Sailor Moon SuperS The Movie
When Sailor Senshi Fight Together! The Mysterious Black Dream Hole!

    A child's voice says, "When you smile, the whole world becomes just as sweet as the best cookie you've ever tasted." The scene shifts from the starry skies, going down past gray clouds and finally at night in a small city somewhere on Earth. A flute begins to play and suddenly a cuckoo clock chimes and indicates it's three a.m. One by one, each child wakes up with vacant hypnotized looks in their eyes. They got out of bed and walked outside, flowing the flute music. The crowd of children marched together following a young boy with wings and a spiral flute. They begin to sing together to the tune of the flute music and was led into a large ship with a large balloon on top. The ship was crowded from children from other cities and towns before this one.
    After all the children boarded the ship, the stair platform closed and it lifted into the air, flutes still playing and children still singing. A young boy hides behind a building watching the ship leave. He carries a thin white flute that ends in two spirals and has wings.

    *Moonlight Densetsu is the beginning song.* All black and white flashbacks. Usagi is going to her first day of school. She skips along the sidewalk chased by a puppy. She kneels and hugs the puppy and falls backwards. Snapshot of moment, turning it into color.
    Ami was baking cookies with her mother and was standing on a high stool She was very young and she just finished placing the cookies into the oven and she turned and smiled. A snapshot of the moment, turning it into color.
    Rei was dressed up in a formal kimono and she was having her picture taken professionally  in from of the shrine. Two boys in  baseball uniforms run by and make faces into the camera lens. Rei got mad and ran off. She returned quickly, clothes and hair slightly mussed but grinned, carrying the baseball bat across her shoulders. The camera man looked over and saw the two older boys crying and beat up. He sweatdropped but took the picture. Turned the moment into color.
    Makoto was chasing a dragonfly with a net. She stalked it onto a flower and attacked it. The dragonfly flew up and she lost her sandals. Makoto looked up and the dragonfly was on her hair. Snapshot into color.
    Minako was watching TV and mimicking whatever show was on. She watched volleyball and mimed it. She watched a Western and pretended to be shot in a draw. As she fell, the snapshot was taken turning it into color.
    The five color photographs filled the screen and the song ends. Everyone was at Makoto's baking cookies. Usagi was waiting for hers to be done and wanted to eat some. She reached to open the oven but Chibiusa whacked her hand with a wooden spoon. Usagi grabbed her hand and cried. Chibiusa said wait and Usagi said how would she know? Makoto steps in and said about fifteen more minutes. Chibiusa sticks out her tongue.
    Minako was mixing cookie dough and she kept eating all the chocolate chips. Rei told her to stop since only three was left. Minako smiles and misquotes again, "You can't zip one's mouth." and Artemis said that's not what it meant. Rei said that they're not making chocolate chip cookies anymore. Ami used the bottom of a glass to make a pretty design on the cookie.
    The others were impressed and Ami explained her mother baked her cookies whenever she had a bad day at school. She remarked it made the day seem better so she didn't mind having a bad day. Suddenly, Makoto's clock chimed, indicating three o'clock p.m. Makoto smiled and said the Three o' clock Spirit was here. The others let her explain that her mother used to tell her that the Three o' Clock Spirit visited with a child and told the mother to make sweets for the child. Makoto misunderstood this since she was young and she always thought the cuckoo bird was the Three o' clock Spirit.
    All the girls remembered how their mothers baked for them. Chibiusa got upset and said her mothers always made burnt black cookies and cakes for her. Everyone sweatdropped and laughed at this, knowing Usagi. Usagi got angry since Chibiusa was making fun of her.
    Diana said this was right because sweets can be precious. Rei and Minako agreed but said the happy memories of past and present were precious too. Minako was determined to get that "happiness" next Valentine's Day with her sweets. Diana asked "Can you really get a boyfriend with sweets?" and the girls said "Sure! Look at Makoto!"
Diana blinks and goes, 'Then Makoto must have lots of boyfriends!" and everyone sweatdropped, Makoto having the biggest one. Makoto laughs nervously and says, "The real happiness is actually the time you spend searching for that special person!" and everyone pats her on the shoulder and Minako tells her that was a very bad excuse and she didn't have to cover for it.
    The cookies are done and Usagi's looked perfect and Chibiusa's was slightly brown and misshapen. Usagi laughs victoriously and Chibiusa argues saying hers tasted better. Usagi said "No way!" and pops one of her own in her mouth. Usagi makes a face and everyone sighs. They all try Chibiusa's and hers were delicious. Usagi cries and says everyone was mean. Chibiusa smiled and goes, "These are special energy boosting cookies that made you feel good, energetic and courageous!" Chibiusa gathers her things and declares she's going to give them to Mamo-chan.
    She was waking with Diana on her head when she saw a young boy looking inside a sweets shop. Chibiusa suddenly thought he had wings and walked up to him. She waked around him and kneeled, looking him over. The boy was the small one with the flute before and he smiles and says hi to Diana. Chibiusa told him her name was Diana and he address Diana again. Diana meowed cutely and leapt from Chibiusa's head into his arms. Chibiusa and the boy watched the children and their mothers inside the sweet shop. The boy explained he was watching the children and how happy they were. He said the cookies look like they were going to get up and dance for them since they're so happy. Chibiusa said they just looked really yummy. The boy took out his spiral flute and played it.
    The cookies got up and formed a human shape and started to dance around inside the glass window. Chibiusa gasped and watched amazed. The flute stopped playing and the cookies went back into their piles. Chibiusa introduced herself and the boy said his name was Perele.
    Mamoru was reading and listening to music when Usagi came over with her cookies. She entered and gave them to Mamoru. As mamoru took them, she started to ask where Chibiusa was. Usagi searched the house and then asked Mamoru which one did he love more? Chibiusa or her? Mamoru sweatdropped, backing away as Usagi leaned forward anticipating his answer. He replied he loved both equally. He dropped the subject when the radio news reporter said that many children all around the world mysteriously disappeared without a trace in the night. The police was baffled and had no leads.
    Perele and Chibiusa was talking and Chibiusa gave Perele all her cookies. "They're special energy boosting cookies that make you feel good, energetic and courageous." Chibiusa said. It was getting late so she had to go. She waved goodbye and ran off. She turned and waved again, 'See you later!" and Perele smiled, waving back. As Chibiusa left, he looked at the cookies.
    In Tokyo, the same flute music plays throughout the entire city. In the attic of Usagi's house was Chibiusa's bedroom, and the window flew open. All around, every window flew open to let in the flute music. Chibiusa heard the flute music and stirred. Usagi was in her room giggling, dreaming about Mamoru when Diana woke her up. Chibiusa was walking outside in the streets, barefoot in pajamas, when Usagi and the girls followed her. They tracked her and suddenly, they saw alot of children walking in the streets still dressed in pajamas.
    Rei mentioned the world report of missing children and they all though this was it. Ami traced the music and said the energy was coming from a specific direction. The children began to sing and board a large wooden ship in a park. The girls tried to stop the children and Usagi spanked Chibiusa until she woke up, wondering where she was. The other girls were pushing the children back telling them to wake up and go home. Suddenly the music stopped and all the children dropped to the ground.
    A tall green haired boy stood up. The boy told them not to bother them. He then threw out a handful of candies and played his flute. The candies hovered in mid-air before turning into blue rubbery babies called Bon Bon Babies. They attacked and the girls ducked. When they punched or kicked them back, they bounced back at them. Makoto was being pushed backwards. Chibiusa and Usagi ws being chased by a Bon Bon Baby. Luna told everyone to transform. All the Senshis called out, "Mercury Crystal power!" etc. and transformed.
    Sailor Venus used her "Love And Beauty Shock" and destroyed a monster, turning it back into a harmless candy. Then Usagi and Chibiusa nodded and transformed. Both called out, "Moon Crisis Make Up!" Usagi and Chibiusa transformed together and Sailor Moon used "Moon Tiara Action!" and killed a monster. The Sailor Senshis used their attacks and destroyed all the monsters.
    Then Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon introduced themselves. The boy scowled and played his flute again. The six Sailor Senshi found themselves in a large grassy area and saw a large gingerbread house decorated with candy on the outside. They all laugh and run towards it. *Hello? Bad idea! Hansel and Gretel anyone?* They all go inside, shrink into younger child versions of themselves, and start eating. Chibi-sized Super Sailor Moon grabbed a doughnut and opened her mouth to eat it.
    A red rose flew by and stopped the flute music. Then Tuxedo Kamen's introductory music plays and he stands on a tree branch. He goes, "You shouldn't eat that, Sailor Moon." Sailor Moon blinks and turns to see she was eating a metal ring. She laughs nervously and pushes it away and it swings back, smashing into her face.
    Tuxedo Kamen jumped onto the ship and the boy made the children attack him. More Bon Bon Babies attacked and knocked him off the ship. The blue Bon Bon Babies attack but suddenly Perele appears.
    Perele shouts for him to stop, calling him "Onisama." *Older brother, sama indicating high respect and rank rather just san* Suddenly a female voice speaks calling for Puplian, asking what's taking so long. The eyes of the balloon light up and project a hologram of a woman wearing  fancy head-dress. The boy, Puplian bows to his Queen Vadillenne and told her that his brother was causing trouble.
    Queen Vadillenne said she will tolerate no one delaying her and Perele asks why is she making them such horrible things for her. Puplian gets angry and shouts at Perele for being disrespectful. Vadillenne sees Super Sailor Chibi Moon standing near Perele. She orders Puplian to capture the bad influence over Perele and Puplian obeys. He sends out more Bon Bon Babies and Perele shouts for him not to.
    Jupiter uses "Jupiter Oak Evolution" and Mercury uses "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody" to stop them but they were stronger and they come back. The Bon Bon Babies attacked Sailor Chibi Moon but Tuxedo Kamen jumps in the way and gets knocked down. He gets up again to defend her but gets knocked backwards, slamming hard into ship itself. The Bon Bon Babies grab Sailor Chibi Moon and lift her up into the ship. Sailor Jupiter runs forward but the stairs close and the ship flies away.
    The possessed children sing and crowd around the edge of the ship to prevent Sailor Chibi Moon from getting off the ship. Sailor Moon runs around frantically on the ground and shouts up "Chibiusa" as Chibi Moon reaches for her. Sailor Moon watches the ship disappear into the clouds and cries. Perele jumps down and runs towards them but Mars and Venus stop him and demand an explanation. Perele looks down sadly.
    The ship travels in the clouds and the children still sings. Chibi Moon looks at the children and feels scared. Then other large ships joined Puplian's and they all head inside this large flying fortress in the sky. The children stop singing at their destination. The ships enter the castle but going down through a door. The children runs out laughing and Chibi Moon followed slowly. She walked forward alone and gasped when the floor was made up of glass cases full of sleeping children. Suddenly, black lightening strikes her and she screams. Queen Vadillene appears and explains her plans.
    She was feeding the children's dream energy into her "black dream hole." Once it grows big enough, it will suck in earth and then everyone will be in the wonderful land of dreams. Sailor Chibi Moon defies her and says Sailor Moon will beat her. She won't let them win. Vadillenne was amused and she grabs her and lifts her up to the black dream hole so her energy could be taken.
    Everyone was gathered in Mamoru's apartment and Mamoru was injured. He asked where was Chibiusa. Usagi hesitates before replying she's fine. Mamoru smiles and closes his eyes. Later, the girls, all transformed, were taking Perele's ship towards the hidden fortress. Sailor Moon sees the cookies and asks if he was friends with Chibiusa. The other girls felt nervous.
    Perele remembers Queen Vadillenne saying that children should be dreaming forever. Being happy in their dreams and how she wanted to give them this happiness. She wanted all her loyal spirits to help her achieve this. As they fly over a large cloud bank, Perele plays his flute and the fortress appears. The Sailor Senshis gasp and suddenly cannon fire was heard.
    They were being attacked by the other flute players. Mercury used her "Shine Aqua Illusion" to deflect a cannonball but they crash landed anyway. The ship slid and toppled over, near a large crevice. The Sailor Senshi get up and demand Chbiusa. The boys laughed and said that their queen was especially interested in her dream energy. Then all three threw out Bon Bon Babies, blue, red, yellow in color and the Sailor Senshis attacked back. But they didn't die, and the boys gloated. The Sailor Senshis were being forced towards the crevice but suddenly a "World Shaking" attack killed a bunch.
    The Outer Sailor Senshi appear and introduced themselves. Sailor Pluto used her "Dead Scream" and the others asked why were they here. Sailor Uranus explained that they felt the dream energy disturbance. Pluto asked "Where was Small Lady?" and the Inners looked ashamed.
    Sailor Neptune used her "Submarine Reflection" and told Sailor Uranus the weakness was their flutes. Uranus used her "Space Sword Blaster" and slice through the first flute, turning its owner into a red bird and all the red Bon Bon babies vanished. Sailor Mars used her "Mars Flame Sniper" and sliced through the second flute, turning its owner into a yellow bird and all the yellow bon Bon babies vanished. Sailor Uranus challenged the last one, Puplian and slice his flute, turning him a blue bird and all the blue Bon Bon Babies disappeared.
    "There are lot of things out there only adults can enjoy, don't you think?" Sailor Neptune asked Uranus. Uranus looks away and coughs. They jump down and asked who Perele was. Sailor Moon called him Chibiusa's boyfriend. They take the ship and land inside. It crashes and throws everyone out. Everyone but Sailor Moon landed on their feet more or less. They ask where the children were and Vadillenne showed them. They gasp in horror as they saw the thousands of children. Perele yells at her, saying this was not what they wanted. They wanted children to dream but to grow up happy with family and friends.
    Chibi Moon was in Vadillenne hand. She cried out, "Sailor Moon!" and Sailor Moon smiled. Then she went, "What took you so long?" Sailor Moon frowned good naturedly and replied, "You brat." Vadillenne was draining Chibi Moon's energy and she detransformed, her fuku becoming pink ribbons all around her. Mars used her "Fire Soul" but a barrier was around Vadillenne and Sailor Chibi Moon. The black dream hole grew in size and started to lift into the air to expand. Black lightening and strong winds ravaged Earth.
    Perele and Sailor Moon were on the ship once more and Perele played his flute. The ship flew towards the barrier and it charged against it. The Sailor Senshis in the ground tried to help but the barrier's energy blasted them all back The ship itself crumbled but Sailor Moon and Perele was clinging on one small piece.
    Vadillenne flew up towards the black dream hole but Perele and Sailor Moon blocked her. Vadillenne blasted them and she said since the black dream hole was so powerful from the premium energy from Chibiusa, she would rejoin it and absorb Earth. Vadillenne flew into the black dream hole just as Chibi Moon woke up and shouted "Sailor Moon!" The black energy hit the Sailor Senshis on the ground and their fukus disappeared, as their bodies became pure energy.
    Sailor Moon took Chibiusa's cookies and pulled one out. She stared at the black dream hole. She smiled and asked Perele, "Did you know these are special energy boosting cookies that made you feel good, energetic and courageous?" She ate and it and jumped into the black dream hole. The black dream hole grew larger and Vadillenne was laughing inside.
    Sailor Moon floated inside and it was like a dark room with lots of black solid beams around her. Sailor Moon found the unconscious Chibiusa still wrapped in pink ribbons. Vadillenne said, "You should never wake up a sleeping child." Sailor Moon gasped and she was in Mamoru's apartment. Mamoru got up and took Chibiusa from her and placed her in his bed. Sailor Moon was worried about Chibiusa but Mamoru didn't seem too concerned. Sailor Moon backed off and told him everyone was in danger. Mamoru replied only she was important and all he dreamt about so don't worry about everyone else. Sailor Moon gasped and looked down. Then she asked, "Who do you love more? Me or Chibiusa?" Mamoru smiled and replied, "Of course you." Sailor Moon turned, picked up Chibiusa and said, "Even in a dream, you're handsome." Mamoru's smile left his face.
    Sailor Moon borke out of the glass case and cried "Crisis Power!" Vadillenne got angry that she didn't stay in her dream so she started to blast her with fire and black energy. As Sailor Moon flew towards the center of the black dream hole, Vadillenne kept telling her to leave Chibiusa here with her where she can be happy forever in her dreams. As Vadillenne launched another attack, Sailor Moon's brooch glowed bright, shining and restoring everyone's fukus outside the black dream hole on the ground. Perele felt the energy from the Silver Imperium Crystal and he got his wings back.
    The center of the black dream hole has the face of Vadillenne and she shot out fire. Sailor Moon turned her back and shielded Chibiusa. She cried out in pain as her fuku burnt off in strips. Sailor Moon asked everyone to give her their power. One by one, each Sailor Senshi called out, "Sailor Moon." and their tiaras glowed sending their energy to her. Sailor Moon received all their power and she glowed white. Then her brooch lit up and sent energy to Chibiusa's brooch. Both woke up and created a Kalied Moon Scope. Both held hands and flew into Vadillenne calling out, "Moon Gorgeous Meditation!"
    Vadillenne felt them pierce into her and then Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon broke through out the other side. Perele started crying and calling out, "Sailor did it."
    The black dream hole dissipated and the skies cleared. Suddenly the fortress itself broke into pieces and the sleeping children went onto the ships once more to be returned to their homes. Then the glow from Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon disappeared and they panicked, screaming and flailing their limbs in the sky before they fell. Perele flew towards them and caught them.
    The sun rose and all the Senshis were watching Sailor Chibi Moon and Perele. Perele turned and gave his flute to her. Chibi Moon asked if he has to go now and Perele shook his head. He told her that he is a spirit that lived in the happy dreams of children all over the world. She could find him anywhere. Chibi Moon took the flute and kissed Perele on the cheek. Perele touched his cheek and grew wings. He smiled and thanked her for the cookies. He flew off and Chibi Moon waved bye and called out, "See you later!" Sailor Moon came down and hugged her as the Senshis stood above them in the background.

    Ending sequence has the beginning flashbacks of each Sailor Senshi but everything is in color. The meeting between Perele and Chibiusa and their departure. Ending song short version, "Shall We Meet The Morning Moon?" Then the flashbacks in black and white with "Moonlight Densetsu." Repeat again the color version with "Shall We Meet The Morning Moon?"