Season: Sailor Moon R
Episodes 47-89

    The Sailor Senshi  had forgot all of their former existence in the Moon Kingdom, or on Earth as Sailor Senshis. Luna and Artemis watched them from a distance, and were glad they were safe. They wanted the girls to have anormal life and were happy tyings turned out this way. But they wondered how long the peace will last.
    Unfortunately, a new enemy appeared on earth. Ail and Ann *or Alan and Ann in the USA dub*, two aliens from a different planet, wanted human energy. They were both lovers, and the only way they knew how to live was by stealing energy and feeding it to the Makaiju. *Or Doom Tree in the USA dub* The summoned monsters from cards, called cardians, and sent them out to steal energy from different types of humans.
    Luna revived Usagi's memories with the "Luna Mind Meld". Usagi quickly remembred everything that had happen during the last season and transformed into Sailor Moon, and destroyed the monster with her power.
    Ail and Ann got annoyed that someone was interfering with their energy gathering. The monster contnued so Luna had to revive the rest of the Sailor Senshis. With their memories returned, they helped Usagi protect the planet. The Senshi's memories returned byt not Mamoru's. He still treated Usagi badly like in the beginning of Sailor Moon and this really annoyed Usagi.
    Ail and Ann decided to enroll into Juuban High School to blend in and upon the first day, all the girls loved Ail because he was so cute. Ail developed a crush for Usagi and this pissed off Ann. But she later developed a crush for mamro which annoyed usagi. However, Usagi was being kind as always and tried hard to become friends with Ann, and Ann even softened up a little and became friends.
    The Kishi Tsukikage *or Moonlight Knight* had also appeared to help out the Senshi as they battled the cardians. Kishi Tsukikage kept appearing and he sounded like Tuxedo Kamen and his eyes were the same color. Kishi Tsukikage was wearing Arabian robes and a hood over his face so Sailor Moon didn't know who he was. She really hoped it was Mamoru but in one episde, mamoru and Kishi Tsukikage were in the same room together and Sailor Moon realized they were diffrent people.
    The cardians grew stronger and her tiara stopped working against them. One day, to Sailor Moon's surprise, her tiara's attack "Moon Tiara Action!" *or Moon Tiara Magic in dub* would not destroy the cardian and it captured the other Sailor Senshi. It also attacked Sailor Moon and her transformation brooch broke, causing her to detransform back to Usagi.
    A vortex opened beneath her, and she fell in with Luna. Usagi wondered if she was dead, and realized that she'd never wanted to be Sailor Moon. She apologized to Luna, and heard her mother's voice. She became Princess Serenity, with her mother Queen Serenity. Princess Serenity asked how she could save her friends, and Serenity gave her the silver Imperium crystal. Serenity explained that, although the crystal hadn't regained all its power yet, the stronger her desire to save her friends the stronger the power of the crystal would become. Queen Serenity gave her a new transformation brooch, and a moon scepter.
    Now to transform Sailor Moon says "Moon Crystal Power Make Up!" and to use her moon scepter she says "Moon Princess Halation!" She appeared again as Sailor Moon, and destroyed the cardian easily. Next, the sailor Senshis also got power ups since they had to aid Sailor Moon. They reached inside themselves to find the power thay needed for their new attacks. Sailor Mercury got "Shabon Spray Freezing!" when a cardian was able to steal energy from infant at a daycare. Sailor Mars got "Mars Firebird Strike!", Sailor Jupiter got "Supreme Thunder Dragon!", and Sailor Venus got "Crescent Beam Shower!".
With their combined powers, they defeated cardian after cardian and the Makaiju wasn't getting any stronger.
Ail and Ann stayed home to nurse the Makaiju so they hadn't gone to school for awhile. The energy they'd been trying to feed it hadn't been working, and they were afraid the Makaiju would die. Usagi was worried about her classmates so Ail  invited her in gladly, despite Ann's jealousy. Eventually they left the room, and Usagi saw Ail's bedroom and she glanced inside and was grabbed by the vines of the Makaiju. Crying out, she barely escaped from the room. Ann was annoyed that Usagi had gone into Allan's room, and told her to leave. Shakily, Usagi asked what that thing was. Ail replied it was a Space Botany experiment and Usagi left shaken but convinced.
    Later on Mako noticed something in Serena's hair and knocked it off, and Ami, Usagi, and Mako stared at it for a couple seconds. They started screaming when it moved. They gave it to Artemis, and he told them it was a plant from the NegaVerse.
The Senshi figured that they were the two aliens but usagi didn't want to believe them. She went back to visit them and bumped into Mamoru with flowers for Ann because he was worried if she was sick. wUsagi tried to convince him not to go in there, but Mamoru simply laughed and walked by so Usagi went with him to protect him.
    They were welcomed in, and Ail took Mamro into the other room so Ann told Usagi to look in Ail's room again, and reluctantly she did. A cardian jumped out from the darkness and grabbed Serena and started draining her energy. Usagi cried out, and the tree began to uproot the building. The building began shaking and Mamoru tried to find Usagi. The Scouts arrived outside, and transformed. They were about to go in when they heard Usagi crying for help. The Scouts started dodging through the roots, and the roots started to attack them.
    Inside, the doom tree had grabbed Usagi and Mamoru in its vines and they tried to reach hands but Ail kicked Mamoru's hand away. Ail and Ann started arguing about they loving the other humana dn not each other until Ann got fed up and told the Doom Tree to steal Usagi's energy. The Makaiju drained Usagi and Mamoru and dropped them. Ail rushed foward to grab Usagi before she hit the ground while Ann went to get Mamoru. Realizing what they did and who the other one saved, they got even more angry and jealous of one another. The Senshi had arrived and started attacking Ail and Ann with their powered up attacks, but Ail and Ann easily deflected it and they blasted the Scouts.
    Usagi stood up weakly and transformed into Sailor Moon. Ail and Ann couldn't believe it while Sailor Moon tried to wake up Mamoru. Mamoru lifted his hand up in response to Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon took it. Ann was writhing with jealousy, and blasted them and the Senshis tried to save them, but they got blasted too. Kishi Tsukikage also appeared to help but he as blasted backwards into a tree and disappearred through it to Sailor Moon's horror.
    Sailor Moon took the opportunity and was about to attack them with her scepter. But she got blasted again. She fell backwards. Ann continued her attack until Mamoru came to and he tried to protect Usgi but Ann increased her power, and Mamoru fell unconscious or died. The Makaiju got mad suddenly and started attacking Ail and Ann. Ail was about to get hit when Ann jumped in front of him, and got hit by the root. She told Ail not to forget her, and died. The Makaiju was about to kill Ail too, when Sailor Moon told it to stop.
    The Makaiju stopped, and began talking. It tranported everyone to its mind as it explained that it was from a different planet. It had created Ail and Ann's kind, and they lived for a long time in peace. But later, evil forces arrived and turned their kind against the Makaiju, and it barely escaped before they destroyed themselves. The Makaiju had managed to bring a few followers with it, but they all died except for Ail and Ann, who were young children at the time. By that time the Makaiju was too weak to speak. The Makaiju explained that it didn't need negative energy, but it needed love. It asked Sailor Moon to heal it, and Sailor Moon used her scepter on the tree. It whispered "I am free", and turned into a tiny seedling.
    Kishi Tsukikage appeared again from nowhere and told Sailor Moon he had to leave. He took off his mask, and revealed he was Mamoru. Sailor Moon was majorly confused since she could see the unconsisious or dead Mamoru right there. Kishi Tsukikage told her that in the battle between Queen Beryl, Mamoru lost all his memories so Kishi Tsukikage was created from his love for Sailor Moon, and was to protect Sailor Moon and help the Sailor Scouts. He then joined with unconscious Mamoru and he revived with all his memories of Sailor Moon and Tsukino Usagi. Ann came back to life because of the Makaiju was healed and they decided to leave and make a better life. They thanked sailor moon and left with the seedling.
Sailor Moon and Mamoru watched them leave and they hugged each other since they could be together now and suddenly were broken apart by the other Senshi who wanted to know they were now an official couple and began teasing Sailor Moon mercilessly.
    After Ail and Ann's departure, a new enmy arrived. A UFO flies overhead in the sky and inside is the four Black Moon sisters, Petz *Prisma*, Coonan *Catsy*, Berchue *Birdie*, and Avary. *That's her English dub name since I dunno her Jap name* and Rubeus. All had upside down lack crescent moons o their foreheads and they were talking about Tokyo and their mission when Wiseman *kinda looks like the Shadow card from CCS, lol...he found a new job!* appeared, and told them to find the rabbit and the silver crystal. He said he was losing patience.
    The scene shifts to Tokyo as Usagi and Mamoru were on a date and they were about to kiss when a ball that resembled Luna hit Mamoru's head from the sky. Mamoru makes a face but ignores it. Suddenly a pink-haired girl appeared from a cloud in the sky and fell on top of Usagi, interrupting their kiss. The little girl apologized to Mamoru for landing on him, and Usagi demanded to know what she was doing and why she had her hairstyle.
    The little girl turned around and gave Usagi a very nasty look. Usagi demanded be told her name and the girl replied Tsukino Usagi calmly. Usagi was shocked and screamed "But that's my name!" and the little girl ignored her ranting. She then demanded for the silver crystal. Usagi couldn't believe it, and asked where she was from.
    Impatiently, the little girl called "Luna P, Change! and the ball turned into a gun and the girl pointed it at Usagi's head. Usagi fell over in fright and even Mamoru was freaked out. The girl demanded be given the crystal again and Usagi refused so she pulled the trigger. The gun was luckily a toy and it shot out a flag. Usagi breathed huge sigh of relief and the girl told her she had other ways of getting what she wanted. So the little girl jumped up into the cloud again, and disappeared.
    Usagi returned to her home, after a discussion with Mamoru about the little girl. Usagi arrived home to find her room in a total mes. She starts sceaming and suddenly her mom and brother appear to yell at her for forgetting about their little cousin. Usagi was shocked to see the same pink haired child in her house and now was living with her. Her name was Usagi but they called her Chibiusa.Chibiusa as becoming very close to Usagi's own mother.  Later, when they were alone Chibiusa demanded the silver crystal. Usagi refused and the day and night passed very slowly for Usagi.
    The next day, the girls met up at Cherry Hill temple and Usagi gave the photos of Chibiusa with their family to Rei who studied them and declared them fake. Unknown to them, Chibiusa was right outside and she decided that she didn't want them all teamed up against her, so she used her Luna P ball to turn into milk that will put them all to sleep. She poured some in the tea and all but Usagi fell asleep because she wasn't drinking tea. Chibiusa entered the room and Usagi grabbed her. She realized that Chibiusa had drugged them and spanked her. *So funny!!* As Chibiusa screamed, a golden crescent moon appeared on her forehead, and a huge burst of energy was released.
    A long way away Coonan *Or Koan*, one of the four sisters, noticed the burst of energy. She followed it, heading towards Hikawa shrine. Meanwhile, Chibiusa had stopped crying. Usagi was mad at her and was about to yell at her again when suddenly Coonan arrived, and demanded Chibiusa. Usagi asked who she was, and Coonan replied she was from the far side of the Black Moon. She attacked Usagi with blue fire, but Usagi managed to dodge it and scremed at Chibiusa to run away. Usagi got up and turned round, quickly put out the flames burning up Rei's comic books.
    Cihibusa followed Usagi's order and she ran out the door, followed closely by Coonan. Coonan continued to attack her merciless until Chibiusa finally fell unconscious. Coonan reached own and as about to take her away back to the Black Moon when Sailor Moon appeared and saved Chibiusa. Coonan turned and they two began to fight until Tuxedo Kamen appeared and saved Sailor Moon by distracting Coonan's attention away from her. Sailor Moon used her "Moon Princess Halation" attack on Coonan, but she jumped out of the way. Before teleporting, she told Sailor Moon she'd be back for the "rabbit."
    Tuxedo Kamen started having strange images of a town with many crystal-like buildings. Sailor Moon asked him if he knew Chibiusa, and he replied she was familiar. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen both stared at Chibiusa, trying to make sense of what just happened.
     Later on, Chibiusa woke up and was depressed so she ran off. When Mamoru and Usagi found her and brought her back home, none of the Tsukino family remembered having a cousin Chibiusa. Chibiusa quickly used Luna P again to hypnotize her family into believing she was their cousin once more. Usagi's eyes got all blank as she was almost hypnotized, but Luna quickly bit Usagi's hand so she wouldn't believe Chibiusa. Usagi tried to convince her family Chibiusa wasn't her cousin, but they didn't believe her as they all doted on her.
    Later Mamoru had another vision and some more nightmares, that Usagi was in danger. He woke up after these nightmares and he rembered hearing a familiar voice telling him it was dangerous to be with Sailor Moon. He picked up a picture of Usagi nad him sitting together and he gasped as Usagi collapsed in the picture and the glass cracked. He decided that being close to Usagi might put her in danger, so he broke up with her. Usagi couldn't believe it and went into a depression spell.
    Rubeus instructed the four sisters of the Black Moon kingdom to infiltrate important crystal points with dark energy. In the future, the crystal points would be an important part of Crystal Tokyo. The four sisters sent out a droid but the droid was always destroyed by the Sailor Senshis.
    Meanwhile, Chibiusa had tried to return to the future many times. She'd used her a pink crystal key to get home, but had only succeeded in causing the gravity to leave in a building or attracted unwanted attention from the enemy. She also talked to a distorted figure in her Luna P ball, who told her she had to stay in the past. Everytime though, she begged to go home to her mother but the voice told her gently she was needed here.
    Wiseman grew annoyed at Rubeus for his continued failures, and instructed him to destroy the Sailor Senshi. He explained that those female warriors were causing him a great deal of trouble in the future because they were protecting Crystal Tokyo with a strong energy force field. Wiseman told him that the rabbit *Chibiusa* would appeared in on a bridge in the past, and later the crystal would too. He disappeared, and Rubeus remarked that the sisters would like the assignment.
    Chibiusa was feeling depresed again and she wanted to go home. She felt lonely because she'd tried to sleep in Usagi's bed, and she had yelled at her. She began to think of her mother, and remembered how much she loved her. She left Usagi's house and went up some stairs. Then she remembered the same voice from the Luna P ball telling her that the her key would let her travel in time, but it was dangerous if used to often. Chibiusa said she didn't care, and stood up yelling "Listen up, gaurdian of the space and time. Open up the gates and lead me the way home, to the future!"
    A pink cloud appeared above her head, and she started lifting to the sky. Chibiusa smiled that she was going home.
But suddenly the cloud disappeared and Chibiusa fell to the ground. She cried again as a crescent moon appeared on her forehead. A huge beam of energy erupted from her crescent moon as she yelled for her mother and father.
Eventually she stopped crying. Coonan and Berchue were walking up the steps toward her. Chibiusa cried for help, and her Luna P ball attacked Berchue while Luna attacked Coonan. Coonan knocked Luna away and she was badly hurt, but Chibiusa ran away.
    Usagi noticed Chibiusa run into an alley and followed her. Chibiusa sat down near a construction area, and started talking to her Luna P ball again. The Luna P ball told her to trust the Sailor Senshis, and that they were fighting for a better future. Usagi listened to the whole thing, and realized that Chibiusa was a princess. Coonan arrived so Usagi quickly transformed into Sailor Moon, and vowed to protect Chibiusa at all costs.
    The rest of the four sisters appeared, but the Scouts appeared also. They battled. Rubeus arrived and attacked Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon didn't give up, surprising Rubeus, and vowed to protect Chibiusa again. Tuxedo Kamen appeared, and launched roses at Rubeus, fending off his attack. Rubeus was still recovering from the blast when Sailor Moon used her "Moon Princess Halation" attack, and blasted Rubeus. Rubeus, now badly hurt, told the four sisters to leave. He left also, saying that he would be back.
    Wiseman realized Sailor Moon was the queen of Crystal Tokyo, and that Chibiusa was Neo-Queen Serenity's daughter. He recongnized the energy and the resemblence of the future Neo-Queen Serentity to the present Sailor Moon's appearrance.
    Later on, Rubeus sent Coonan out on an assignment to capture the rabbit at Rei's temple. Coonan was defeated by Sailor Mars, and was about to kill herself when Mars stopped her and convinced her to turn good. Sailor Moon used her Moon Crystal Healing Power to heal Coonan.
    Rubeus sent Berchue out to capture a crystal point, a chess tower that Ami was at. Ami transformed into Sailor Mercury, but Berchue left. Later, Berchue and Ami entered a chess tournament against each other, and were facing off together. As she played, when Ami lost a chess piece, she was slowly frozen into ice.  When Ami defeated Berchue, she grew angry and attacked her. Ami transformed again into Sailor Mercury, when she realized that the chess opponent was Berchue. The other Sailor Senshis arrived to help but Berchue managed to capture everyone except for Sailor Mercury in a dome.
    Berchue briefly taunted them, and Avary *dunno her Jap name!* and Petz appeared to claim some of the glory. Suddenly Tuxedo Kamen appeared, and shattered the dome with a rose. Avary and Petz deserted Berchue and she couldn't believe it. Berchue was about to kill herself, but Coonan came and begged her to join her. Berchue cried, and she realized that evil was wrong, and agreed. Sailor Moon used her Moon Crystal Healing Power to heal Berchue.
    Wiseman told Rubeus to get Berchue and Coonan back since thier ranks were decreasing and they needed them. He gave him a scepter that would reverse all of Sailor Moon's healing, and increase the holder's power drastically, almost ten stimes as poerful. Rubeus then gave the scepter to Prisma and ordered her to get back the two sisters.
    Prisma and Avary captured Berchue and Coonan, and took them to a bridge. Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, Usagi, and Chibiusa saw them kidnap Berchue and Coonan, so Usagi took Chibiusa to another room inside Hikawa shrine and they all ran outside so they can transform. Chibiusa ran out and witnessed each of the Senshis' transformation through a window. She watched Usagi transform into Sailor Moon, and couldn't believe it.
    The Senshis followed Petz and Avary to the bridge. Petz started attacking the Senshis, and none of the their attacks worked on her. Avary encouraged Petz to blast them, but Petz blasted Avary, Coonan, and Berchue instead. She told them she was sick of sharing things four-ways. Avary couldn't believe Petz had betrayed her, and with some encouragement from the recovering Coonan and Berchue, she also realized that evil was wrong. Petz started attacking the Senshis again, but Sailor Venus used her "Venus Love Me Chain" to knock the scepter away. Sailor Jupiter used her "Sparkling Wide Pressure" to zap her. Petz got knocked down and Coonan asked if Petz was all right, but Petz told Coonan not to touch her.
    Rubeus appeared and accused her of being a trader, then turned the scepter into a whirlpool of time. Petzcouldn't believe that Rubeus had betrayed her. Coonan and Berchue asked that Petz join them to fight for good, and Petz agreed.
    The whirlpool of time grew in size and intensity, and the Sailor Senshis were being pulled in. Tuxedo Kamen appeared above them, and he encouraged them to unite their powers to destroy it. Artemis agreed, saying that if they let themselves get sucked into the whirlpool they could attack it in the next dimension. With some desperate hesitation by Sailor Moon, they allowed themselves to be sucked into the whirlpool. In the next dimension, Artemis and Luna instructed them to pool their powers to destroy the scepter. The Sailor Scouts used their new attack, "Sailor Planet Power", and destroyed the staff.
    After they returned, Sailor Moon healed Petz and Avary with "Moon Healing Crystal Power." Chibiusa, who had caught up with the battle, witnessed her use the silver crystal. She realized that Usagi had had the crystal the entire time.
    Rubeus was very angry. He decided to kill the rabbit and take the silver crystal. Esmeraude *Emerald* appeared, and told him that Prince Demando *or Demondo or Diamond in USA dub* is about to abandon him. Rubeus couldn't believe, and vowed to restore Demando's favor.
    Usagi left for swimming, and Chibiusa was downstairs with Usagi's mother. Ikuko was making pancakes and Chibiusa felt sad that her own mother wasn't with her. She went upstairs and saw Usagi's brooch still pinned on her school uniform. She hestiated but decided that Usagi was too selfish to be Sailor Moon. Chibiusa stole the brooch and ran through the streets with the brooch. Usagi returned with Luna returned to find her brooch gone and she panicked.
    Wiseman told Rubeus that the day had come when the rabbit had the silver crystal. Chibiusa tried to return home with her crystal key, but failed. She attracted Rubeus's attention and he appeared, flying below the UFO he controlled. He was about to grab her, but Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus appeared, and blasted him. While Rubeus recovered, Sailor Mars ran off with Chibiusa. Chibiusa slipped away from Mars and vanished into an alley.
   Chibiusa didn't know where to go, so she wandered around until she found Mamoru's apartment and fell asleep on Mamoru's doorstep. Mamoru returned home and was surprised to find her there. He took her inside and she woke up in his apartment. Chibiusa asked Mamoru about Sailor Moon, and he replied she had no equal. Usagi started pounding on the door, and Chibiusa used Luna P to jump out of the balcony with a parachute. On the street she tried to use the crystal key again, but failed.
    Rubeus and his UFO appeared, but the Senshis appeared and Sailor Mars grabbed Chibiusa again. Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Jupiter tried their attacks, but they had no effect. A beam from the UFO pinned them all down, and the four Senshis tried to counter the beam with Sailor Planet Attack. They pulled it off, but were very weak. Tuxedo Mask appeared and scooped Chibiusa, telliung the four girls to run. Rubues got angry and sent an order for the UFO to drag them up into  up the UFO. Sailor Mars told Usagi to take care of Chibiusa before they all entered the UFO. Usagi cried out "Rei-chan" and she turned and screamed at Chibiua. She got so angry she was about to slap her but Tuxedo Kamen held her hand back.
    Rubeus called out to Sailor Moon that she had two hours to hand over the rabbit and the silver crystal or the Scouts would die. He also showed Esmeraude the four scouts hung unconscious on crosses.
    Back at Mamoru's apartment, Chibiusa asked Mamoru if he was really Tuxedo Kamen. He replied he was, but Rini was not surprised. She had returned the brooch to Usagi, but couldn't figure out why her key wasn't working. Mamoru tried to find out if anything was wrong in the future, and Chibiusa said she didn't know. Mamoru pressed her for more information but Chibiusa kept saying that she really didn't know.
    Usagi decided that she couldn't risk Chibiusa, but if she brought the silver crystal Rubeus would let down his guard. Mamoru returned and saw that Usagi was gone. Chibiusa felt guilty as Luna and Atrmis couldn't believe how reckless she was, going by herself. Mamoru turned around and saw that Chibiusa had left also. Mamoru remarked that they were like twins since they were thinking the same thing.
    Usagi transformed into Sailor Moon on the street, and Rubeus appeared. He welcomed her and the "rabbit." Usagi gasped,  turned and was surprised to find Chibiusa behind her. Before they coukld react, Rubeus released a force field that lifted them up into the ship. The UFO took off, while Mamoru, Luna, and Artemis looked on helplessly.
    Rubeus mocked Sailor Moon for bringing the "rabbit" to them. Sailor Moon tried to bluff him, saying she was just Chibiusa, her little cousin. Rubues called her bluff and attacked Chibiusa, making her cresent moom glow on her forehead. He laughed before he fought Sailor Moon inside the UFO, and Rubeus pinned her down on the floor with increased gravity. Chibiusa noticed that a crystal glowed in the middle of the room whenever he used his power. She also noticed the Sailor Senshis and ran forward, but a force field shocked her and she let loose another energy discharge.
    Rubeus continued to crash Sailor Moon against the walls, floors, and ceilings while Chibiusa tried to remove the crystal. As she pulled on the crystal, she was attacked by its energy as well. The Sailor Senshis watched on nad encouraged her, saying that she could do it. Chibiusa was able to shatter the crystal with one of her own energy discharges. Rubeus was cut off, and Sailor Moon's "Moon Princess Halation" sent him crashing back.
    The crosses disappeared under the Sailor Senshis, but fire started breaking out over the ship as it began to crash. The crystal was the power source of the ship itself as well. The Senshis decided the only way to get out of the UFO was to use the "Sailor Teleport". Rubues watched helpelessly as they all teleported. Suddenly, Esmeraude appeared, and Rubeus thought that she was there to save him. He begged her for help but she smiled. She told him that Prince Demando wasn't interested in having failures around. Rubues was shocked and she laughed at him before Esmeraude teleported away. Rubeus collapsed and the ship exploded.
    Prince Demando, Prince Sapphir *other spellings are Safiel, Saffir or Sapphire in USA dub*, and Esmeraude decided the best way to capture the rabbit was to attack her in her dreams. Meanwhile, Chibiusa had a fever. She cried out "Puu" in her dreams, and the Luna P ball's eyes glowed. Suddenly a woman with long green hair appearred. Artemis went, "Sailor Pluto!" and the girls crowded around for Sailor Pluto was never seen since she was the guardian of time. Sailor Pluto asked them to go into Chibiusa's dreams, because dark forces were threatening her there. They agreed. Sailor Pluto lifted her staff and they awoke in an apparently besieged Crystal Tokyo.
    The Senshis found Chibiusa, but she didn't remember any of them and ran off. A dark shadow monster *that looked like the Grim Reaper wearing a hockey mask* appeared and threatened her, and the Senshis protected Chibiusa with their attacks. Chibiusa panicked and ran away, and Sailor Moon followed her. Sailor Moon got ahead of Chibiusa and told her that the Sailor Senshi were her friends. Chibiusa believed her, and asked Sailor Moon to save her mother.
    She showed Sailor Moon her mother's palace, but a building in the background toppled over and Luna ran up told Sailor Moon that the Senshis needed help. Sailor Moon ran off telling Luna and Artemis to protect Chibiusa. The Sailor Senshis decided the best way to save Chibiusa would be to help save her mother in the dream. The monster appeared, and the ground cracked beneath them.  Chibiusa was about to fall in when Sailor Moon grabbed her, and told Chibiusa she'd always protect her.
    Sailor Moon pulled Chibiusa up, and as the monster unleashed power at Sailor Moon who deflected it back at it by using her own power. Energy surrounded Sailor Moon, and she sent the monster flying with her "Moon Princess Halation" attack. She said she wouldn't forgive him for trying to hurt a small child. The mosnter became a black crystal and then disppeared. They walked into the palace and they saved her mother. Chibiusa ran up to her mother and thanked them before they all returned from Chibiusa's dream. Sailor Pluto thanked them and then Chibiusa woke up, and asked Sailor Pluto to return her to the future callng her "Puu". Pluto replied that the enemy had a new plan, and that the Senshi would take care of her. Rini got upset as Pluto faded away and the Luna ball returned.
    Esmeraude took over after Rubeus. She thought a better way to take over the Earth would be to place a crystal figurine in a place with negative energy. The figurine would absorb the energy. When they were all in place and the Dark Gate opened, the Black Crystal would destroy the world.
    Meanwhile, Usagi started having the same dreams as Mamoru. She dreamed that they were getting married, but they were pulled apart and everything exploded. She woke up and picked up the same photo as Mamoru did before and the glass cracked. Usagi ran to Mamoru's apartment and pounded on the door. When she mentioned the dream, he let her in and told her they couldn't be together. He'd had the dreams so many times he thought they're a prediction of the future. Usagi said she didn't care if they were a prediction, unless they could be together. Mamoru replied they couldn't, and pushed her out the door.
    The Sailor Senshis and Chibiusa decided to go to the future. Chibiusa wasn't sure they could defeat the enemy, but knew she couldn't run away from her fears anymore. Chibiusa lifted her key and activated it. She asked the God of Time to allow them passage through the Door of Time. The wind rose around them, and they disappeared as a beam of light descended from the clouds. Sailor Moon found herself alone.
    Sailor Moon walked forward and saw a large gate ahead. An indistinct figure appearred and she told all of them that that she had broken a  time taboo. She won't forgive them and Sailor Pluto swung her Garnet Rod. She was about to attack them when Chibiusa ran up and cried out to Sailor Pluto to not hurt her. She said she was sorry she'd broken her promise of not bringing people with her, but she thought that the Senshis could help.
    Sailor Pluto cried out "Small Lady" and smiled with relief. She was pleased that Chibiusa was safe and had mastered the Key of Time, and thought she was maturing. She also remarked that Sailor Moon had always been troublesome to her. *foreshadowing of Sailor Moon S* Sailor Pluto opened the gate and let them enter the corridor of time to the gateway of Crystal Tokyo. As Pluto watched them go, Luna remarked she'd heard Queen Serenity speak of Sailor Senshis who had to remain at their post at all times. Pluto was a lonely warrior who, because of her duty, had to live out her life in the time lanes alone. Sailor Pluto closed the gate.
    On the Black Moon Demando noticed the Senshis, and was amazed that they were trying to pass through the corridor. Wiseman appeared, and said that when they caught the rabbit and the silver crystal, they and the Black Crystal would be invincible. Demando focused on Sailor Moon, and said she was beautiful. After Wiseman left, Demando told Esmeraude to bring Sailor Moon to him, unharmed. This startled Sapphir and Esmeraude. After Demando left, Sapphir said it was all Wiseman's doing. He thought Wiseman was manipulating Demando, and wanted to rip off Wiseman's cloak. Esmeraude agreed, but said she'd capture the rabbit and the silver crystal. But she vowed to kill Sailor Moon.
    The Sailor Senshis were fighting hard against the windy tunnel of the time corridors. Esmeraude appeared above them and blasted them. Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon lost their grip on Chibiusa, and they all went flying. Emerald ordered a monster to kill everyone but the rabbit. She realized she'd forgotten to order it not to kill Sailor Moon, but didn't care as she smiled, thinking about her death.
    The Sailor Senshis found each other, worried because they couldn't find Tuxedo Kamen or Chibiusa. They decided they had to find the others soon or they'll be walking in the time corridor for all eternity. Suddenly the Silver Imperium Crystal started glowing inside Sailor Mooh's transformation brooch, and in the distance a glow in the sky answered it. They thought it was the Silver Crystal of the future.
    Tuxedo Kamen was with Luna and Artemis and they were worried about the same thing. They had to find the others as well. Tuxedo Kamen started to walk away but a voice told him to wait. He turned but no one was there. The same voice told him not to go in that direction and to follow him. They decided to follow the directions and since Tuxedo Kamen thought the voice was very familiar.
    Meanwhile, Chibiusa was alone with her Luna P ball. They were walking in a dark foggy forest. The monster approached her dressed as Neo-Queen Serenity, and Chibiusa ran towards her happily. But then Chibiusa saw through it and stopped. She asked who was she. The monster replied, "Your mother, Rabbit." and Chibiusa yelled at her again saying that her mother won't call her that. So as the monster revealed her true form, Chibiusa called for her Luna P ball. The ball clobbered the monster in the face and Chibiusa turned it into a sling shot. Her shots had no effect, but luckily the Sailor Senshis arrived to save her.
    The monster couldn't believe they had gotten through the gateway, but Sailor Moon replied that luck was on their side. The Seshis tried their attacks but it had no effect on it. So Sailor Mercury analyzed the monster and said the only way to defeat it was Sailor Planet Power, but Sailor Moon pointed out they would be attacked while they powered up. Chibiusa told them she'd distract the monster while they powered up, and charged the monster. As the monster tried to get her, she blasted it with her moon beam shot from her slingshot. The monster angrily shot a blast at Chibiusa, but Tuxedo Kamen saved her in time. The Senshis finished powering up and destroyed the monster.
    They went through the gateway and saw a very devastated Crystal Tokyo. Chibiusa couldn't believe it, and ran into the fog crying for her mother. The Senshis and Tuxedo Kamen tried to find her, but instead met a man who resembled Tuxedo Kamen. He was dressed up like him but his outfit was grey blue instead of black. The man welcomed them to the 30th century.
    Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon recognized his voice, the same one from their dreams! Tuxedo Kamen became enraged, and charged him, but instead went right through him. The man introduced himself as King Endymion, Tuxedo Kamen's future self. Everyone was shocked and waited for an explanantion. He explained that his body was at a different place. Sailor Moon wanted to know why he sent them bad dreams, but King Endymion insisted that they go to the Crystal Palace where it was safe. King Endymion assured her that Chibiusa was at the palace and was also safe after Sailor Moon insisted on finding her.
    Demando watched them from his throne room. He'd already noticed that Sailor Moon and Neo-Queen Serenity were the same person. Unnoticed by Demando, Esmeraude was enraged. She realized that he was in love with Sailor Moon after all. Sapphir told Esmeraude that since the Sailore Senshis reached Crystal Tokyo so it was her responsible to stop them.
    The Senshis arrived in a special room in the palace. King Endymion told them that, normally the Queen was the only one allowed in there. Sailor Moon was still concerned about Chibiusa, but King Endymion assured her that she was safe and tells them they had to understand the situation.
    In the future, the world would undergo a frozen sleep. Neo-Queen Serenity used her power to awaken it and created a utopia called Crystal Tokyo. Everyone on Earth had to undergo a purification by her crystal, and those didn't want to be cleansed rebelled. Together, King Endymoin and Serenity defeated the rebellion. Those who still refused cleansing left the Earth and were never seen since. They traveled into space and lived on the tenth planet, Nemesis. Peace reigned until the Black Moon clan attacked.
    For that reason they'd been undetected until recently when the planet had become visible. Meanwhile, the people had come together and formed their own society called the Black Moon clan, call so because they all had upside down black crescent moons on their foreheads. When Crystal Tokyo's defenses had mysteriously failed, the Dark Moon appeared and began to attack. The only hope was when the Sailor Senshi of the future joined their powers and created a shield around the palace. Only Crystal Tokyo ws spared from the destruction that befell the rest of Earth. They were still there now, still shielding the city.
    King Endymoin was hurt in the attack, and he couldn't move. So They were seeing a hologram of himself. During the attack, their only hope of defeating the enemy had been the silver crystal, but Neo-Queen Serenity was the only one who could use it. But she was in a deep sleep. Then he told Sailor Moon that Neo-Queen Serenity was her future self. Sailor Moon was beyond shock at this.
    When things settled down, he showed them an image Neo-Queen Serenity encased in a crystal. Sailor Moon couldn't believe she was seeing her future self. The Sailor Senshis asked King Endymion what the crystal was. Luna and Artemis asked if that was the Silver Crystal. He said no and explained that during the battle, Neo-Queen Serenity was outside the palace when a bolt of energy hit her. The Senshis used their powers to form a crystal around her as a protective shield, but something went wrong. She fell into a deep sleep and nothing they'd tried had woken her or broken the crystal.
    King Endymion then bowed his head and and said, "Our daughter...Small Lady." The floor opened, and Chibiusa appeared asleep. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen rushed forward to see that she was all right. King Endymion said "She is your daughter." Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask blushed bright glowing red. Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus couldn't believe it, but Mars was beyond accepting it. She demanded to know what month, date, and year did this happen. She turned and Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen were still bright red.
    King Endymion continued, that Chibiusa had only wanted to help her mother. He'd told her stories of the strongest and most powerful of all the Sailor Senshi, Sailor Moon, as bedtime stories. She'd only known Sailor Moon as a legend, and had thought that bringing the Silver Crystal to the future would save her mother, Neo-Queen Serenity. King Endymion apologized to Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen about the nightmares, but explained that they needed to know their love was strong enough to survive hardships, because they were destined to face worse challenges. They needed to love and trust each other without doubting one another. He asked Tuxedo Kamen to protect his daughter, and Tuxedo Kamen promised to do so with his life.
    Suddenly King Endymion vanished and Demando appeared. His Black Moon symbol on his forehead become a third eye, and its power transfixed Sailor Moon and left the others helpless. Sailor Moon started to float upward to him still holding Chibiusa, but Tuxedo Kamen managed to pull his cane and throw it. Demando was distracted enough so that Sailor Moon dropped Chibiusa and Tuxedo Mask caught her. Prince Demando growled but grabbed Sailor Moon and vanished. Tuxedo Mask was about to take off after them, when King Endymion stopped him and told him he knew where Demando had taken Sailor Moon.
    Usagi slowly woke up. She found herself on a bed wearing a princess dress *not her normal one but a different version* with her transformation brooch lying beside her. Demando was standing across the room, and said he was surprised she'd woken so soon with all the dark energy she'd absorbed. He told her that this was her palace and that she was his Queen forever. He started to lift her from the bed, and Usagi tried to transform. Nothing happened!
    Diamond told her she couldn't use her crystal when so close to the Black Crystal, and used his powers to stun her. He took her face in his hand saying again that she was his queen. Usagi asked him why he attacked her kingdom, and he told her for her crystal. With its power added to the Black Crystal, they could conquer all time and space.
    Meanwhile, Tuxedo Mask in a hang glider, approached the Black Moon Citadel.
    Usagi tried to turn away from Demando, but he used his third eye to paralyze her. Tuxedo Kamen ran into the fortress, shouting her name. Usagi sensed him near, but felt he was too far away to help her. Demando moved closer to kiss her and Usagi moved away in panic but Demando tuightened his grip. She didn't want to kiss no one but Mamo-chan when a red streak flashed by, breaking his hold on her. Usagi fell back on the bed as she shouted, "Tuxedo Kamen-sama" joyfully.
    Tuxedo Kamen appeared above a broken window. "A demon that uses his powers to force a woman to become his own...That cannot be forgiven!" He yelled angrily. Demando released a blast from his third eye and Tuxedo Kamen shielded himself with his cape. Suddenly Demando got caught up in a storm of Dark Power, and Tuxedo Mask pulled Usagi to him by extending his cane towards her. They fled headed back to Crystal Tokyo on the hang glider.
    Esmeraude watched Tuxedo Kamen and Usagi escape, and Sapphir appeared behind her. He asked her if she was responsible for Sailor Moon escaping, but she claimed that Demando had her love and loyalty. Sapphir remarked that a woman was dangerous when stricken with jealousy. Sapphir told her they were in the same position, they cared for his brother and hated Sailor Moon.
    Tuxedo Kamen and Usagi made it back to the palace grounds. He reminded her what King Endymion had said, that they would have more challenges to face, but Usagi said she didn't care as long as he was with her.
    While Demando ordered Sapphir to prepare another attack on Crystal Tokyo, King Endymion told them that the silver crystal of the 30th century was missing. Someone had taken it from the palace before the Black Moon's attack on Crystal Tokyo. This left the city and palace defenseless. Unnoticed by them, Chibiusa started upon this and looked about to cry. Sailor Moon tried her silver crystal on Neo-Queen Serenity calling out "Moon Crystal Power!" but nothing happened! Upset at the failure, Chibiusa ran out of the palace.
    Chibiusa sat on a swing far away from the palace in a detroyed playground, feeling sad again. Wiseman appeared and said he wanted her, the "Rabbit." Chibiusa tried to run away but Wiseman stopped her and she couldn't move. He will now find out what happened to the silver crystal. He made Chibiusa remember the events leading to the Black Moon attack. She'd broken a vase in the palace and was being scolded for being so clumsy. They told her she would never be a lady if she wasn't careful. She wanted to be a real lady, like her beauitful mama and she ran through the halls of the palace in tears.
    Chibiusa went to the silver crystal, and uses her Luna P ball to open the case. As she took the silver crystal, it flared up in white light and vanished. Chibiusa then remembered her mother searching for her, running outside and calling, "Small Lady." and was suddenly  incased in crystal, and her father being blasted in the monitor room. She screamed out, "Papa!" and "Mama!".
    Wiseman told her that Chibiusa had made herself forget those things because of the shock of the events. Chibiusa cried, "No! It's not my fault!", and Wiseman showed her illusions of the Sailor Senshis all blaming her. Chibiusa closed her eyes and covered her ears trying to block it out. Wiseman said that she was right. He can help her make everyone understand what happened. All she had to do was take his hand, and he'd help prove them it wasn't her fault. He offered her his hand, and she took it.
    Esmeraude and Sapphir was in the room with the Black Crystal. Sapphir was nervous saying that Wiseman did things that none of them knew about it. The Black Crystal will be very powerful. Prince Demando appearred and told sapphir to use the Black Crystal to attack.
    Esmeraude appeared in the Black Moon Citadel, calling for Wiseman. Wiseman appeared, and she wanted to be in charge of the attack on Crystal Tokyo. She wanted more power. He started to predict the future and called her Queen Esmeraude. Her eyes widened at this as he created a black crystal tiara that floated to her. She took the tiara and placed it on her head.
    She screamed in pain and a flash of energy transformed her. Esmeraude was now wearing a Queen *really ugly black and gray* gown but laughed in delight, but Wiseman called her a fool for thinking she could ever control the power of the Black Crystal. She cursed Wiseman as the dark power began to surround Esmeraude, and she fell. As more power surrounded her, she said she'd give her soul for Demando.
    A wall of the Citadel shattered, and a huge green dragon appeared with a tiara embedded in its forehead. It lifted into the air and moved toward the palace. In the palace King Endymion used sensors to scan the dragon. He told the Sailor Senshis that the black crystal tiara was the source of its power. A crash shook the palace, and Jupiter declared they'd have to defeat the dragon. They agreed and ran off, as Tuxedo Kamem asked King Endymion to look after Chibiusa.
    The dragon attacked the barrier, crashing against the barrier and the Senshis of the future took the strain. The dragon leapt over them, knocking them all flat. Venus used her Love Me Chain and wounded it. In the monitor room Luna and Artemis watched the dragon's wound close. Meanwhile, King Endymion went to Neo-Queen Serenity and saw Luna P ball roll from behind the crystal. He realized that Chibiusa was gone.
    Sailor Jupiter used "Sparkling Wide Pressure", Sailor Mars used "Brning Mandala!", and Sailor Mercury tried her "Shine Aqua Illusion" but the dragon recovered quickly. It breathed fire on Sailor Moon, but Tuxedo Kamen protected her. He leapt and threw a rose at the tiara, scoring a direct hit. The dragon staggered, and Sailor Moon used her "Moon Princess Halation" and destroyed it. For a moment Esmeraude appeared wearing the tiara, but the tiara vanished and she fell into a void screaming. From faraway, Prince Demando heard his name said by Esmeraude and he replied her name as well.
    Back at the palace, King Endymion told the Sailor Senshis that Chibiusa had disappeared. They searched for her, but didn't find anything.
    Wiseman was planning to brainwash Chibiusa by creating and manipulating her past memories. Chibiusa started remembering when she was walking with her parents on a rainy day, and tripped. She fell splashing herself, and asked her parents to help her. Serenity told her she must pick herself up, and Chibiusa replied she hated her mother. Chibiusa turned to her father, but her father said she must stand by herself. Wiseman told Chibiusa to remember her cruel mother and father, and began to alter her memories. Chibiusa saw her parents again, but more evil. They said it was her fault for trippping and being so clumsy.
    Next Chibiusa was standing alone with the Sailor Senshis of the future. She was upset that her parents weren't there because it was her birthday, but the Senshis reminded her that the King and Queen had matters of state to deal with. Chibiusa thought that nobody loved her. Sailor Mars looked at her and say, "Well, maybe we can..." and Sailor Jupiter said sharply, "Mars." and covered her mouth. Chibiusa looked at them and they didn't say anything else but "See you..." and left. Dark power surrounded Chibiusa, and she continued to see hateful images of her friends and family, altered by Wiseman. She succumbed to the thought that nobody loved her.
    She absorbed the dark power and transformed into an older version of herself *Quite pretty* with a Black Moon insignia on her forehead. Wiseman and new Chibiusa appeared in front of Demando, and Wiseman pronounced her the Queen of the Dark Moon. Demando sat up and was astonished that this was the rabbit while she introduced herself as Black Lady. Wiseman told Demando that if they took Black Lady to the past, they would win. They vanished, and Demando declared the time had arrived for vengeance. Sapphir appeared and warned him again not to trust Wiseman since he suspected that he killed off Esmeraude because she wasn't useful. But Demando said he was useful in helping them attack Crystal Tokyo and gave them the power of the Black Crystal. Demando told Sapphir to protect the Black Crystal until they attack fully.
    At the palace, a hologram of Sailor Pluto appeared and told the Senshis that something strange had happened to Small Lady. Pluto told them to return to the past and opened a doorway. The Sailor Senshis returned to present-day Tokyo as they heard arning from Pluto and King Endymion. They warned them since they knew about the future, live each day to the fullness and look forward to bright future. They returned to Tokyo at night. They were glad to be back, but Sailor Moon missed Chibiusa.
    Meanwhile, Black Lady and Demando were on opposite rooftops. He removed an earring and used it to place a fragment of the Black Crystal on the ground, which Black Lady began to feed with energy. The Senshis saw the dark power, and a swirling cloud of dark mist appeared in front of them. Black Lady appeared and introduced herself.
    Luna P ball reacted to her presence and it floated towards her, and Black Lady embraced it as her only friend. The Luna P ball's gold crescent moon insignia became the Black Moon's black one, and Sailor Moon realized that Black Lady was Chibiusa! Black Lady turned her Luna P ball into a red umbrella, opened it and blast them with dark power.
    Black Lady blasted them again, and Luna told Sailor Moon to fight back. Sailor Moon refused to hurt her and Black Lady pinned her to the ground by shooting darts out from her umbrella. She was about to kill Sailor Moon, but Tuxedo Kamen threw a rose at the umbrella, knocking it away. It turned back to the Luna P ball.
    Sailor Moon activated the silver crystal, and Black Lady staggered from its power. In a memory Chibiusa ran through the palace crying that everybody left her alone and she was scared, and ran through a door to find a surprise birthday party for her with both her parents and the Sailor Senshi there. Black Lady realized she was loved, and began to turn back to Chibiusa. But Wiseman appeared, and told her not to be deceived. "You are a small rabbit starved for love." The party was just a hallucination and he erased the memory of the party, and the transformation stopped. Chibiusa returned fully into being Black Lady. Black Lady said she would fill the world with Darkness when the crsytal grows, and vanished.
    The Black Crystal had grown to a huge size now, and Artemis and Tuxedo Kamen were out researching the Black Crystal. The girls were watching the news about the growing crystal when Ikuko brought out drinks. She also absentmindedly brought out Chibiusa's cup since some part of her remembered Chibiusa but all her memorues were supposed to be erased when Chibiusa left.
    Meanwhile, Wiseman sat in the Dark Moon Citadel, thinking the world would soon be in Darkness. Demando and the rest of the Black Moon were just pawns to them, and they would perish. Sapphir lurked in the shadows overhearing everything, but Wiseman sensed him. Sapphir quickly withdrew, even though Wiseman had noticed.
Sapphir ran through the corridors, and he stole out a disk that controlled the Dark Crystal's powers. Wiseman appeared in front of him and asked what he was doing. He ordered Sapphir to return it but Sapphir said he didn't take orders from him. Sapphir told Wiseman he'd tell his brother, but Wiseman said that if he was against the Death Phantom his sentence was death.
    Sapphir asked who the Death Phantom was, and Wiseman said he was a God who would wipe out all life and bring Silence and Darkness to the world. Sapphir repeated he'd tell his brother, but Wiseman said he'd die before he knew any more. He struck, the assault injuring Sapphir, but at the last minute Sapphir managed to teleport away. Wiseman wasn't worried, he knew where Sapphir was going.
    In the streets of Tokyo, the Black Crystal rose high in the sky as it loomed over everytihng. The four sisters were worried but Petz noticed Sapphir staggering into an alley. Sapphir collapsed against a tree, and had a dream that Wiseman was controlling his brother from when they were children still on Nemesis. He awoke in bed, his injuries bandaged. Petz entered the room with some food, and she asked him if he'd come to punish them. If he had, then as the eldest she was prepared to take the punishment for all of them. Sapphir remarked that she changed and she told him that Sailor Moon and her friends taught them all about love and trust. Sapphir remembered that he had to tell Demando the truth about Wiseman and he got up. Petz said sadly that he hasn't changed a bit since his brother was the first thing on his mind.
    Petz started to cry and said she couldn't bear it if anything happened to him. Sapphir promised he's only going to talk with Demando and left his jacket, saying he'll get it later. Petz watched over the city, holding onto his jacket.
    On the other side of the door, Coonan was worried letting him go with such bad injuries. Berchue said they should help but Avary said that they didn't have their powers and will only get in the way.
    Wiseman appeared before Black Lady and Demando, and told them Sapphir had betrayed them by stealing the key card from the Dark Crystsal. Without it, the crystal could not charge up or activate. Demando ordered them to capture Sapphir but not to kill him.
    Coonan called Usagi, and asked for help. In the streets, Sapphir moved toward the Black Crystal. Black Lady appeared, but the Senshis appeared. Black Lady blasted them, but Mercury used her "Shabon Spray" to fog the area. Mars and Jupiter covered Sapphir, and told him to speak with Demando. They said that Coonan had told them everything. Sapphir couldn't believe that they were helping him but they told him that they gave even enemies a chance. Black Lady got annoyed and called Sailor Moon an annoying bitch and used her Luna P ball to make a fan that swept away the fog, and Sailor Moon pleaded with and tried to use the silver crystal again.
    Black Lady dodged away and enveloped them in two black domes by shooting badminton birdies at them. Sapphir went toward Demando and was about to explain. Meanwhile, Black Lady had trapped all the Senshis in Black Power. Suddenly Tuxedo Kamen appeared and shattered the two domes by knocking away the birdies. He encouraged Demando to listen to what Sapphir had to say. Diamond turned to him and Sapphir smiled. Then he gasped as he saw energy from behind Demando.
    An energy blast struck Sapphir and Diamond spun around to find Wiseman. Wiseman said he didn't need to waste his time to kill traitors. Sapphir was still alive and called out "Nisan" *Older brother* and Demando turned. He was about to explain about the Death Phantom but Wiseman released another blast. Wiseman retrieved the crystal key, and he and Black Lady vanished.
    Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon both lifted Sapphir up. Sapphir said..."Petz...sorry..." and Petz gasped and realized when happen as the hook which Sapphir's jacket hung from fell. Sapphir's bandage unwound to reveal his Black Moon insignia gone, and he died. Demando walked over and took the body, and with hatred said Wiseman's name. Then disappeared.
    Petz sat alone in her apartment, knowing that Sapphir had died. She'd known it before Sapphire had left.
    Tuxedo Kamen had gone into the Black Crystal to find the source of its power. Usagi ran through a park, and Naru called out to her. She was worried about Usagi, and asked if she knew anything about what was happening. Usagi hesitated, laughed nervously and then said what could she know? Naru said that she thought Usagi knew something but couldn't tell her, so she wouldn't ask again. Usagi smiled briefly and thanked her before she ran off. Naru watched Usagi leaved and she hoped she would be all right. As Usagi ran, she vowed that she would protect Naru and the Earth.
    Demando wanted to know why Wiseman had killed his brother, and Wiseman replied that Saffir had gotten in their way. The day of vengeance had arrived, and all was secondary to his important mission. Demando then implied if Wiseman was using them, but Wiseman reminded him that he wanted to revenge on Earth too. The Senshis got together, and transformed. As they did, the Black Crystal grew in size and power.
    They used Sailor Teleport to get inside the Dark Crystal. Suddenly an hole appeared beneath Sailor Moon, and she plunged out of sight. Sailor Moon landed deep within the Crystal. She noticed a figure in the shadow welcoming her, and realized it was Demando. He leapt in front of her and took hold of her, saying that this time she would swear her love and loyalty to him. He changed his Black Moon insignia into a third eye again. Sailor Moon's eyes changed to a solid deep blue. Demando told her again to swear an oath of love to him and she affirmed her loyalty to him.
    Demando moved to kiss Sailor Moon, but a tear ran down her cheek as she whispered "Mamo-chan". Enraged, Demando shook her from her trance, saying that he would make her his. Sailor Moon said that he couldn't make someone love him, but Diamond used his third eye again. This time Sailor Moon averted her eyes, saying that even if he succeeded it wouldn't be real love. He replied harshly that love wsa love, it didn't matter. She lifted her heard for a moment and became mesmerized again. Diamond extended a hand and ordered her to swear loyalty to him, but Sailor Moon had flashes of memories, seeing Chibiusa, the Senshis, Naru, and finally Mamoru. She snapped out of the trance.
    Demando couldn't believe it, and Sailor Moon asked him why he wanted to destroy everything. He said the Black Moon clan just wanted to live on Earth, and his people and hers couldn't co-exist. Sailor Moon said that wasn't true, since all four sisters were living happily on Earth. This stopped Demando and he realized that Wiseman had deceived them. He turned to Sailor Moon ready to listen, when Wiseman appeared and ordered him to kill her. Demando refused, and Wiseman struck.
    They fought, equally matched, as Sailor Moon watched. Suddenly Wiseman appeared near Sailor Moon and released a blast directly at her. Sailor Moon staggered backwards as the blast transformed into daggers but at the last minute Demando took the blast himself. Demando struggled to his feet, when Wiseman laughed and told the two of them they could die together. Demando turned and shouted, "Don't underestimate me." and summoned a final blast that overwhelmed Wiseman and shattered him. His empty cloak and crystal ball fell to the floor.
    Demando collapsed and realized that the Black Moon family had come to an end.
"Sailor Moon, I was wrong. I wanted my clan to move back to Earth. I would have given my life for it. But somewhere along the line, I was tricked by Wiseman..." Unnoticed by them, Wiseman's crystal ball flashed a skull face and rose into the air. Wiseman began to pull himself together. "I sacrificed so many innocents that I've lost my humanity." Demando remembered the four sisters living on Earth, and said perhaps there was hope for his people after all. He asked Sailor Moon to take care of them, and Sailor Moon, on the verge of tears agreed. He died after saying "Sailor Moon, I love you."
    Wiseman seized Sailor Moon by the throat, and demanded the silver crystal. She refused, and called out for Tuxedo Kamen. Wiseman laughed, and let her go, showing her images of Mamoru and Chibiusa together. He told her that Darien had given his heart to the little girl. Sailor Moon began crying, and fell to her knees but refused to be deceived. Dark power began to surround her as she saw images of Tuxedo Kamen and Black Lady kissing *EW! Incest!* and that he had fallen in love with Black Lady. He told her that Tuxedo Kamen had abandoned her, and that she should use her hatred and focus it into the silver crystal to fill the world with Darkness. Sailor Moon began to believe him  when a real picture of Chibiusa appeared to her telling her to that she believed in her.
    Sailor Moon snapped out of it, and said that her friends would never betray her. Enraged, Wiseman released an energy blast. A rose flashed by and deflected the blast, and Tuxedo Kamen appeared along with the other Senshis. Wiseman laughed, and said both Black Lady and the Black Crystal had surged with power to its peak. He will open the Dark Gate and let darkness come to earth. Wiseman then vanished, and Tuxedo Kamen said that they must seal the gateway.
    The Senshis and Tuxedo Mask emerged on a platform at the peak of the Black Crystal. Black Lady floated above them. They all cried out "Chibiusa" but Black Lady said she was a servant of the Death Phantom and that she said she would open the Dark Gate and cast the world into Darkness. The Death phantom appearred as dark energy above the crystal. It was really Wiseman and he grew in power. Luna and Artemis watched from the rooftop once again.
    Black Lady ordered Wiseman to give all of the Black Crystal's energy so she can pulverize Earth. Sailor Moon told her that she would die if she accepts the power of the Black Crystal, but Black Lady replied that she woulkd die for darkness. They didn't understand her, and that she'd kill them all.
    Black Lady blasted Sailor Moon, but Tuxedo Kamen threw himself in front of Sailor Moon. Black Lady couldn't believe it, but the Senshi explained that if what you do for the people who are important to you that she was a very important person to them all. Black Lady didn't understand and called them all fools. They started calling her Chibiusa again, and Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen said they were friends and was loved by so many. But Wiseman interfered and ordered her not to believe them. He sent more of the Dark Crystal's power to her. The storm of dark power rose once more.
    Suddenly, Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon remembered King Endymion's words, that they would face many challenges. Tuxedo Kamen said they must unite their power if they wanted to succeed. They joined hands and stood together, and Sailor Moon lifted her silver crystal and cried "Moon Crystal Power!"
    The light of the silver crystal bathed everyone, and in the future the same light engulfed the sleeping Neo-Queen Serenity. In the present the light died. To everyone's astonishment, Sailor Moon had transformed into Neo-Queen Serenity. She told Wicked Lady that it was time to remember her childhood and Black Lady started to remember.
    Neo-Queen Serenity and Black Lady's moon insignia began to glow, and Black Lady saw the memory of Chibiusa crying because her parents wouldn't pick her up. This time, they explained that they wanted her to learn to help herself, and raised her to be able to depend on herself. Wiseman interferes again, and engulfs them in a column of dark power. They float within it, as Wiseman told Black Lady that everyone was born alone and would die alone. He then wiped her parents from her memory. Black Lady blasts Serenity and Tuxedo Mask, but despite the power assaulting her, Serenity told Black Lady to leave this place. It was hurting her physically and mentally.
    Black Lady reminded her that it was dangerous for her too, but Serenity replied she didn't care for her own life, and wanted her to be safe. As long as Small Lady was safe, she'll be happy. Serenity told her she should remember the love and warmth of her family and friends. She lifted the silver crystal and activated it again, and Black Lady was hit by memories. Serenity reminded her that everyone suffered hardships in their lives, and that's when they must hold onto memories of good times.
    The memories faded, and the three of them stood together in the white light of the Silver Crystal. Serenity said the warmth she felt was the love others had for her. Black Lady realized she wasn't alone, and her Black Moon insignia vanished. She moved to embrace Serenity, and as the column of dark power vanished it revealed Serenity, Tuxedo Kamen, and a sleeping Chibiusa. Then Serenity turned back into Sailor Moon.
    Chibiusa woke up as Sailor Moon collapsed momentarily. The Black Crystal surged again, and Wiseman appeared above them telling them that even though he lost the power of Black Lady, the Gate was open and he would destroy the world. He lifted his crystal ball and blasted them all. Everyone was helpless under the assault, and Tuxedo Kamen was scared as he said the world would be destroyed.
    Sailor Moon stood and with the silver crystal swept the dark power away from them. Walking clear of the others, she said she wouldn't let them die. The others cried to her that if she used the full power of the silver crystal she'd die. Wiseman hit her with another column of dark power, but when it disappeared it revealed Neo-Queen Serenity again. She opened her eyes and released the power of the silver crystal. Wiseman did the same with the Black Crystal, and the energy clashed.
    Neo-Queen Serenity strained, but the power of the crystal grew. Chibiusa started crying "It's all my fault." One of her tears fell, and became the silver crystal of the future! Chibiusa suddenly realized that the Silver Crystal wasn't lost but was inside her the whole time! She asked the silver crystal for help to protect everyone, and in a flash of light she transformed into a princess dress. The Senshis stood and linked their powers, and both Serenity and Chibiusa used "Moon Crystal Power."
    The combined attack was too much, and Wiseman and the Black Crystal were destroyed. Sailor Moon and Chibiusa beoth returned to normal and floated alone enveloped in pink light. The voice of Queen Serenity told them that the silver crystal had performed a miracle, that they were still alive, and that everyone was waiting for them.
They both were unconscious. Sailor Moon recovered, and rushed to Chibiusa, who awoke right away as well. The Dark Crystal slowly shrunk and vanished. Chibiusa and Usagi hugged tightly. Chibiusa said "Thank you... Mama". Chibiusa turned away and used her key, vanishing into the future. Usagi whispered goodbye, but Mamoru put his arm around her.
    In the future Chibiusa ran on a hillside, with a restored Crystal Tokyo in front of her. She found Neo-Queen Serenity, King Endymion, and the Sailor Senshis of the future waiting for her. She walked up and curtsied. Then she ran to her mother and hugged her. Neo-Queen Serenity welcomed her home.

Episode 89 is a special that leads on to Sailor Moon S. It introduced two new shadowed Sailor Senshis. The new enemy that as to appear in Sailor Moon S. And it also discussed Sailor Pluto. The episode also had flashbacks to the Sailor Moon season and recaps the first two seasons.

Onto Sailor Moon S
Return To Sailor Moon