Breed: Mokol'e-mbembe
Gender: Male
Auspice: The Rising Sun "Strike"
Suchid Rage: 4
Archid Rage: 7
Suchid Gnosis: 7
Archid Gnosis: 7
Suchid Health: 5
Archid Health: 8
At the beginning of each combat, Breath of Fire has the option of doing aggravated damage. If he chooses to do so, he must randomly discard 2 Combat cards. Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: Ron Spencer

Juki, "Sun Halo"
Renown: 2
Breed: Mokol'e-mbembe
Gender: Male
Auspice: Noonday Sun "Shadowless"
Homid Rage: 1
Archid Rage: 1
Homid Gnosis: 3
Archid Gnosis: 3
Homid Health: 1
Archid Health: 2
Wyrm creatures in combat against Juki act at -1 Rage.
Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: William O'Connor

Roars Like Thunder
Renown: 6
Breed: Mokol'e-mbembe
Gender: Female
Auspice: The Rising Sun "Strike"
Homid Rage: 2
Archid Rage: 5
Homid Gnosis: 5
Archid Gnosis: 5
Homid Health: 3
Archid Health: 5
When in Archid form, Roars Like Thunder's challenges cannot be refused. She may escape any combat after the 4th round.
Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: Rebecca Guay

Rytti, "Horned Thunder"
Renown: 5
Breed: Mokol'e-mbembe
Gender: Male
Auspice: The Rising Sun "Strike"
Suchid Rage: 2
Archid Rage: 5
Suchid Gnosis: 2
Archid Gnosis: 2
Suchid Health: 3
Archid Health: 5
On the combat round following Rytti's transformation into Archid form, he may play 2 Combat Actions instead of 1.
Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: Brian LeBlanc

Renown: 6
Breed: Ratkin
Gender: Male
Auspice: Knife Skulker
Metis Rage: 6
Metis Gnosis: 5
Metis Health: 5
Allamande is a Knife Skulker of the Ratkin (wererats) and is a master of stealth. When Allamande is alpha, his challenges cannot be refused.
Set: Unlimited/Limited
Artist: Anson Maddocks

Renown: 6
Breed: Ananasi
Gender: Female
Aspect: Defiler Hatar
Homid Rage: 3
Pithus Rage: 7
Homid Gnosis: 6
Pithus Gnosis: 6
Homid Health: 4
Pithus Health: 5
Amelia is a Hatar, a Goblin Spider. Hatars are Wyrm-ridden offshoots of the Ananasi, werespiders. Amelia can use Ragabash, Shadow Lord, and Black Spiral Gifts.
Set: Wyrm
Artist: Brian LeBlanc

Renown: 8
Breed: Gurahl
Gender: Female
Auspice: Rishi
Ursine Rage: 3
Crinos Rage: 6
Ursine Gnosis: 6
Crinos Gnosis: 6
Ursine Health: 6
Crinos Health: 10
Aurgra is a Gurahl (werebear). She can use Gifts of any auspice except Theurge.
Set: Unlimited/Limited
Artist: Brian LeBlanc
Note: At the time, the Gural breedbook wasn't even published, so Aurgra's auspice read Philodox, while we know that Rishi is the correct term.

Renown: 5
Breed: Nuwisha
Gender: Female
Auspice: Ragabash
Homid Rage: 2
Manabozho Rage: 4
Homid Gnosis: 5
Manabozho Gnosis: 5
Homid Health: 3
Manabozho Health: 6
When alpha, and in the Umbra, Laughs-at-Death must be challenged by those who wish to attack her. She has the option of declining. Laughs can use any Ragabash or Uktena Gifts. Laughs cannot frenzy.
Set: Umbra
Artist: John Matson

Renown: 7
Breed: Rokea
Gender: Male
Aspect: Beast-of-War
Homid Rage: 5
Crinos Rage: 8
Homid Gnosis: 3
Crinos Gnosis: 3
Homid Health: 5
Crinos Health: 9
Corrupted by greed and powerlust, this wereshark now serves the Wyrm. When in combat, Morgan may enter a frenzy during any round in which he and his opponent both took 3 or more points of damage.
Set: Wyrm
Artist: Barbara Armata

Petrov Tzarovitch
Renown: 7
Breed: Corax
Gender: Male
Homid Rage: 2
Crinos Rage: 5
Homid Gnosis: 6
Crinos Gnosis: 6
Homid Health: 5
Crinos Health: 8
When in the Umbra, Petrov can escape from any combat he is in after the third round. Petrov can use Ragabash, Theurge, and Silent Strider Gifts.
Set: Umbra
Artist: Brian LeBlanc

Dreamweaver Kitsune
Artwork by Drew Tucker. Type: Ally
Renown: 6
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 5
Health: 5
Breed: Kitsune
A master of illusion, the Kitsune (werefox) may replace his pack alpha at the beginning of any combat before Combat Actions are played. The Dreamweaver Kitsune may use Ragabash Gifts.
Set: Legacy of the Tribes
Artist: Drew Tucker

Deranged Mokolé
Artwork by Brian LeBlanc. Type: Enemy
Renown: 8
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 2
Health: 8
Breed: Mokolé
Deranged and corrupted, the Mokolé (Werecrocodile) now serves the Wyrm. Any Rage 1 damage cards from the Mokolé are aggravated damage.
Set: Unlimited/Limited
Artist: Brian LeBlanc

Outcast Bastet
Artwork by Dennis Calero. Type: Victim
Renown: 6
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 4
Health: 5
Breed: Balam Bastet
Outcast from her tribe, this Bastet now lives on the run. After three turns in the Hunting Grounds, she will join a Gaia pack, selected at random, as an ally. If the pack she intends to join has Bastet characters in it, remove this victim from play. The Outcast can use Bastet and Ragabash Gifts.
Set: War of the Amazon
Artist: Dennis Calero

High Squeal
Renown: 2
Breed: Corax
Gender: Female
Corvid Rage: 1
Crinos Rage: 4
Corvid Gnosis: 5
Crinos Gnosis: 5
Corvid Health: 1
Crinos Health: 3
Main: Move a target Equipment in your pack to another legal target in your pack.
Main: Discard a Sept card and draw a Sept card. You cannot use both of these events in the same turn. Sustained Rage: 1
Set: Rage Across Las Vegas Phase 6
Artist: Clint Langley
Note: If there's one thing I hate about FRPG's Rage is the fact they seemed REALLY lazy in researching their subject.
High Squeal is a Ragabash....the Corax book was published way before the cards came out: Couldn't you guys read the part where it says that Corax are children of the Sun and have no frickin' auspices!!

Renown: 3
Breed: Qualmi Bastet
Gender: Female
Pryio: ?
Feline Rage: 2
Crinos Rage: 5
Breed Gnosis: 3
Crinos Gnosis: 3
Breed Health: 1
Crinos Health: 3
May use Philodox or Galliard Gifts.
Pre-Combat Event (Out): Discard a Gift from Minke. Target combatant must name the first combat action that she will play in the first round of combat. If that card is not legal to play at that time, she must pass.
Set: Rage Across Las Vegas Phase 3
Artist: Ron Spencer

Renown: 2
Breed: Gurahl
Gender: Male
Auspice: Rishi
Ursine Rage: 3
Crinos Rage: 6
Ursine Gnosis: 3
Crinos Gnosis: 3
Ursine Health: 3
Crinos Health: 6
Main: Rronuhn gains 1 wound. Place target Combat card from your discard pile on top of your deck.
"It was a hairy bear..."
" was a scary bear!"
Set: Rage Across Las Vegas Phase 1
Artist: Brian LeBlanc
Note: Again FRPG has research problems, as Rronuhn is printed as a Philodox instead of a Rishi. I excuse White Wolf's version because the Gurahl book wasn't even printed at that time. Come on FRPG, at least read one of the god-blasted books!!

Renown: 4
Breed: Corax
Gender: Female
Homid Rage: 3
Crinos Rage: 6
Homid Gnosis: 5
Crinos Gnosis: 5
Homid Health: 2
Crinos Health: 4
Sheryl can defend any Battlefield you control, even if she is you alpha.
Main: Discard a Sept card to allow Sheryl to vote on Moots this turn.
"Follow me; I show you..."
"...Perform the Rite here."
Set: Rage Across Las Vegas Phase Equinox
Artist: Ron Spencer
Note: Sigh...Sheryl is a Galliard...when Corax don't have auspices. FRPG, you had time to actually correct this problem when it showed up in Phase 6, seeing Sheryl shows your lack of research yet again.

Trixie Hill
Renown: 2
Breed: Nuwisha
Gender: Female
Auspice: Ragabash
Breed Rage: 2
Battle Rage: 4
Breed Gnosis: 4
Battle Gnosis: 4
Breed Health: 1
Battle Health: 4
Main: Target player must discard an extra Sept card for his Garou to shift to Crinos form this turn.
Sustained Rage 1.
Set: Rage Across Las Vegas Phase 2
Artist: Andrew Bates

Black Beak
Type: Ally
Renown: 5
Rage: 6
Gnosis: 5
Health: 3
Breed: Corax
Your alpha discards one less card than usual when entering or exiting the Umbra.
Pre-Combat (Out): Black Beak takes 1 wound. Look at three random cards from an opponents Combat hand.
Set: Rage Across Las Vegas Phase 4
Artist: Andrew Bates

