Chapter 1
Sailor Mars and Pluto meets CardCaptor Sakura
~At Rei’s temple~
Setsuna: I thank you for inviting me for tea.
Rei: Hey anytime Setsuna…you don’t really visit here often do you?
Setsuna: No I don’t…I’m so busy with the time gate lately.
Rei: ::nods:: Do you want to go shopping? I heard they were having a really great sale today.
Setsuna: Sure! ::puts her tea cup down genteelly:: Let’s go!
~At Sakura’s house~
Tomoya: Hey Sakura! Maybe we should go to the mall today!
Sakura: Sure! I’m always up for that! What are you looking for Tomoya?
Tomoya: I hear a new shop opened today and that there’s a major sale over at the clothing store.
Sakura: Ok but let’s bring Kero just in case.
Tomoya: ::laughs:: She said case not cake…silly Kero.
Sakura: Ok! Let’s get going!
Kero: Will you buy me some cake?
Sakura: ::anime sweat drop:: ok fine I’ll get you some. But you have to stay in the backpack again..
Kero: Darn…ok
::they leave::
~At mall~
Rei: Wow! A new store opened up too!
Trista: Cool!
Rei: ::stands still:: …….
Trista: What? What is it Rei? I haven’t seen that look sense evil came apon this world…you stopped it when it left.
Rei: A…new kind of evil energy is around here.
Sakura: And then Yuki would… ::bumps into Rei::
Tomoya: ::bumps into Sakura::
Rei: ::bumps into Setsuna::
Setsuna: ::falls on the ground with everyone on top of her:: Was this your evil energy you were talking about Rei? ::looks a little bit mad and annoyed::
Rei: Shut up…
::they all get off of Setsuna::
Sakura: ::bows down quickly:: I’m so sorry about that…
Rei: ::smiles:: Hey it’s ok really…just try to watch where you’re going next time ok? ::winks::
Tomoya: ::smiles:: so what’s your name?
Setsuna: My name is Setsuna…and yours?
Tomoya: Tomoya…nice to meet you!
Rei: Where are your parents?
Setsuna: Yeah…shouldn’t they be with you?
Sakura: My brother who took us ran off to look at something.
Rei: wait…hold it…you have a brother?
Tomoya: Yeah she does and he knows all about ghosts and stuff and even talks to spirits!
Setsuna: Wow! Sounds like a guy version of Rei here…
Rei: You guys want to come with us and we could meet your brother in a few minutes?
Sakura: Sure! I would love to!
Tomoya: Didn’t your father tell you not to talk to strangers?
Sakura: ::wispering:: I feel a really weird force about them
Tomoya: ::wispering:: A clow card?
Sakura: No…something else….