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Total: 10

Awww....He's giving him a hug. Artwork by Brian LeBlanc.

  • Ashen Taylor -Foil
  • Daniel Coleman -Foil
  • Kathy Williams -Foil
  • Acid Bane -Rare
  • Darmoth Moorswalker -Rare
  • Fang of the Far-Sighted -Rare
  • Kimmie the Blackjack Dealer -Rare
  • Lady Canvas -Rare
  • Sword of William Wallace -Rare
  • Steven Altmeyer -Uncommon

    Have up for Trade

    Rare total: 3
    Uncommon total: 8
    Common total: 24
    Fixed total: 0
    Decks: 0

  • Jackie Keaton -Rare
  • Sings-for-the-Beast -Rare
  • Unbalance -Rare
  • Backpedal -Uncommon
  • Blanket of Peaceful Dreams -Uncommon
  • Death Dust -Uncommon
  • Instinctive Backlash -Uncommon
  • King of the Clurichaun -Uncommon
  • Talons of the Falcon -Uncommon
  • Torc of Wisdom -Uncommon
  • Wisdom of the Spirits -Uncommon
  • Balefire Elemntal -Common
  • Black Furies Tattoo -Common
  • Cheap Kitchen Knife -Common
  • Children of Gaia Tattoo -Common
  • Chimera -Common
  • Closing the Moon Bridges -Common
  • Cub's Roar -Common
  • Cleaning up the 'Rok -Common
  • Deflect the Blow -Common
  • Directing the Soul -Common
  • Elvis Impersonator -Common
  • Fianna Tattoo -Common
  • Forceful Wind -Common
  • Formal Challenge -Common
  • Gaia's Best -Common
  • Going Underground -Common
  • Haymaker -Common
  • Kidneys of Steel -Common
  • Knowledge of the Wind -Common
  • Rite of the Opened Sky -Common
  • Skull Pig -Common
  • Stag -Common

