Note: I don't care if you take these sound files for your own website, but please give me credit because I did work hard to create these.
Harry and Other's Talking
Harry Explaining that He's a Construct
Harry Yelling For Melfina to Open the Door
Ron and Harry Talking
Harry Trying to Abduct Melfina
Harry has Hacked into the Outlaw Star Computer System
Harry Trying to Rescue Melfina
Harry About to Die
Harry Walking Around Almost Dead
Harry is now the Main Frame Computer for the Shang Grilai
Ron just Destroyed Hilda's Ship
Space Race is about to Begin
Gene being mean to Harry
Leo and Harry Talking
Leo, Terry, and Harry Talking
Leo, Terry, and Leo Talking Yet Again
Harry's Plan has Been Figured Out
Harry Trying to Hack into the Outlaw Star Computer Again
Harry Crying Out Loud
Harry Telling Melfina that He's there to Pick Her Up
Ron and Harry Talking Once Again
Harry Quotes
We can get everyone else, isn't that right?
Will you sing that song agian? Sing it for me.
You're a dead man Gene. Melfina is now mine.
Gene, where the heck did you go? Show your face!
I like it when you compare me to her, Professor.
Everything is okay Ron, I can see the path. It's getting clear, and I can see her at the end of it!
At last! I found you Melfina!
It feels great. I'm lighter on my feet, then I was in my real body.
Melfina, it okay. Come with me. I will never let you be lonely again.
You don't have to do anything, just having you near is enough for me. Don't you understand? I love you.
You better watch what your saying Mister! I'm the only man in Melfina's life, so you better back off!!
Melfina! Poor angel, there's a protection program around her. I'll just have to delete the whole thing.
Why didn't you open the door for me? I came here because of you, couldn't you have a least show a little gratitude?
Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. I got caught in an Ether Current Storm on my way over to the race.
So finishing above fourth is a sure thing, but why is my heart pounding like this?
You thought the El Derado was just an ordinary crusier didn't ya?
I'll blow them to smitherings! I blow them to smitherings! I blow them to smitherings!!
Got ya! Die! Die! Die! You die!