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FRPG's Reprint list

The following is a simple list of White Wolf's Rage cards that got reprinted in FRPG's Rage. Despite having certain artists listed in their credits like Tony Diterlizzi, none did any new artwork for FRPG. Also because other people's White Wolf and FRPG Rage card lists have the same names, don't go thinking all of them are reprints. Even with the same card title, new or old artists published new artwork for FRPG to go with these cards. I will try to add images of the reprinted cards later on to show them (often they have differences in the lighting). I don't have all the cards from Phase 6 and Equinox yet, so if you see there was a reprinted artwork in FRPG that I don't know about: e-mail me about it.

Here we go then:

Phase 1

Brain Horton
Friede Counts-the-Scalps
(Reprint of Friede Counts-the-Scalps from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
William O’ Connor
(Reprint of Dreams-of-Wonder from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Scott M. Fischer
All-Out Assault!
(Reprint of There You Are!!! from the Wyrm Set)
Alex Sheikman
Counting Coup
(Reprint of Entrapment from the Limited Set and Surprise Attack from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Lawrence Snelly
Counting Coup
(Reprint of Entrapment from the Limited Set and Surprise Attack from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Ron States
Naturae Boon
(Reprint of Naturae Boon from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
(Reprint of Hogling from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
James Daly
Ditch Fight
(Reprint of Ritual Challenge from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Curse of Hatred
(Reprint of Curse of Hatred from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
John Bridges
Silver Record
(Reprint of Silver Record from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Strip of Standing
(Reprint of Beta Status from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
LA Williams
Glib Tongue
(Reprint of Glib Tongue from the Unlimited/Limited)

Phase 2

Brian LeBlanc
Root Beer Charlie
(Reprint of Root Beer Charlie from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Rat’s Dagger
(Reprint of Fang Dagger from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Kangaroo Leap
(Reprint of Leap of the Kangaroo from the War of the Amazon Set)
Gaia’s Vengeance
(Reprint of Gaia's Vengeance from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
William O’ Connor
(Reprint of Fireclaw from the Umbra Set)
Steve Prescott
Yuletide Rite
(Reprint of Rampage from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Scott M. Fischer
Pipe Bomb
(Reprint of Pipe Bomb from the Wyrm Set)
John Bridges
Crick Rumwrangler
(Reprint of Crick Rumwrangler from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Andrew Bates
Tribal War
(Reprint of Firebrand from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Ron Spencer
(Reprint of Howls-like-Thunder from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Tony Diterlizzi
The Drinking Song
(Reprint of Drunken Revelry from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
John Matson
Wolf Spirit
(Reprint of Wolf Kinfolk from the Unlimited/Limited Set)

Phase 3

Brian Le Blanc
Rite of Ostracism
(Reprint of Saving Face from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Wyrm Hunt
(Reprint of Scourging the Wyrm from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
(Reprint of Defiler from the Wyrm Set)
Alex Sheikman
Tribal Peace
(Reprint of Tribal Alliance from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Lawrence Snelly
Natasha Moon Chaser
(Reprint of Natasha Moon Chaser from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Tribal Peace
(Reprint of Tribal Alliance from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Beast Mind
(Reprint of Beastmind from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Lost in the Woods
(Reprint of Lost in the Jungle from the War of the Amazon Set)
LA Williams
Nadia Wyrmfoe
(Reprint of Nadia Wyrmfoe from the Umbra Set)
Jason Felix
Natasha Moon Chaser
(Reprint of Natasha Moon Chaser from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Ron Spencer
(Reprint of Corinna from the Wyrm Set)
Ian Miller
Strip of Confidence
(Reprint of Renown Admonishment from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Matt Haley
Beast Mind
(Reprint of Beastmind from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Tom Simmons
Beast Mind
(Reprint of Beastmind from the Unlimited/Limited Set)

Phase 4

Shea Anton Pensa
Balance of Power
(Reprint of Balance of Gaia from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Lee M. Fields
(Reprint of Burrow from the Unlimited/Limited Set)

Phase 5

Brian Le Blanc
Heart of Fury
(Reprint of Battle Fervor from the War of the Amazon Set)
Ron States
Surprise Lunge
(Reprint of Fast Strike from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Richard Kane Ferguson
Song of the Seasons
(Reprint of Battle Song from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Spellbinding Oration
(Reprint of Geas from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Stuart P. Beel
Block and Strike
(Reprint of Block and Strike from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Steve Casper
Trust of Gaia
(Reprint of Gaia's Favored Messenger from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)

Phase 6

Scott M. Fischer
Call of the Wyrm
(Reprint of Subjugation of Gaia from the Wyrm set)

Phase Equinox

Quinton Hoover
(Reprint of Virus-to-Wyrm from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Balor's Gaze
(Reprint of Balor's Gaze from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
John Cobb
(Reprint of Sings-for-the-Beast from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Joshua Gabriel Timbrook
Banana Split
(Reprint of Banana Split from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Barb Armata
(Reprint of Tracker-by-Moonlight from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Richard Thomas
Metis to Society
(Reprint of Praise the Malformed from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
John Matson
(Reprint of Chimera from the Unlimited/Limited Set)
Omaha Perez
Wisdom of the Seer
(Reprint of Higher Calling from the Legacy of the Tribes Set)
Richard Kane Ferguson
(Reprint of Sofya Softkiller’s Homid form and Rainpuddle’s Crinos form from Unlimited/Limited Set)

