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(This is for your entertainment. Raye made all this stuff up, along with some of my visitors, but you have to admit that some of them are pretty funny.)

-hey anyone got $20? if ya do, i'll tell you everything about your future!!

-i just loooooove cockroaches. *eats one* Yummy!

(submitted by squee. THANX!)

-"WHAT! The cowboys are losing the Superbowl....TIME STOP!"

-"Hey, like my pet cockroach?"

-"First green, next...purple."

-"Why do you always ask me to tell you the weather! Look outside if you really want to know!"

-"Music class is the only reason I go to school."

(the above ones have been submitted by Puffball. THANX!)


-You can't travel through time.

-Only I can. HA HA HA!

-I can kill that Sailor scum for you Beryl.

-Anybody wanna know their future?


-Travel through time! Only $10!

-Oops, lost my time key.

-Oops, lost Rini in the time warp.

-What's the Negaverse?

-I'm so popular!


-My hair is a result of too much time in the 90's.

-I love Rap!

-So I got a DWI last night, big deal!

-Why am I getting sued by MADD? (refer to above statement)

-Ha! You can't hurt me! I'm a Sailor Scout!

-I am immortal and you're not!

-I've died more times than you!

-I'm so tall!

-Time to snoop around in the future!

-Darien is soooooo hot!

-But not as hot as Haruka!

-Forbidden? HA!!! I laugh at the word!

-Rules shmules.

-Haruka is so hot!

-I’m yuri! Just kidding!!

-Tea? What is tea?!

-What’s with you? Year round PMS?

-Oh my darling Heero…wait…wrong tv show!

-Hey Small Lady! I am now helping Shaggy with his new cd!!! AHHH!

-Now that I’m am the ruler of the world I would now want to take over your minds….Is that ok with you? ::looks around::

-Roses are red, Small Lady is pink, Hotaru is really a guy, and EWWWWWWWWWW YOU STINK!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Hey look! In the sky! ::person looks to sky and Pluto hits the person on the head with her rod:: Oops…I didn’t do anything….IT WAS RAYE I SWEAR IT!

-The thing did this thing and it ate this thing and it went to this thing and the snickers were good..and the thing did the thing…. ::Uranus yells at her to shut up::

-Guess what? CHICKEN BUTT!!!

-Let’s all play playstation! Then..when we’re done with it! We destroy it!

-Don’t you think Chad is hot?



-I can't stop smoking weed!

-Sew? I've never used a sewing machine in my LIFE!!!

-Oops. I farted.

-Guess what?! I’m pregnant!