Sailor Moon to Sailor Stars
The Cats
Luna: Dark Purple Cat
Artermis: White Cat
Diana: Lavender Cat
Luna and Aremis were cats from the days of Silver Millienum. When the Moon Kingdon fell, they were put into stasis and sent to Earth where they were to reawakened to restore the memories of the Sailor Senshi if evil ever returned to Earth. Artemis appeared to Sailor Venus or Aino Minako in the Sailor V manga. She became Sailor V and later joined the team as Sailor Venus. Luna appearred to Tsukino Usagi in Sailor Moon manga and anime and they later met the famous Sailor V from England. Diana is their daughter from the future, the same time when Chibiusa is from. She is Chibiusa's cat and best friend and replaces Luna P ball in Sailor Moon SuperS and Sailor Stars.

Sailor Moon SuperS

Helios was the guardian of the land of dreams, Elysion on Earth. Pegasus is his winged unicorn form. The golden horn on his head is the Golden Crystal. He appears in Sailor Moon SuperS and gave the Twinkle Bell to Chibiusa. Chibiusa had a crush on him all throughout the series but never really told him. They did kiss once however in her dreams. During Sailor Moon SuperS, he gave the power to Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon to become Super. The other Senshis looked within themselves for their own power after realizing how important their dreams were. They helped each other out alot in battle. He left in the end of the series to go back to Elysion, making Chibiusa very sad.

Sailor Stars
Sailor Chibi Chibi
Chibi Chibi appeared to Usagi after she floated out of the sky with her litle pink umbrella. She approxiamtely foour years old and says nothing but "Chibi Chibi" or repeats what someone said just before her. She followed Usagi but disappearred whn Usagi looked for the police. She later appearred at Usagi's house much like Chibusa. She later became known as Usagi's "little sister." Except Seiya thought she looked too much like Usagi and thought she could have passed for a daughter. The other senshi thougt Chibi Chibi could have been the second child of Usagi and Mamoru but Setsuna, or Pluto said they only had one child and that was Chibiusa. We found out later Chibi Chibi could turn into a Sailor Senshi and that she was actually Sailor Galaxia's star seed. She was the Light of Hope that Princess Kakyuu was searching for.

Princess Kakyuu (Fireball)

Her name translates into Fireball and she was ruler of her planet. The planet's name is a play on the word "olive" because she is always surroundded by the scent of olives and incense. I'll find the name later for you. Her home planet was destroyed by Sailor Galaxia in her search for star seeds and she came to Earth to search for the Light Of Hope. She thought Sailor Moon could help her. Her Sailor Senshi was the three Sailor Starlight, the other remaining survivors of the destruction of her planet. She is also a Sailor Senshi and only shown transforming in the manga. However, Princess Fireball didn't last long. Sailor Galaxia attacked Princess Fireball, and eventually took Fireball's star seed. Sailor Chibi Chibi tried to rescue her, and as she held Fireball's hand, Fireball said, "A warm feeling." Then Princess Fireball died. She came back to life when Sailor Moon turned Galaxia good and Galaxia returned all the star seeds. Fireball left the earth with Sailor Star Fighter, Maker, and Healer.
In the manga, Princess Fireball transformed into a Sailor when Sailor Star Fighter, Maker, and Healer were killed. Princess Fireball was killed shortly after that, but Sailor Moon got so angry she killed the one who killed Princess Fireball.

Sailor Moon
Queen Beryl And Metallia
Metallia is known as the Negaverse in the dub and she is the ruler of it. She is shown as a large glowing ball of energy that Beryl obeys. Beryl was in love with Prince Endymion of Earth and it was her jealousy that caused the downfall of the Silver Millienum. Queen Serenity used the Silver Imperium Crystal to lock Beryl away and died for it. Beryl returned and was the first enemy in Sailor Moon.

Four Generals: Jedeite, Nephlyte, Zoisite, Kunzite
The five generals were really the Earth protector from Prince Endymion's court. They became good in the manga and serve Mamoru again but in the anime, they all just died. They were all in love with the Inner Senshis before but Beryl convinced them to turn on Prince Endymion. Each died at the hands of the Sailor Senshi in that order. Only Nephylt turned good because he cared for Naru (Molly) but he was murdered by Zoisite in the end.

Sailor Moon R
Ail, Ann And The Makaiju
Ail and Ann were aliens from a distant galaxy. They appearred in the beginning of Sailor Moon R Part 1. Ail and Ann were lovers but each one developed a crush on Usagi or Mamoru. They lived with the Makaiju but it was known as the Tree of Life a long time ago. Their kind got their sustenence from the Makaiju so when the Makaiju was weak, so were they. The Makaiju was healed by Sailor Moon and the three left Earth to restart their lives.

Black Moon Kingdom and Wiseman
Wiseman wanted to rule over Earth and he tricked the Black Moon Kingdom to work for him. Prince Demando and Prince Sapphir were banished to the distant tenth planet Nemesis after refusing to cooperate with the peace Crystal Tokyo offered. They returned and they took that over so Chibiusa or Small Lady went back to the past to find the legendary Sailor Moon and Silver Imperium crystal because the one in her time was missing. Wiseman was defeated by the power of two Silver Imperium crystals, Sailor Moon's and the one from the future in the hands of Chibiusa.

Prince Demando
Prince Demando wanted to take revenge on the people of Crystal Toyko for banishing them to Nemesis but when he tried, he fell in love with Neo-Queen Serenity, Usagi's future self. He went back in time when Neo-Queen Serenity rejected her to try to win Sailor Moon.

Prince Sapphir
Prince Sapphir discovered Wiseman's evil intentions and tried to warn his older brother but he didn't believe him. Sapphir remebered the orignal plan and how what they were doing what not what he and his brother wanted. They never wanted to take over the past, but wanted to go back and live with the others on earth in peace. He tried to stop Wiseman but stealing a disk that controlled a power source but Wiseman killed him.

Four Sisters: Coonan, Berchue, Petz, Avary
Each of the four sister were like the four Inner Sailor Senshis, exclusing Sailor Moon. Their powers match and they were about the same strength. Each one was orginally evil but one by one, they saw what they were doing was wrong especially after Rubeus tried to kill them to defeat the Sailor Senshis. With the Senshis's help, they all became happy citizens of Toyko. Petz was in love with Saffir and they met agin when he traveled back to the past injured. She knew he died when Wiseman killed him because she had a sepcial link.

Rubeus and Esmeraude
Two more of the Black Moon family. Rubeus was the first person sent to deal with Sailor Moon but he kept failing. He died when he kidnapped Chibiusa and took her and Sailor Moon aboard a spaceship. He was fighting Sailor Moon when Chibiusa messed with his ship, causing it to crash. When the ship was failing, Esmeraude came to gloat before leaving him to die. Esmeraude took over and she was in love with Prince Demando and hated Sailor Moon for being the onject of his affection. She was killed as well when Sailor Moon and the Senshis defeated her in Crystal Tokyo.

Black Lady
Black Lady is really Chibiusa. Wiseman corrupted her memories, making her think that her parents hated her and that no one loved her. Using his magic, he made her grow up to become Black Lady. She still used Luna P as her weapon and  it was by Sailor Moon's love that brought Chibiusa back.

Sailor Moon S
Professor Tomoe
Professor Tomoe is the father of Tomoe Hotaru or Sailor Saturn. When Hotaru was about four or five, he brought her to his lab but a lab explosion caused by the Ichigensai Taikel  invasion killed everyone but him. Professor Tomoe discovered the dead body of his only daughter and he cried as the fire raged all around him. Then a daimon appearred and asked if he wanted to get his daughter back. Professor Tomoe agreed to anything and the daimon took his soul. Professor Tomoe sold his soul to bring Hotaru back so he became evil.  He would let Professor Tomoe have his moments of normalcy when there was people around him but when he was alone, the daimon controlled his mind and behavior. At the end of Sailor Moon S, the daimon controlling him let him go and he went to try to save his daughter who became Mistress 9. He succeeded but lost all his memories from the battle that occurred.

Kaolinite was Professor Tomoe's assistant and she loved him but he felt no love since he had no soul and wasn't really himself. She was the first person to try to get the pure heart crystal but was defeated by Sailor Moon and the Senshi by being knocked off Toyko Tower. She came back after being revived by Professor Tomoe and worked beside him. But when Mistress 9 appearred, she was killed right way because her use was over.

Witches 5
The Witches 5 consisted of Eudial, Mimete, Tellu, Viluy, Cyprine and Ptilol. Eudial was definitely the smartest of the group since she came close to succeeding in getting the pure heart crystals. When she died, Mimete took over and she was a boy-crzy airheaded girl who only went after movie and idol stars. As the Witches 5 group lost more members, the remaining members didn't even last more than one episode as Sailor Moon and her Senshi defeated all of them. Eudial lasted the longest, than Mimete and then Tellu and Viluy died within one episode and the last two Cyprine and Ptilol only lasted for two episodes before dying. Eudial was a scientist and specialized in her inventions, Firebuster 1 and Firebuster 2. Mimete just followed orders and went after guys until Sailor Moon defeated her. Tellu used botany and flowering plants to get pure heart crystals and Viluy used machines. Cyprine and Ptilol  just fought because they were two people sharing one mind and they combined their powers to fight.

Mistress 9
Mistess 9 is really Tomoe Hotaru. When she was small, she died but was brought back to life. A daimon took over her as well when she was revived. The daimon needed pure heart crystal energy to be in full control. Unfortunately, she used Chibiusa's. Mistress 9 appearred and Tomoe Hotaru was taken over. But thanks to the memories and powers of Sailor Saturn, Hotaru was able to destroy Mistress 9 to become Sailor Saturn, Senshi of Death and Rebirth.

Pharaoh 90
The leader of the Deathbusters and Ichigensai Taikel invason force, he appears as a large black orb in the anime series and he grows larger after using the power from the Sacred Cup. He was destroyed by Sailor Saturn because she felt she had to destroy the evil she help bring to Earth. Both of them died because Sailor Satrun used her ultimate attack, Death Reborn Revolution but Sailor Moon flew into the battle and she helped Saturn be reborn into a tiny infant.

Sailor Moon SuperS
Zirconia is the leader of the Dead Moon circus. She serves Queen Nelehenia. Zirconia is in charge of finding the Golden Mirror which is hidden in a person with beautiful dreams. This was Chibiusa and the person with the Golden Mirror hides Pegasus and the Golden crystal. She wears a gray purple cape and she carries a crooked wooden staff with an eyeball with wings. She resembles a snail.

Amazon Trio: Hawks Eye, Tigers Eye, Fish Eye
The Amazon Trio are three guys in the weirdest outfits. They are really animals and they were made into human beings to serve Nelehania and Zirconia. Tigers Eye only went after beautiful young girls as targets and Hawks Eye believe that older beautiful woman was the best target. Fish Eye went after young cute men for targets. The three of them hang out in a bar alot during the series, discussing plans and staring at pictures of girls for possible targets except for Fish Eye who was gay and was interested in the men. The discovery that they didn't have dreams made them realize what they were missing out so all of them died when Zirconia decided their use was over but Sailor Moon granted happiness by sending them to place where they can have and live their dreams.

Amazoness Quartet: Cere Cere, Jun Jun, Palla Palla, Ves Ves
The Amazoness Quartet was what freed Nehelenia from her imprisonemt in a mirror. It was their childish laughter that reawaken Nehelenia. They were given balls to use as their power source and they replaced the Amzon Trio when they left the Dead Moon Circus. They believed that growing up meant giving up your dreams so they wanted to stay children forever. They later turned on Nehelenia because she was msitreating them and they helped Sailor Moon win. They are Cere Cere, who was equal to Sailor Venus and also the leader, Jun Jun, who was equal to Sailor Jupiter, Ves Ves, who was equal to Sailor Mars, and Palla Palla, who was equal to Sailor Mercury.

Queen Nehelenia
She was a queen in her own kingdom and she believed she had to stay beautiful for people to love her. She was tricked into thinking that and she needed the power of other people's dreams to stay young. The Dead Moon circus is really all her subjects without dreams. She came to earth following the trail of Pegasus and his Golden Crystal. She went to Elysion but she didn't have good intentions so the Golden Crystal burned her. She was sent back when the seal of the mirror was restored but she returned in the beginning of Sailor Stars to take her revenge on Eternal Sailor Sailor Moon. Eternal Sailor Moon told her that what she was doing was wrong and wouldn't change anything. She gave Nehelenia a second chance by sending her back through time so she could relive her chldhood dreams over.

Sailor Stars
The Anima-mates
The Anima-mates consists of Sailor Senshi from other galaxies that already had their star seeds removed. Rather than lose their star seeds and die, they gave them up and worked for Galaxia. The first of Anima-mates was Sailor Iron Mouse who was pretty cool. She was short and white furred and she pretended to a be news reporter. After Sailor Iron Mouse failed to get s star seed, Galaxia killed her and replaced her with Sailor Aluminum Siren. Sailor Aluminum Siren was ditzy so her rival Sailor Lead Crow but best friend helped her out alot with her job. Sailor Aluminum Siren also failed after seeing all of the Sailor Senshis and Sailor Starlights identities and Sailor Tin Nyanko took over. Sailor Lead Crow wanted revenge but she was killed when she got sucked into a black hole. Sailor Tin Nyanko found out everyone's identities and went after Sailor Moon but she was defeated at the Three Light's final concert.

Sailor Galaxia
Galaxia was the legendary strongest Sailor Senshi who defeated Chaos, the orgins of evil, all by herself by sealing Chaos within her body. But Chaos corrupted her and she became evil. She started taking everyone's star seeds for power and soon came to Earth. She took Tuxedo Kamen's in the beginning of the series but we don't find out until near the end when she tells Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon realizes why Mamoru wasn't writing her or calling her was because he was dead. Sailor Galaxia's star seed became Sailor Chibi Chibi, the cute pink haired four year old. When she sealed chao, she was afraid that her own star seed will become tainted so she sent it to a distant planet where people fought for love and justice, and it travled to Earth. Chibi Chibi became a sword to defeat Sailor Galaxia but she was defeated and Chibi Chibi died. Sailor Moon called to the goodness still left in Sailor Galaxia and with Sailor Moon's faith and kindess, she cured Galaxia, expelling Chaos out from her body. Galaxia turned good and she apologized and took the star seeds back to their rightful owners to return them. By returning them, everyone who did, which was pratically everyone meaning the all the Sailor Senshis, Tuxedo Kamen, Chibi Chibi and Princess Kakyuu revived.

Other Characters
Usagi's Family
Ikuko: Mother
Kenji: Father
Shingo (Sammy): Younger Brother
The family of Usagi appears in all seasons. But shingo stopped showing up by Sailor Moon S and Kenji didn't show up past Sailor Moon R. ikuko appearred in all five seasons. Shingo became a huge fan of Sailor Moon and ironically treats her sister, who was really Sailor Moon, horrible while he worships Sailor Moon. Ikuko is a housewife and she is very strict with Usagi's grades. She can cook very well and this was shown when she made the best pies for everyone Senshi-wise. Kenji works so he's only shown during breakfast and the vacation trip in Sailor Moon.

Queen Serenity
Usagi's former mother, the Queen of the Moon Kingdom. She's the mother of Princess Serenity and when Usagi becomes queen, Usagi becames Neo-Queen Serenity while Chibiusa takes over as Princess Serenity. She first controlled the Silver Imperium crystal and used it to defeat Beryl. Beryl had already killed everyone so she also used the power to send everyone to be reborn on Earth in the future to have happy lives. She died from the power usage and she told Luna and Artemis to go and watch over them.

Naru (Molly)
She was Usagi's best friend all throughout elementary school. She and Usagi are very clsoe but when Usagi met the Senshis, she became more close to them instead. But Naru and Usagi are still very good freinds. Naru was attaacked in a number of occassion up to Sailor Stars where she was no longer mentioned after Usagi and the Senshis reached high school. She had a crsuh on Nephylte which was very sweet and it grieved her alot when Zoisite murdered him. She got over it eventually and started dating Umino who was pretty sweet, too.

Umino (Melvin)
Umino's very smart but not as smart as Ami. He tried hard in his studies which really annoys Usagi because Umino will say a 95% is bad by his standards when Usagi got a 12%. He first had a small crush that only lsted one epsidoe on Usagi in Ssilor Moon season but he got over it. Then he and Naru got together and everyone supported their love, especially in Sailor Moon S when the couple won a contest focusing on true lovers.

Rei's Ojiisan (Grandfather)
The short strange looking owner of Kikawa Shrine or Cherry Hill Temple. He's Rei's grandfather on her father's side and he trains Rei and Yuuichirou. He's somewhat perverted and goes after young teenage girls alot with Yuuichirou. He even took Yuuichirou out to pick up girls. He was a bearer of a Rainbow crystal and he bacame a Shadow monster but Sailor Moon healed him.

Yuuichirou (Chad)
He's a rock star who has stage fright. He first stumbled into Cherry Hill temple by spending anight on the temple steps and Rei's grandfather took him in. He was then trained to do temple duties, like clean and sweep, and soon he started having a cruh on Rei. Rei thought this is annoying but she liked it.

King Endymion
King Endymion is Mamoru's future self when he takes over the planet as King. In the USa dub, he refers to himself as King E. which stands for Endymion and he doesn't tell the Senshi this because he doesn't want to mess up time and let them know too much but that failed when he told them Chibiusa was Usagi's and Mamoru's future daughter.

Neo-Queen Serenity
Usagi's future self when she takes over the planet as queen. She became Neo-Queen Serenity in place of her mother who was just Queen Serenity. Because she is queen, her daughter Chibiusa becames the new Princess Serenity.

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