Age: 14(beginning of Sailor Moon) 16 (end of Sailor Stars)
Birthday: April 17, 1978
Zodiac sign: Aries
Blood type: AB
Hair style and color: Black, straight down-flowing
Fav. color: Red, Black
Fav. food: Puffer fish
Least fav. food: Asparagus
Fav. subject: Ancient Literature
Least fav. subject: Modern Social Studies
Fav. gemstone: Ruby
Hobbies: Meditating, feeding crows
Strong pionts: Fire reading
Has trouble with: Grandfather, T.V., boys.
Dream: Becoming a singer, Dancer, Song writer, wife, to fall in love, etc.
Came in: Rei was the third scout. Rei and Serena are always fighting, but this shows how good of friends the really are. Rei's parents died when she was young, leaving her with her Grandfather at Cherry Hills Temple. She never thought Serena was the leader type and thought she should be leader, but that changed when Serena proved herself. Rei has a thing for Chad, but doesn't say anything 'til Chad plans on leaving. Rei appears to be mean on the outside, but on the inside, she really cares for people, especially Serena.