Yamazaki Takashi
Name: Yamazaki Takashi
English Name: Zachary
Age: 10
Birthday: June 1
Blood Type: AB
School: Tomoeda Elementary
Dubbed School: Readington Elementary
Beginning: 4th
Ending: 6th
Favorite Subjects: Mathematics
Least Favorite Subject: None
Activities: Computer Club
Favorite Colors: Dark Red, Pale Orange
Favorite Flower: Freesia
Favorite Foods: "Suama" (Fish)
Least Favorite Food: Pudding
Favorite Recipe: Sushi
Wish List: Raguko story book
Personality: Happy, Kind, Outspoken, Inventive
Family Members:
People He Likes: Daidouji Tomoyo, Kinomoto Sakura, Yanagisawa Naoko, Sasaki Rika, Mihara Chiharu, Li Syaoran, Hiiragizawa Eriol
Special Abilities: Lie and tell stories really well
Japanese Seiyuu: Miyazaki Issei
English Voice Actor:

Yamazaki Takashi is one of Sakura's school mates. They're not that close, but they do hang out once in a group with Chiharu, Rika, and Naoko. He loves telling stories on different topics. They can be talking about anything in the world and Takashi will have a story on the ancient hhistory or use of whatever the topic is. Most of his friends believe him except for Chiharu who is the one that stops his stories before they get out of hand. His best audience is Kinomoto Sakura and Li Syaoran since both are very gullible.

No one can beat him at telling stories but one person does match him. Hiiragizawa Eriol is quite a good story teller himself and when the two get together, everyone better watch out. Takashi has his own theme music too. If you listen closely, you can hear the distinctive background music play each time he is getting ready to tell another tale.

Despite all the false tales he likes to tell, he's actually quite smart and he's in the computer club and he's student council president.

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