Season: Sailor Moon SuperS
Episodes 128-166

    Chibiusa is sleeping and in her dreams, she saw a beautiful white Pegasus came to her. She heard neighing echoing from a cloud as it sped through space towards her. She was drawn out of bed and she wandered down Tokyo, following the sound until she reached a lake. There stood a white winging unicorn in the middle of the lake. Chibiusa reached for him and when she touched him, she was transformed to her Princess outfit. She was amazed at the beauty and then Pegasus told her not to tell anyone about their encounter. Then he disappeared, leaving Chibiusa confused.
    The next morning, Usagi woke her up rudely and she realized it was all a dream. The five girls, Chibi-usa, Mamoru, Motoki *Andrew*, and his little sister Unazuki *?* were all watching a rare solar eclipse. They were sitting on the hill and chibiusa started spacing off, remembering her dream. As the solar eclipse happened, a weird circus tent descended on the city. When the eclipse was over, only Usagi saw it, and became confused. But she forgot about it when nobody else sees it and later she doesn't see it either.
    Inside the Dead Moon Circus, strange freaky looking creatures were saying how stupid the humans were since they hadn't noticed the circus tent. They started saying that humans who were clueless and they were playing around when their master, Zirconia appears, a snail like creature wearing a long cape, and she *but looks like a he* summons the Amazon Trio. Calling forth the Amazon Trio, three figures appeared from a circle that appeared in the air. Tigers Eye, Fish Eye, and Hawks Eye were to find humans with beautiful dreams and find "him" *Pegasus*. All three bowed and left to start their search.
    Later, the Trio are at a bar *they are in this bar ALOT* and was looking at all these photographs of people. *Stalkers...* They pick up a picture of Unazuki, Motoki's little sister and thought maybe "he" was hiding in her dreams. Tigers Eye set out to find out if their theory was correct or not.
    Unazuki was working as a waitress and was serving Usagi and Chibiusa. Usagi mentioned something about Unazuki's boyfriend from when they were watching the eclipse and Unazuki blushed so Chibiusa asked her about him. Unazuki's boyfriend never said he loved her, but she explained to Chibi-usa that it was different in her dreams. Chibi-usa said that sometimes you can't wait for Prince Charming to come in riding a white horse, and Unazuki remarked that Chibi-usa was very mature. Usagi said that Chibi-usa was reading her mother's romance books again.
    Hawks Eye went out in normal clothes and saw Unazuki on a bus going home. He snapped his fingers and Unazuki's wallet appeared in his hand. Unazuki started looking for her wallet and hawks Eye asked her if the wallet was here. Unazuki thanked him when they two got off the bus together and Hawks Eye said he'd regret saying good-bye. Unazuki became confused and suddenly Hawks Eye transformed cracking a whip *that suddenly appeared in his hand* by making a curtain fall in front of him and then it rolled back up, revealing him as Tigers Eye in his Amazon Trio outfit.
    Unazuki screamed and Usagi and Chibiusa was nearby so they heard and decided to see what's going on, and ran off to transform. Then Hawks Eye went through the routine to extract a dream mirror. He yelled, "One" (in English) and a board came up from behind Unazuki. He yelled, "Two!", and clamps go around her arms and leg, strapping her to the wall. He yelled, "Three!", and a pink mirror with a bow bow appeared from Unazuki's chest, causing her to scream in pain. He was about to stick his head in the mirror to look into her dream when Sailor Moon told him to stop.
    Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon introduced themselves, but Hawks Eye wasn't impressed and called out a monster from his shadow. The shadow grew and then the mark of the Dead Moon Circus appeared before the shadow materialized to become the monster. The monster was like a dismembered  puppet and started attacking Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon. They were losing until Tuxedo Kamen came and he and Hawks Eye fought with whip and cane. Then Hawks Eye trapped Tuxedo Kamen's shadow against a tree by tying Tuxedo Kamen's shadow with his whip so he couldn't move. Hawks Eye stuck his head in Unazuki's mirror and looked around, but didn't see "him", so he told the monster to kill Unazuki so "he" wouldn't hide in her dream later.
    Chibi Moon wished someone would come and help them, and then Pegasus appeared from the sky. Hawks Eye cried out, "It's him!" Pegasus landed on the ground and his eye sparkled. That made Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon power up to Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon much to their surprise. He created a new weapon for Sailor Moon called the Kaleid Moon Scope which she held out all confused until Pegasus told Super Sailor Chibi Moon what Super Sailor Moon's attack was and she relayed that to Super Sailor Moon. Super Sailor Moon used "Moon Gorgeous Meditation!" to finish it off. Unazuki was released from the wall, and Hawks Eye cried out, "Oh no!", and jumped through a hole back to his dimension.
    The next time Hawks Eye went after Usagi's mother. Chibiusa had been becoming very close to Usagi's mom, and Usagi had been getting jealous when her mother made them all lemon pie and chibiusa ate it all and her mom didn't do much about it when Usagi threw a temper tantrum. Hawks Eye got her mother alone from Chibiusa when they were shopping and then tried to look in her dream mirror. Usagi and Chibiusa transformed, and tried to stop him, but he summoned a monster which kept attacking them. Hawks Eye looked, but didn't see the Pegasus in the dream, so he told the monster to get them all. The monster drew bombs at the Sailor and aimed itself since it was a human cannon monster at her Usagi's mother and was about to launch herself when Sailor Chibi Moon thought, "Please Pegasus, come and power us up, extraordinary!"
    Pegasus appeared from the star, and Moon and Chibi Moon stared up at him. Then their brooches lit up and both changed to heart brooches. Pegasus told Chibi Moon to transform together with, "Moon Crisis, make up!", and Chibi Moon relayed the message to Sailor Moon. They both transformed to Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon again with the power of Pegasus. Then Pegasus changed the Heart Rod and Chibi Moon's rod to the Kaleid Moon Scope and Crystal Carrilon. He told Chibi Moon to call his name, and Chibi Moon nodded. Chibi Moon prayed, "Please, Pegasus! Come and protect our dreams!" She received her bell and yelled out, "Twinkle Yell!" Pegasus appeared from a star and Chibi Moon told Sailor Moon to say Moon Gorgeous Meditation. The monster was about to launch herself, but Sailor Moon destroyed it with her, "Moon Gorgeous Meditation!" attack. Afterwards, Sailor Moon wondered who he was, but Chibi Moon looked at her bell and smiled.
    The series goes on with the Amazon Trio looking for the Dream Mirror where the Pegasus was hiding, but they never found it in the humans. Zirconia revealed they were being instructed by their Queen Nehelenia *or Nephrenia* to to find the Pegasus who lives inside the Golden Mirror, and the Golden Crystal (which is the Pegasus' horn). Zircon, the eyeball shaped flying object, would go around and take pictures of people with beautiful dreams, and then the Amazon Trio would chose who to take the dream mirror from. However, they were a little biased on who they chose. For instance, Fish Eye liked to go after handsome men since he was gay *USA made him into a  girl like Zoisite*, Hawks Eye liked to go after older women, and Tigers Eye liked to go after young women. And they had an debate about that, too.
    Also, a new character showed up. Diana, the purple kitten of Luna and Artemis, was sent back to the future to take place with Chibi-usa. Luna and Artemis were not expecting her arrival, and were both pretty surprised that this was their future daughter in the times of Crystal Tokyo.
Diana replaced the job of Chibiusa's Luna P ball and got into alot of mischief.
    Fish Eye went after one man, a author of a book about fairies and soon he found a picture of Mamoru, who Fish Eye immediately fell in love with, to the disgust of Hawks Eye and Tigers Eye. Fish Eye came after him, but Mamoru didn't accept any of his advances. Usagi saw the flirting and wedges herself into Fish Eye dressed up as a girl and mamoru and told her off. Fish Eye was rejected by Mamoru because he loved Usagi and Fish Eye asked why. Mamoru told her usagi had beautiful dreams so Fish Eye got upset and looked in his dream mirror but didn't find anything.
    Mamoru's words started affecting him and Fish Eye started to get sad, and realized that he had no dreams, therefore he had no heart mirror. He also realized that what they were doing wrong. In a mad fit when Tigers Eye said dreams weren't important and Fish Eye said there were since everyone had them but them, he attacked Hawks Eye and tried to take out his Dream Mirror. Hawks Eye couldn't believe that it didn't work, meaning he had no dreams and was left chained the wall as Fish Eye left. Later, disguised as a girl, he sat on a park bench in the rain. Usagi found him (thinking that he's a "her") and took him to her house to get dry and have some tea. Fish Eye saw a picture of Usagi and Mamoru together, (and a little shocked) asked Usagi about her love. Then Usagi said something that Sailor Moon had said to Fish Eye in a former battle. Fish Eye realized that Usagi was Sailor Moon. Usagi left the room, and Chibiusa passed by, on her way to her room. Fish Eye followed, and saw Chibiusa contact the Pegasus.
    Usagi returned, and her mother told her that Chibiusa was missing. Usagi also found her "friend" to be gone. She went off to search for Chibi-usa, and her friends split up to look for her. Fish Eye returned to Zirconia, and told them that what they were doing was wrong (stunning Tigers Eye and Hawks Eye). Angrily, Zirconia blasted him and Tigers Eye and Tigers Eye was shocked that Zirconia would do such a thing to them. Zirconia explained to them that they were all animals made into humans and if they didn't finish their mission by the next full moon, they'll go back to being animals. She checked up on what Fish Eye had been doing, and saw Usagi and Fish Eye together at the bench, in the first scene. Zirconia ordered Hawks Eye to get her heart mirror and gave him a crystal to do the job. Hawks Eye left and Tigers Eye helped Fish Eye to his feet, but Fish Eye roughly pushed him aside and followed Hawks Eye. Hawks Eye approached Usagi in a human form. He then transformed to his uniform, and does the attack to take out her heart mirror.
    But Fish Eye appeared and stopped him. The Amazoness Quartet (shadowed) sent out a monster to finish the job. The monster attacked Hawks Eye, Fisheye, and Tigers Eye who had just arrived to help, but the monster's attack hit Usagi's mirror instead so she died. Hawks Eye fought with the monster, but got killed. Fish Eye produced a big crystal with Chibiusa trapped inside. He then pulled out the crystal that Zirconia gave them and said that it could bring her back to life , and begged Tigers Eye to use the power to save Usagi. Hawks Eye agreed. They used the power, and while Usagi came back to life, Chibi-usa came out of the other crystal. Then Fish Eye and Tigers Eye died, having used all their energy.
    Now restored, Usagi and Chibi-usa transformed, and the other Sailor Senshis appeared to help take care of the monster. Then Super Sailor Chibi Moon summoned Pegasus, who brought the Amazon Trio back to life, gave them heart mirrors and dreams, and took their souls to a better place.
    Soon the Amazoness Quartet was revealed from the shadows and took over the job of finding the Golden Crystal and Pegasus. They arrived on Nehelenia's orders and consisted of Cere Cere, who was equal to Sailor Venus and also the leader, Jun Jun, who was equal to Sailor Jupiter, Ves Ves, who was equal to Sailor Mars, and Palla Palla, who was equal to Sailor Mercury. They each had balls of power which they would use on their enemies. The Amazoness Quartet would take out many mirrors at a time, usually from a group of people.
    During this time the Inner Senshi reached deep inside themselves and powered up to Super Sailors when they fought their enemies. To do this they transformed with their Sailor Crystals, saying, "Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!" "Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!" "Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up!" and "Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!"
    The Amazoness Quartet knew they didn't have dreams, like the Amazon Trio, but they didn't think it was a bad thing. Sometimes they asked the Sailor Senshi what they were missing, but mostly they didn't care. One time Palla Palla transformed Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon and reversed their ages, so Sailor Moon became very young and Chibi Moon became Sailor Moon's age. Chibi Moon wanted Pegasus to see her as a grown up, but Pegasus didn't come. When she was dreaming, Pegasus came to her. Chibi-usa said she'd thought she'd never see him again, but Pegasus said he didn't know where to find him anymore. He said the light from her dream wasn't reaching her. He showed her his land by letting her ride on his back as they flew over his land, which was in ruins. Pegasus explained that his world lived off the energy of beautiful people, but one day the Dead Moon Circus came searching for the Golden Crystal. He said that if the Golden Crystal fell into their hands, Elysion *or Erusion*, his land, would became a land of darkness. He said they captured him and locked him away, but didn't get the crystal. The one time, he saw the light of a beautiful dream. When he saw the light, he was transformed into the form of Pegasus, and that was how he had met her. But he said he couldn't see the light anymore. He said she'd attained her dream of becoming an adult from the evil power of the new moon, and that she must returned to her true dream or he wouldn't be able to find her anymore.
    Chibiusa becomes very sad and runs toward him. When she runs through the light she's transformed back to her old self, and the light from her dream shines again. Pegasus thanks her, and leans in to kiss Chibiusa. Before he got to her, he transformed into his human form. He introduced himself as the guardian of the Golden Crystal, Helios, the protector of people's dreams. Then Chibiusa woke up, and found herself and Usagi back to normal.
    Soon near the end Nehelenia came and took over Zirconia's job. At that time Mamoru was suffering because he was linked to the planet since he was Prince. In his dream, Helios came to him to explain that Elysion was on Earth since it was part of Prince Endymion's Earth kingdom since the times of Silver Millennium. Helios was sad since the enemy was growing in power and Mamoru told him that there's still hope by showing him a red rose in the dead bush.
    Eventually, Sailor Chibi Moon's mirror was taken out and it was found to be the Golden Mirror, and Pegasus was found. Nehelenia covered the world in darkness, and captured Chibi Moon. Nehelenia then took out Pegasus from Chibi Moon's dream mirror, and Chibi Moon realized she was the one they had been looking for! But Nehelenia attacked Chibi Moon, forcing Pegasus to return the stone body of Helios and Sailor Chibi Moon passed out. But by this time the Amazoness Quartet were fed up with Nehelenia who had locked them up for being curious about the Golden Crystal so they smashed their power balls, stole the Golden Crystal, and gave it Sailor Moon.
    Sailor Moon tried to use the Golden Crystal, but it didn't work, and she got very upset. But Chibi Moon ran up and helped Sailor Moon, saying that they all had to combine their powers, not just the Sailor Senshi, but everyone on earth! She convinced them all to use Moon Crisis Power and throw off the darkness!
Everyone on earth began to walk outside, saying, "Moon Crisis Power." This group of children started saying it, looking almost hypnotized, and then Motoki and Unazuki came out and started saying it over and over again too. The darkness lifted off of the planet.
    The golden light from the crystal hit Nehelenia, and she cried out in pain. After a huge explosion, the Dead Moon Circus tent was destroyed. Nehelenia was furious, she took the now unconscious Chibi Moon to a piece of debris and it floated upward since the seal was being restored between Earth and Nehelenia's prison. Sailor Moon woke up just in time to see Nehelenia take her, and managed to grab onto the debris before it lifted off. She ran up the stairs to the top, where Nehelenia was staring horrified into a mirror. She looked very old, and had an uncanny resemblance to Zirconia.
    First Nehelenia explained why she had turned evil, because of some evil beings who had told her one day she would get old and ugly, so she must steal dream mirrors to keep herself beautiful. All her loyal subjects gave her their dream mirrors and they became the circus freaks that served her. Then Nehelenia attacked Sailor Moon and choked her. Sailor Moon said she understood how Nehelenia had felt, so Nehelenia got angry and let her go but then threw Chibi Moon off the side of the still rising debris instead.
Sailor Moon cried out and ran to the side. Nehelenia started to gloat, but Sailor Moon turned and said Nehelenia won't win and she jumped off the debris after Chibi Moon. Nehelenia watched her fall, then called her a fool and sealed herself in a mirror to stay beautiful, because by staying in the real world she would grow old and ugly.
    Sailor Moon kept falling and falling, but couldn't reach Chibi Moon. Suddenly she transformed into her Princess form, and finally reached Chibi Moon. *Loved this part* She begged her to wake up, but Chibi Moon didn't stir. Now they were falling with skyscrapers around them faster and faster. Princess Serenity kept begging and begging her to wake up. Finally, Chibi Moon woke up, and realizing the situation, called out to Helios. He woke up and said that his Princess was calling him so he transformed to his Pegasus form, and flew to save them and when he touched them, he gave them both wings. Chibi Moon had now transformed to a Princess as well, so they floated to the ground like angels.
    After that, Helios was at the park with Mamoru and all the girls. He told them that he needed to leave to go take care of his land, Elysion. The girls thanked him and Usagi pushed Chibiusa towards Helios, teasing her that she was shy in front of Helios. Chibiusa yelled at Usagi before stepping forward. Helios called her My Princess and knelt, kissing her hand and she blushed while everyone else became interested and confused about their relationship. Suddenly someone called out, "UFO!!" and the adults looked away in the sky so Chibiusa had some privacy when she hugged him good-bye. Helios transformed into Pegasus and flew away as Chibiusa ran after him, saying that they'll meet again in their dreams. The Amazoness Quartet was hiding the forest area and it was Jun Jun was the one who cried "UFO!!" and the four girls left after watching Pegasus leave, saying it would be best if they didn't say good bye.

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