Sailor Moon R The Movie

    Tsukino Usagi appears and introduces herself after transforming into Sailor Moon. One by one, she introduces each Sailor Senshi in civilian foirm before they all transform into Sailor Senshis. They all get together and shouted, cheering the beginning of the movie.

The five girls along with Chibiusa are going to a botanical garden with Mamoru. They are taking the bus there and Usagi teases Chibiusa by holding some candy away from her. They get off the bus. Mamoru sees them and waves. Chibiusa runs to him and Usagi chases her. They enter the large park and in the garden together. Later, Usagi and Mamoru look at a flower together.
    Flashback to when Mamoru was a child. This was right after the accident that killed both his parents. He runs up to the hospital roof to meet his friend there. The child is shadowed from view but it is a boy by the sound of his voice. Mamoru runs up to him to say good bye and slowly hands him a red rose. The shadowed child takes it with tears in his eyes and says thank you.
"I'll come back someday. And I'll bring you lots of beautiful flowers for you." he says before he vanishes. Mamoru watches his friend leave and he starts to cry. Flashback ends and Usagi's voice is speaking. They are looking at a flower and Usagi was saying "Forget Me Not." Mamoru snaps out of his daze and looks at her. Usagi explains that is the name of the flower and it's for lovers. Mamoru nods and remarks that she knows alot of about this flower. He looks at her and sees Usagi puckering up for a kiss.
    The other girls are hiding behind a rack, shielded from view by the flowers. They were are spying on Usagi and Mamoru. Mamoru looks around quickly and leans in slowly. Everyone but Ami is spying intently and Chibiusa is mad at Usagi for stealing her Mamo-chan. Ami is telling everyone to stop spying since it was wrong and suddenly they gasp so Ami whirls around and spies too. Ami and Minako cover Chibiusa's mouth and eyes to keep her from shouting out. Ami tells them again that it's wrong but Makoto asks why is she here with them then.
    Usagi is still leaning for a kiss. She's waiting and finally opens her eyes and screams. Chibiusa is holding a caterpillar on a leaf near her and Usagi falls back. She looks for Mamoru but he already went outside. He's walking down the path when it begins to rain flower petals from the sky. The other girls run out, giddy at the pretty sight. Mamoru looks around and sees a man stand in front of him.
    The man is tall, brown haired, and wearing a blue shirt and khaki pants. He says hi and walks up to Mamoru. Usagi stops by Mamoru's side as the man approaches them. Mamoru stares at the man who says, "It's me. I've kept you waiting so long. I'm sorry for being out of touch for so long but I've finally found a flower that you'll like." Mamoru is confused and the man reminds him of the promise that he made to him. He takes Mamoru's hand and says, "A flower...for you and I..." Usagi gasps and stares at him. She steps in and says nervously. "But Mamoru is my boyfriend..."
    The man glares at her and tells her, "Go away." Usagi looks uncertain about what to make of this but Mamoru isn't saying anything. The man raises his hand and blasts Usagi away with energy. The other girls run towards the fallen Usagi. The man walks away but Makoto says he's a jerk for hitting a girl. The man doesn't turn around but says over his shoulder to Mamoru that he'll be back with lots of beautiful flowers before he vanishes. Mamoru says, "Fiore, it can't be." Usagi looks up at him and goes, "Mamo-chan."
    It is night and all the girls and cats are gathered at Hikawa Shrine. Artemis is worried about a strange meteor that is coming towards Earth. He watched the news report about it and told the girls it was strange and not a normal meteor. The size and shape of it is odd, shaped like a seed pod. The weight is too low for the mass of the meteor and it was emitting botanical energy. The girls tell him not to worry but Usagi's voice catches their attention.
Usagi is still thinking about Mamoru and Fiore. The girls talk about how Mamoru wanted to go home right after the encounter and that he didn't want to talk to anyone. Ami remarks that Mamoru is so popular, even with the boys and everyone tells her not to be so blunt. They talk but Usagi says out of the conversation.
    She remembers how Mamoru told her that he had no family but she was his new family and life. Usagi felt so happy and she wanted to be there for him.
    During the night, a small flower drifts down from the sky and falls into a  patch of grass by a  tree in the streets of Tokyo. It grows and blooms quickly. The next afternoon, the girls are walking home after school when Rei stops because she senses something wrong. The older girls run off following Rei but Chibiusa falls down and cries. They discover a street full of collapsed people. They walk into the street and Artemis tells them that all their energy had been drained. Suddenly, the people get up and started to attack all the girls. The people were like zombies. The girls see bunches of small vines that crawl and attach themselves to the people before they start controlling them. The girls were fighting in civilian form and Rei threw out ofudas, burning off the vines. The people collapse but the energy source was still around. Ami tracks it to the small flower which jumps u, with its roots being legs, it runs towards them.
    Chibiusa suddenly runs up and sees everything. She screams and become the flower's target. The flower turns into a monster. The top half of the flower was a blue haired woman and the bottom was the roots. Usagi runs faster than the monster to tackle Chibiusa out of the way, both crashing through a store's large window.
    The monster turns around and grabs Rei and Ami, draining them of their energy. Minako and Makoto transform and attack the flower. Sailor Venus uses her Love Me Chain and breaks the flower's grip on the two girls as Jupiter use her Sparkling Wide Pressure on the flower. The flower's vines get burnt off but it grows more. Ami and Rei also transform. The flower mosnter charges up and Sailor Mars uses her Fire Soul attack on it while Sailor Jupiter uses Supreme Thunder.
    Chibiusa already has awakened and was trying to revive Usagi. Usagi wakes up and yells at her for trying to suffocate her. She gets up and starts to transform. Chibiusa interrupts her mid-phase and says, "Thank you for saving my life." Usagi nods, smiles and transforms into Sailor Moon. She runs out and joins the battle. The monster was winning, having all four girls in her grip. Sailor Moon sends out her tiara and slices them all free. She introduces herself and and monster attacks by jumping high into the air. Sailor Mercury uses "Shine Aqua Illusion" to freeze it and tells Sailor Moon to finish it off. Sailor Moon starts to use her "Moon Princess Halation." It looks like Sailor Moon did it as the monster explodes and releases all the stolen energy.
    Suddenly, Fiore appears in the middle of the battlefield and speaks. "I was careless. I had no idea that there was people like on you on this planet." The Senshis gasp as Fiore reveals himself to be an alien. Fiore also recognizes Sailor Moon as Usagi from yesterday. A talking flower grows out of his heart and speaks. "We need to get rid of these girls."
    Luna and Artemis recongize the flower and called it a Kisenian flower. Fiore agrees with the flower and blasts Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus through another glass window. Sailor Mars went smashing into a metal garage door. Sailor Jupiter tried to fight him but Fiore blasts her into a telephone booth.
    He turns and starts to attack Sailor Moon but a red rose stops him. He looks at the rose with recognition. Tuxedo Kamen's voice introduces himself and steps out from a billboard of men in tuxedos. Fiore recognizes the voice and asks why is he allying himself with the girl. Sailor Moon cries out towards Tuxedo Kamen and Tuxedo Kamen walks forward, asking why is Fiore doing this. Fiore tells him that he is protecting him from the vicious girl who will desert him and make lonely again.
    Tuxedo Kamen asks him to stop in the name of their friendship. Fiore gets angry and attacks Sailor Moon again, still believing that Sailor Moon was tricking Mamoru. Tuxedo Kamen uses his cane to battle against Fiore's sharp claws. Fiore dodges him and aims at Sailor Moon again but Tuxedo Kamen jumps in the way and gets stabbed. He collapses, his top hot and mask falling off, and Sailor Moon catches him.
    Fiore couldn't believe that Mamoru cared about her that much and the flower takes control once more. Fiore takes Mamoru away and disappears as Sailor Moon runs after him, shouting Mamoru's name.
    Flashback again to Mamoru's car accident that killed his family. A doctor speaks saying that both his parents are dead and he has no other family. Fiore appeares to him, a young child like Mamoru, and tells him not to worry. Flashback ends with Tuxedo Kamen inside a large crystal. Fiore stands on the outside as the crystal heals Mamoru. Fiore tells Mamoru about how he was so very alone floating in space until he arrived on Earth. There Mamoru, as a child found and befriended him, ending both their loneliness. Fiore had to leave again and Mamoru gave him a  red rose as a present. Fiore then discover the beauty of flowers and promised to return with lots of flowers for him.
    Travelling, he found a flower. A Kisensian flower. When he touched it, he realized he had to get everyone that made Mamoru's life so terrible in the first place. Mamoru says he never wanted that but he sees the Kisenian's aura all around Fiore, indicating its control over him. They are floating in space in the seed pod meteor.
    The Sailor Senshi are in the park at night, in a large pipe. Luna tells everyone about how the Kisenian takes control over a person to benefit itself. They are usually helpless until they find a weak minded  person to take over. using that person, they will make him create a perfect atmosphere for their kind to flourish in. Then they will release seeds and grow, killing off the planet they infest. Sailor Mercury says the seed pod meteor has the same energy as the monster they fought. So the seed pod meteor was full of Kisenian, waiting to bloom and destroy Earth.
    They all get ready to go but Sailor Moon say s no. She didn't want to lose anyone like she did Mamoru. Chibiusa used her Luna P ball and changed it into a toy gun again. It shoots out a rubber dart and it the end falls open, saying "Hurrah." She orders Sailor Moon to stop crying and save Mamoru and Earth. The other girls tell her the same thing and so Sailor Moon gets up.
    The Sailor Senshis do Sailor Teleport and fly to the meteor. They fly over the surface, which was completely covered by blooming Kisenian flowers as far as they could see. It was so beautiful and very deadly. A flower monster appears, flying towards them and sharp swords grow out from her elbows. The Sailor Senshi use Sailor Planet Attack and destroy the monster. They land and Sailor Mercury senses Mamoru's location through her computer and visor. Sailor Moon starts to rush off but Fiore appears. The red Kisensian flower still grows from his heart and he explains that he won't let Mamoru be hurt by anyone again. When the meteor reach the earth, it will open and release all the seedlings onto the surface of earth and grow. Sailor Mars attack and Fiore vanishes.
    Then Sailor Mercury sensed more approaching enemies. The girls get ready and ask Sailor Mercury from what direction are the enemies coming from. Sailor Mercury tells them everywhere and the flowers grow to become monsters. The monster and girls fight, the Senshis uses all their attacks to kill them all. But they are surrounded as the entire surface of the meteor is made up of Kisenian flowers. The monsters all unite as one and form one big column of flowers. It grows and starts to smash into them. Sailor Mars grabs and flings Sailor Moon out of the way as the rest of them are smothered by the tower. Sailor Moon gets up and shouts their names as the mound turns into flowers once more.
    Fiore appears with  flower monsters behind him. He calls her sneaky for deserting her friends in order to live. Sailor Moon gets angry and starts to use her "Moon Princess Halation" attack but Fiore tells her to stop. The ground breaks open and the Senshis are revealed, binded to a flower vine tower. Fiore tells her to drop her weapon and stop killing his flowers. As Sailor Moon watch, the monsters start to electrocute the Senshis with their energy. The Senshis tells her not to and fight him.
    Fiore tells her to give up once more and she loos at them all screaming in pain and apologizes. Sailor Mars calls her a coward but Sailor Moon said she can't fight anymore if they suffer because of her. Fiore hears this and the Kisenian's control over him weakens. The monsters behind him dispapear and his minds clears briefly but the Kisensian gains control once more. She tells him to kill Sailor Moon because she is the reason Mamoru suffers. He grows in power and the Kisenian grows as well, wrapping its tendril and arms over his body, manipulating him fully now.
    Mamoru breaks free of the crystal and heads towards Usagi. Fiore has Sailor Moon in a stranglehold and is draining her energy for the flowers. She screams in pain as her energy is drained. Fiore tells her that she will never know the loneliness that Mamoru felt. No one knows what they've been through and how loneliness could hurt so.
    As he speaks, Sailor Mercury is on the floor, and she has a flashback. She remembers how everyone thought she was a showoff for being so smart and studying all the time. Sailor Mercury starts to stand. Fiore tells her that she doesn't know what's it like to wish to be never borned into the world. Sailor Jupiter struggles and she remembers how everyone stayed away from her because she was so tough. They all thought she was a mean bully and kept fighting because she liked pushing people around. Fiore tells Sailor Moon that she always had family and friends while he had nothing. She didn't know how it felt. Sailor Venus remembers how everyone thought she was a snob. Just because she had to leave school everyday, not knowing she had to be Sailor V at the time.  Fiore tells Sailor Moon that she didn't know it was like for no one to understand or care for them. Sailor Mars remember how everyone thought she was strange and spooky for being psychic. Sailor Moon cried out and finally she collapses. She is dropped on the floor and Fiore prepares to kill her.
    Sailor Venus tells him to stop and the others say that Usagi is their good friend. She is irreplaceable. Fiore doesn't believe them but they all say Usagi saved them from their loneliness. Fiore gets angry and says Usagi deceived them too and his claws grow, ready to kill her. A red rose shoots out and hits him in the the chest over his heart and he misses. The unmasked Tuxedo Kamen  is on his knees and he collapses. The red rose shatters the armor he's wearing and he falls back. Fiore couldn't believe that Mamoru would do that. The Kisenian tells him to get up and kill them all but Fiore couldn't. The red rose is symbolic, and Fiore asks Mamoru is he deserting him too.
    From the spot where Fiore fell, all the pink flowers disintegrate and die out. The meteor become all rock and starts to break off into separate pieces. Because the Kisenian is no longer holding it together, the meteor will crash into the Earth's atmosphere and they will all die. The Kisenian speaks once more and says even if Fiore dies, it will survive and punish all the humans for him.
    Sailor Moon struggles to stand. She is on her knees and her brooch is glowing white. Sailor Moon summons the Silver Imperium Crystal and all the girls and Tuxedo Kamen tells her not to use it or she'll die. Sailor Moon replies that there is no other way. She gets ready but Fiore rushes over and grabs the brooch. Fiore won't let her live. They'll all die with him. Sailor Moon cries out as her fuku turns into pink ribbons all around her. She tells Fiore not to be scared and it'll be ok. Fiore yells at her, saying she's trying to trick him by being nice. Sailor Moon smiles kindly as the crystal increases in power. White light surround him and a flashback occurs.
    Mamoru is crying alone in his hospital room. Fiore is leaving him. Usagi, as  child appears to him and puts her head on his knee. Mamoru asks who is she. She tells him not to cry. Mamoru says his friend is leaving today. Usagi tells him not to cry. Because today, she became an older sister. Her mother had a baby. Usagi smiled and hands Mamoru a red rose from her bouquet for her mother. As the rose exchange hands, the grown up Fiore watches.
    "Sailor Moon gave mamoru the red rose... That flower came from....Sailor Moon!" The flashback ends and Fiore takes his hand away from the crystal. The crystal is now shaped like a rose in full bloom. The Kisenian is killed and the meteor approaches Earth. Sailor Moon is trailing pink ribbons and she becomes determined, lifting the crystal over her head.
    The pink ribbons turn into her Princess dress. Princess Serenity face Earth as the meteor speeds towards the planet. The Sailor Senshi and Mamoru scream her name. Princess Serenity shouts out, "I will protect all of you!" The crystal's power fights the atmosphere and she begs it to give her more power. Tuxedo Kamen turns into Prince Endymion and the other girls fight to move forward to help and protect her. The meteor breaks apart from the energy backlash and Princess Serenity cries out in pain.
    But Prince Endymion helps her by placing his hands over hers. The Sailor Senshis hold hands behind them, backing them up. Sailor Mercury remembers the beach trip they had in the early days when they first met. Ami was studying but Usagi took her book away and told her she must have fun. Sailor Mar remember the day after the two girls finished a big task and Usagi was amazed at how hardworking she was. Sailor Jupiter remembers the very first day they met. Usagi complimented her on her lunch. Sailor Venus remember how Sailor Moon was amazed at her for being the super cool Sailor V.
    The meteor becomes wrapped in white light. Princess Serenity holds onto the crystal and speaks in her mind.
"That's right... They've given me their power. The Silver Crystal and I are getting stronger every time.... I won't let you be lonely again!" The Sailor Senshi called out "Mercury Star Power!" "Mars Star Power!" Venus Star Power!" "Jupiter Star Power!" "Moon Crystal Power!" All five energies go into the Silver Crystal and Princess Serenity fights the meteor's destruction. Suddenly the light turns pink and the Silver Crystal shatters and the brooch turns blackened. Princess Serenity's eyes become pupil-less and vacant and she dies.
    Back on Earth, on the roof of Usagi's house, Luna, Artemis, and Chibiusa wonder how everyone is doing. Chibiusa tells them not to worry and that Sailor Moon will protect them.
    On the meteor, floating in the space just above Earth. The others are screaming "Usagi!" and shaking her. She is dead and they are crying, begging her to wake up. They've lost the most important thing to them after all. Mamoru is holding Usagi when Fiore returns. Fiore thanks them both for saving him.
    "This is our promise..." Fiore has a white flower in his hand. "It's the flower of contains most of my energy... Give the nectar to Sailor Moon." Mamoru puts his lips to the flower and then kisses Usagi. She revives as the brooch becomes whole once more. Sailor Moon opens her eyes and the girls crowd around.
    "Mamo-chan...everyone...I told you I was going to protect you..." Mamoru smiles and the girls cry with happiness and hug her. The scenes expands to see the moon and Earth before the ending song begins.
*Ending Song, Moon Revenge!*

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