Sailor Senshi: Sailor Mini Moon (dub), Sailor Chibi Moon, Super Sailor Chibi Moon

English: Serena
Nicknane Rini
Japanese: Tsukino Usagi (the same as her mother)
Nickname:  Chibiusa-chan (Chibi means small); the manga gives her the name Usagi Small-Lady Serenity. Chibi-Usa's name is really Usagi, like her mother. The younger or the two would have "Chibi" placed before their name to show they are the younger person.
Other Names: Small Lady (she's usually called this by Pluto, Neo-Queen Serenity, or Diana), Black Lady (Wicked Lady), Princess Serenity
Name Translation: Usagi ("rabbit") Chibi-Usa ("little rabbit")
Height: 3' 5"

Day of week associated with Kanji: Monday

Birthday: June 30 (sometime in the 2000s since she's from the future)

Astrological sign: Cancer

Blood Type: O

Gemstone: diamond

Favorite Color: red, pink

Sailor Color: pink

Favorite Food: pancakes, pudding

Least Favorite Food: carrots (a pun, remember her name means rabbit?)

Favorite Subject: drawing

Worst Subject: languages

Favorite Pastimes: collecting rabbit paraphernalia (her name, member?)

Has Trouble With: taking care of the house, thunderstorms

Strong Points: getting people to give her things

Dream: to be friends with everybody, to become a lady like her mother

Chibi-usa is the daughter of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen. She was actually born in the future, and then travelled back in time to get help from Sailor Moon when Crystal Tokyo was attacked the Sailor Moon R seaso. At first she didn't know that Usagi was her mother; she simply knew that someone with the same name as her would have the silver crystal. Therefore, the first time she met Usagi, she pulled out a toy gun and threatened to shoot Usagi if she didn't give her the silver crystal

 Usually when Chibi-usa and Usagi get together they fight, whether over Tuxedo Kamen or other things, but they actually do care about each other deeply. Chibi-usa has friendships with all the Inner Sailors, especially with Rei. She also tends to have a better relationship with the Outer Sailors, especially Hotaru and Setsuna. This is probably because Chibi-usa is a very outgoing and friendly person and despite the fact that most of the Outer Sailors are withdrawn, she still manages to win their affections.

Chibi-usa is also probably popular at her school, since in season SuperS she got asked out by several boys.Her best friend in school is Momoko (Melissa), while her best friend out of all the Sailors is probably Hotaru (Sailor Saturn). Usagi and Chibi-usa are, of course, good friends, but I think relatives have a different standard.

Chibi-usa left at the end of R season only to return halfway through season S. Her reason was because her mother wanted her to train in the past. As Sailor Chibi Moon, her attacks weren't very powerful and were usually used as distractions for the bad guys, although her "Luna-P Change!" attack did come in handy a few times. Chibi Moon's biggest part in the series was probably because she was best friends with Hotaru, who was possessed by Mistress 9. At one of the last episodes of the series, she received a letter from her mother saying that Neo-Queen Serenity wanted her to return to the future. Chibi-usa was very sad to find this out, and was even sadder to find that the girls were happy that she was leaving. She thought the girls wanted her to leave but they were trying to make her fel better.  However, Chibi-usa found out from Neo-Queen Serenity that she didn't mind if Chibi-usa stayed in the past for as long as she wanted, and so Chibi-usa returned and became the star of the next season Sailor MoonSuperS.

SuperS is usually described as when they threw out Sailor Moon as the main character and replaced her with Chibi Moon. Sailor Chibi Moon transformed to Super Sailor Chibi Moon, became good friends with Pegasus, and received power from him to destroy bad guys. Now she had a major role in the series, where she called forth the power for Super Sailor Moon's main attack. Chibi Moon also became very good friends with Pegasus, and eventually learned that he was actually a handsome young man called Helios. As the series passed, they got to liking each other too. Unfortunately, Helios left at the end of the series.

Stars is usually described as when they returned Sailor Moon to the main character slot and sent Chibi Moon to the future again. Chibi Moon participated in the first part of the series in the fight against the return of Nehelenia, and then returned to the future at the beginning of the second part. It's assumed that she felt her training was done. Sailor Moon was very sad to see her go.

Anime Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Chibi Moon Introduction: For love and justice, I am the pretty, sailor-suited fighter, Sailor Chibi Moon! In the name of the future Moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Moon R

Luna-P change! (Luna Ball, Kitty Magic/Kitty Power)
Chibi-usa says this to convert her luna ball into any object. She used this through R and S season, but she didn't use it after that because Diana took the place of her luna ball. In R, she'd use it for creating a present for Ami, or maybe creating a toy-gun, and in S she used it to create a fire extinguisher to extinguish some flames.

Sailor Moon S

Moon Prism Power, Make up!
Chibi-usa says this to transform into Sailor Chibi Moon. Although its the same words as Sailor Moon's first transformation, they don't have the same transformation sequence.

Pink Sugar Heart Ache!
Sailor Chibi Moon says this to create several pink hearts that distract and enemy. Her attack doesn't always work... but it will usually confuse or distract the bad guy long enough for Sailor Moon to use her main attack.

Sailor Moon SuperS

Moon Crisis, Make up!
Rini says this to transform into Super Sailor Chibi Moon (with Super Sailor Moon). This power was granted to her by Pegasus.

Twinkle Yell!
Super Sailor Chibi Moon says this when she calls upon the Pegasus with her bell. Pegasus appears and then gives the power to Super Sailor Moon so she can perform her main attack.

Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
This was Chibi Moon's special attack, which only appeared in the Sailor Moon SuperS movie. She created her own kaleid moon scope, identical to Super Sailor Moon's kaleid moon scope, and teamed up with Sailor Moon. They held hands and rotated in a circle, and then struck the bad guy as fast as a bullet (which destroyed it).

Manga Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Chini Moon Introduction: I am the little sailor-suited pretty soldier in training Sailor Chibi Moon! In the name of the future moon, I will punish you!

Sailor Moon S

Moon Prism Power, Make Up!
Chibi-Usa says this to transform into Sailor Chibi-Moon.

Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
Chibi-Moon says this to use her Moon Rod. The attack usually causes only small fireworks (in the shape of hearts) to come out of the end, mainly used to distract enemies.

Double Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!
This is Chibi-Moon's Combo Attack with Sailor Moon.

Sailor Moon SuperS

Moon Crisis, Make Up!
Chibi-Usa says this to transform into Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

Twinkle Yell!
This is Super Sailor Chibi Moon's attack.

Moon Goregeous Meditation!
This is Super Chibi-Moon's Combo Attack with Super Sailor Moon

Sailor Stars

Moon Crisis, Make Up!
Chibi-Usa says this to transform into Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

Voice Actress/Seiyuu

In Japan, Chibi-Usa's voice is done by Araki Kae. Kae also played Sailor Moon for episodes 44-50 (when Kotono was in a car accident), and plays the pig-tailed, lover-of-food main character of Fushigi Yuugi: Miaka.

In North America, Rini's voice is done by Traci Hoyt.

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