Sailor Moon SuperS Specials

Pretty Sailor Sailor Moon Plus: Ami's First Love
Takes Place During The SuperS Series.

    Ami is shown sleeping in her bed. Luna's voice speaks over the slumbering Ami informing us of the timeline of the special.
    "The following story unfolds amidst strange situations when the girls were studying frantically for their high school entrance exams."
    The sun rises and Ami wakes up. She yawns and says hi to the pigeons outside her window. Ami i taking bath and she gives personal information about herself.
    "I'm Mizuno Ami. Born Spetmeber 10th, a Virgo. Blood type A. My hobbies are reading. Every morning I'll get to school forty minutes early to read."
    Ami gets out and fixes herself some breakfast. She tells us her favourite thing to eat was sandwiches because she can eat and read at the same time. That her favourite color is blue and swimming is her favourite sport in the world.
    Ami walks to school and arrives early. She opens her show locker and sees a envelope. Ami realizes it's love letter, blushes red, and she screams "NO!". everyone outside panics and falls over as a bubble of Ami is shown shaking her head and screaming still.
    The girls are heading up the stairs towards Hikawa shrine. Makoto said she'd want the problem of getting a love letter. Ami tells everyone she has a phobia of getting love letters but Minako reassures her saying, "Life's short and love's a battle." Once again she obviously misquotes and Artemis facevaults. The other girls stand still and Usagi drops her briefcase bookbag. Minako realizes it's wrong again and looks around while Artemis sweatdrops and corrects her with, "Life's short, love while you can."
    Minako agrees that's another way of putting it and Ami giggles. She tells them all that there is only one thing junior high students must do in their last year and everyone looks depressed and goes, "Studying." Ami turns seriously evil and flips out her glasses and puts them on. "Right now, there is no word in my dictionary as love." and the wind blows. Chibiusa goes, "Scary..." Makoto asks if she was alright and Ami shows them a magazine.
    On page 42 was the test results from the last practice entrance exam test. The girls go the page and see the names. Makoto gasps and read out. "First place Mercury in all five subjects. 100%!" Minako shoves Makoto aside and said, "That means a perfect score in every subject!" Chibiusa asks if that was Ami and Ami explains that you send your test answers in under a pseudonym and they rank you accordingly. Everyone crowded over except Usagi was being pushed away by Minako in her excitement. However, another name was right below Ami's. Mercurius, Latin for Mercury who also had perfect score.
    Ami gets pumped up and declares that person was keeping up with her, matching her in every practice test. Ami said that it could be a new enemy, trying to challenge her but Usagi looks at her strangely along with everyone else and says she's overanalysing things. Every agrees and Luna assures her she was wrong.
    Ami sits in large classroom, resembling some kind of university classroom while the teacher lectures. She can't get it out of her mind who the real identity of this person was. As she walked down the hall, s saw the test results and she realized to know who her rival was she'd have to take more exams and attend more practice sessions in hopes of meeting Mercurius. She becomes so excited to have a real rival. Then she does this spin and goes, "Then I won't back down either!" Unfortunately she was doing it in front of all the students in the hallway and she sweatdrops as they stare at her.
    Luna narrates and says that Ami changes drastically. The six girls are having another study session in Hikawa shrine and piles and piles of books towers behind Ami as the other girls stare at her. Ami shouts out that Mercurius tied with her again and the others cringe. Then Ami gets wistful and says she wants to meet him. The others call her crazy and Minako says she's in love! Ami said he's only a rival but Usagi asks how does she know it's a he since Mercurius doesn't tell her anything. Ami agrees and Makoto asks what does she look for in a man and Ami smiles and goes, "He's like.....Einstein!" And the girls facevault and only Usagi doesn't know who Einstein was.
    Luna narrates again and the girls are at Crown Parlor discussing Ami's behaviour. Of course, Ami's not with them and they all agree to help find out who Mercurius was. Minako stands up and declares, "The Goddess of Love will lend a hand! No skin off my neck!" And she reveals her shoulder. Everyone else cringes away from her and Artemis says to stop. No one remembers to correct her. It's "By the skin of my teeth." and Minako messed it up pretty badly. Chibiusa asks how will they find Mercurius and everyone sighs, not knowing.
    After school, at sunset, Usagi was walking down the halls when Naru and Umino run up to her. Naru explains that Umino was going to predict the next exam results. Then usagi realizes something and glares at Umino who leans backwards as Usagi stare into his face. Usagi grabs his shirt and asks him if he knows someone by the name of Mercurius for the exams and Umino nods and says he's a friend of his. Usagi drops Umino and Naru screams and helps him as Usagi smiles into the screen going, "Lucky!"
    Meanwhile, Ami was walking into a building with a huge banner over the door, "Number One Tutorial Seminar." As the teacher inside lectures, Ami thinks about how she will beat Mercurius out. She will study, study, and study some more and then rest a bit and study, study, and study and! Ami wakes up and gasps. She fell asleep in the first day of class and she was all alone. She holds her head and a dark shadow with red eyes look at her from outside the window. Ami leaves the seminar.
    The shadow, a female voice, speaks and she felt a lewd aura around Ami. She appears above Ami but Ami doesn't see her. The woman knows Ami is in love, lust actually after a man and she will be easy prey for her. She's wearing a rather bright outfit, pink, orange, and purple, and her hair's in pigtails. Purple but sometimes orange, depending on the light. She leaps down onto Ami and hovers behind her as Ami mutters about Mercurius. The monster is actually riding on Ami's back and Ami says she feels weak and has a headache.
    As Ami turns around the corner, the other girls and Umino arrive at the seminar. Usagi asks if this was where Mercurius hangs out and Mercurius walks out. Umino says hi and Mercurius replies, "Hi Professor Googly Glasses." Umino says that was his pseudonym. The other girls continue to stare at Mercurius.
    The next morning, Ami is ill in bed and she blames Mercurius. Ami's eyes are black swirls and she's flushed. The monster appears over her and says Ami's full of desire for Mercurius and is ready for the final act. The woman yanks off Ami's blanket and attacks her letters! Ami's body is surrounded by love letters and she can't move. Ami gets one thrown onto her face and she sits up, panicking. Then the woman takes away all of Ami's equations that she memorized and Ami cries out in panic as they leave her brain in colored bubbles. Ami screams "No!"
    Usagi, Chibiusa, and Mamoru are going to visit her and Usagi is debating whether to tell Ami about Mercurius' identity. Suddenly, Ami shouts. "No!" and the three gasp. Ami's inside trying to yank the love letter off her face as her room is full of colored bubbles. The woman laughs because Ami will be only left with her desires after all her knowledge is gone. Ami finally yanks off the letter but her vision is blurry. Usagi kicks open the door and runs in. Only the room is floorless so she falls nut managed to hangs off the door frame. Mamoru and Chibiusa asks who the monster was. The monster starts to explain but Ami accuses her of being Mercurius.
    The woman makes a face and goes no. Ami accuses her of giving her the headaches, the drowsiness and the woman said no. Ami transforms and as she transforms, she says an equation. " Exam results + seminars + stress (sabotage/rival) - enemy!" The monster screams and Ami says she won't forgive her to trying to be number one at all costs and playing such dirty games with her.
    "Pretty Sailor Soldier of water and exams, Sailor Mercury!" Usagi sweatdrops as she hangs on and goes, "I'm telling you she's not Mercurius." Sailor Mercury closes her eyes and goes, "I knew you were my rival but I didn't think you'd get inside my head!' Sailor Mercury attacks, using "Mercury Aqua Mirage" and destroyed the monster who still shouted, "But...I'm not.."
Usagi falls back onto the floor now the floor returned. Sailor Mercury stands on her bed, clasping her hands and smiling. "I feel so much better." And Sailor Mercury falls over, still smiling and clasping her hands as Chibiusa and Mamoru runs over. Ami says she would like have to met him once and everyone goes goes "Hey, hey."
    At Crown Parlor, Minako says she hopes her grades never get that good to worry about rivals. Artemis remarks saying she doesn't have to worry about that and Minako grabs him by the scruff of his neck. Usagi says they shouldn't discuss Mercurius in front of Ami and she wasn't with them then. Makoto agrees.
    Suddenly, Ami pops up slowly from behind both of them wearing her glasses. The glasses give her an evil look since they are all white light, not seeing her eyes. "Then you saw him?" Usagi and Makoto are on the table across from Ami. Ami asks what was he like. And Minako smiles nervously, sweatdropping and points to the cover of her magazine. "Kinda like this guy here." Usagi nods quickly and says, " Right! Right! This year's hottest young star!"
Ami goes "That's exactly what I imagined him to look like. Like Einstein!" Minako and Rei asks of that's a bit shallow but Usagi goes, "But if she finds out Mercurius looks exactly like Umino." Image of spiky blue haired boy with huge square framed glasses. Makoto asks why did he use Mercurius. Usagi gets all into professor mode and she explains in front of  blackboard that his name was Suri Curume, kind of like Mercurius spelled backwards.
    Again, going up the steps of Hikawa shrine, Ami screams, "Oh no!" Everyone turns and Ami goes, "I destroyed Mercurius but he's still in the ranking!" Ami tells everyone not to worry and she'll handle him. They all , "Him, like as him?"
    Luna narrates, "So the battle goes on for high standard Mercury. " Ami runs up the stairs, turns around. "I'll keep trying my best!"

End song, Rashiku Ikimasho (Let's Go As We Are). The second end song for the Sailor Moon SuperS series. Scenes of Ami standing on a  grassy area. Also short scenes of the other girls with her. grassy scene expands and shows the other girls.

Three Part Super Special
Part 1
An Elegant Metamorphosis? Crybaby Usagi's Growth Diary!
Takes Place Before The SuperS Series Or In The Very Beginning.

    Usagi and Chibiusa are in the park, sitting on a water fountain. They show off their new brooches, the ones Pegasus created for them. Chibiusa is happy that she's no longer a Sailor Senshi in training since she got her own brooch and became a full fledged Sailor Senshi. Usagi says, "You're ten years ahead of yourself." and Chibiusa narrows her eyes. The two lean close and then Luna pops up between them, asking if they got something better than fighting to do. Artemis asks if they are even aware they have a new enemy. Usagi and Chibiusa nod.
    The Dead Moon circus fills the scene and Luna says their new enemy was very tough. Usagi says they won't be able to take over the world since she's Sailor Moon. Chibiusa asks how did Usagi get to be Sailor Moon in the first place? The others girls were much more qualified. Luna said she didn't know either. Luna was very unsure of what would happen back then. Usagi goes, "Luna!" in a hurt tone. Chibiusa asks to hear about Usagi before she came back to the past and how did Usagi get to become Sailor Moon. Usagi turns blue as she remembers her past. Luna starts and Usagi shouts for her not to tell that story.
    Luna flashbacks to episode one when she came in Usagi's bedroom through the window. Usagi was sleeping and Luna woke her up. Luna narrates saying Usagi failed another test as usual but Usagi interrupts her saying she was just surprised that a cat was talking to her. Usagi in the flashback panics and hides as Luna steps onto her bed. Luna gives Usagi her very first brooch and explains that she had a mission to find the Princess along with the other Sailor Senshi. She had to become Sailor Moon!
    Usagi took things lightly but Luna told her to transform. Usagi transformed into Sailor Moon and she faced her first battle against the possessed people in the jewellery store. Sailor Moon was getting beaten up pretty badly and she started wailing, wanting to go home.
    Luna remarked over the story, saying there's not much difference from now and Usagi yelled at her. Usagi said it was her very first battle and she was scared. Sailor Moon had to face the monsters of Queen Beryl from the Dark Kingdom. Artemis reminded them that Sailor Moon had powerful allies. Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. Usagi explained that none of them were aware that they were Sailor Senshis in the beginning but everyone shouted that was only her. Usagi whined that's why she didn't want to talk about the past!
    Sailor Moon was crying in the flashback when Tuxedo Kamen appeared and threw a rose at the monsters. Luna explained that they didn't know if Tuxedo Kamen was on their side in the beginning. Usagi said not to blame him. The flashback changed to the episode when the battle for the Rainbow Crystals. Mamoru and Usagi were going up on an elevator and Mamoru explained why he wanted the crystals to get the Silver Imperium Crystal. "To get back my past." Mamoru told Usagi about his dream of a mysterious young girl who was waiting for him, asking him to get the silver crystal. Then both their identities were revealed in the battle against Zoisite.
    Luna narrated over the flashback telling Chibiusa how Tuxedo Kamen wanted to protect Sailor Moon from the enemy. Then Zoisite stabbed Tuxedo Kamen since he took the crystal shard for Sailor Moon. He fell and Sailor Moon rushed over to him. Sailor Moon's tear turned into the Silver Imperium Crystal after all seven Rainbow Crystals combined into her tear. Sailor Moon was revealed as the Moon Princess, Princess Serenity. The past invasion and fall of Silver Millennia was recapped. Queen Beryl annexed Earth into her empire and she invaded the moon. Artemis told how Queen Beryl killed everyone but Queen Serenity sent everyone to Earth. Chibiusa remarked because of their past, Usagi and Mamoru were destined to be together. Artemis said that wasn't easy. Queen Beryl came back to invade Earth again. Sailor Moon, along with the Sailor Senshis and Tuxedo Kamen had to protect Earth.
    Flashback scene to the last battle against Queen Beryl. Each Senshi died, protecting Sailor Moon. They fought the Gloom And Doom Girls and tried to clear the way for Sailor Moon towards Queen Beryl. Queen Beryl fought against Princess Serenity outside. Princess Serenity used, "Moon Healing Escalation" and Queen Beryl was destroyed with the help of the other four Sailor Senshis.
    Chibiusa remarked over the flashback that was great. Usagi said it was no big deal but Chibiusa said only cockroaches survived battles like that. *LOL!* Usagi screamed. "HEY!" She said she put her life on the line for all of them so she deserved a bit more respect.
    Flashback scene to the beginning of Sailor Moon R when Chibiusa arrive to the past. Mamoru and Usagi were kissing when Chibiusa fell on her. Luna said over the flashback if Usagi was more serious like now, they wouldn't had so much trouble fighting the Black Moon.
    Chibiusa said over the flashback that was when she arrived. Usagi said "Yeah, and without an invitation too." Chibiusa said she was Usagi when Usagi asked who she was in the flashback. Artemis explained over the flashback that Neo-Queen Serenity was attacked and Chibiusa was her daughter. The Black Moon invaded the future and Chibiusa came to the past seeking Sailor Moon and the Silver Imperium Crystal. The Death Phantom came and Chibiusa was a strong force fighting against it. Chibiusa also said she was a strong force against the Deathbusters. Usagi asked, "A strong force?" Chibiusa said that was when she became Sailor Chibi Moon. She came back to train in the past with them.
    Flashback scene changes to Sailor Chibi Moon's transformation sequence. Then it changes to the final attack against Mistress 9 in Mugen High and all the daimons. Uranus and Neptune used their talismans to destroy the diamons inside Mugen High. Sailor Moon watched helplessly as Sailor Saturn fought Pharaoh 90 while everyone couldn't. Sailor Saturn returned Chibiusa's pure heart crystal. After the battle, Sailor Moon returned with the infant Hotaru. As they spoke of this, Luna wondered where was Haruka and Michiru.
    Usagi saw an image of them driving away from Tokyo and suddenly another one of them being together. Everyone thought the same thing and the scene ends.

Part 2
Return Of Haruka And Michiru! The Ghostly Puppet Show!
Takes Place In The Very Beginning Or During The Sailor Moon SuperS Series.

    Two matches are struck and two candles are lit. A man holding a freaky looking ventriloquist dummy sits in a stone room on a wood chair. The dummy speaks and goes, "I'm hungry! I'm hungry!" The man refers to the the dummy as "Dummy" and says for him to behave better since they were in the presence of others. The dummy insists he's starving and the man agrees that he's hungry too. The dummy says he's been hungry for the past century but he'll wait. That they'll have a great feast and the man says he'll be looking forward to it.
    Outside a rather large mansion that serves as a hotel, Haruka's yellow sports car is parked in the driveway. Inside, a large room, Michiru sips a drink. *Looks like red wine...* The dummy and man is sitting in the middle of the floor surrounded by dining guests. The dummy asks everyone what do they think is in the bottle he's carrying. The man speaks, saying everyone's true feelings are in this bottle. The dummy went on saying to save the people from the evil sorcerer, the bottle must be broken. Then man explains that is not easy because even those who claimed the bottle were too scared and protected it. All the guests but Michiru laughed. *A joke? I didn't get it.* Michiru stands up and leaves the room.
    The man says because of that, everyone fell under the spell of the evil sorcerer. The most truthful person was too afraid of the real truth would come out. Another burst of laughter. The man narrows his eyes at Michiru who walks out of the dining room. she walks back to her room. She hears a female voice. Michiru walks up to the doorway and stops. A maid was tending over Haruka. Haruka had a fever but she is recovering. Haruka had her eyes closed as the maid dabbed at her forehead with a cloth. The maid was telling her that her dinner will be brought up by room service. Haruka opened her eyes and took the maid's hand, asking if she'll bring it to her. The maid blushed and said yes. Haruka smiled and thanked her. "It's great to be taken care of by a pretty girl like you."
    Michiru slams the door and the two of the them jump back and let go. Michiru walks in calmly and thanks the maid but tells her she will take care of things. The maid nods and leaves the room quickly. Haruka nervously comments that Michiru is back early. *LOL! Tsk tsk tsk...* Michiru nods and says Haruka is looking better but Haruka raises the blanket to her neck and says she still has bit of a fever. She asks if Michiru found out anything. Michiru replies that she sensed something evil. Haruka apologizes for getting sick at time like this. Michiru looks at her sternly and says if she'd stayed in bed, she wouldn't have got sick. Haruka looks nervous and asks what kind of feeling did she sense. Michiru explains it was different from the Deathbusters. If the enemy was from outside the solar system, the sensation of evil would be stronger. But ever since the last eclipse, she was feeling something had arrived. Haruka wondered if Earth was being invaded again.
    Back in the dining room, the dummy and man spoke to each other saying that the ones who were afraid of telling the real truth in fears of revealing themselves made good food and they must be the feast the dummy was referring. The man had a small circular third eye in his forehead which glowed red. The dummy said there was strong energy nearby. The man they should start looking.  All around them, the diners were slumped over after all their energy ws drained. Suddenly the maid from Haruka's room came in and screamed. The man and dummy turned to her.
    Michiru was standing on the balcony watching the waters and moon. She didn't notice a shadow fall over her. She turned and the maid was there. The maid apologized and said that the breeze from the ocean was cold so she should go inside. Michiru said she'll be ok brfore she turned away only to turn back as the maid attacked her. The maid grabbed her around the throat and pushed her back against the balcony wall. The maid had the same third eye on he forehead. Michiru was being pushed back and she leaned over the balcony. Michiru elbowed her and the maid collapsed. Suddenly Michiru heard Haruka shout from upstairs.
    Michiru transformed into Sailor Neptune. Haruka was being strangled and was glued to the wall by a black mass. The dummy and man stood nearby. The dumy wanted to devour her energy. Haruka flexed her right arm and her henshin pen fell out of her sleeve. But then she grew weak, vision blurring and she dropped it on the ground. The dummy opened his mouth and Haruka's energy came out. Haruka screamed and fainted. Then the window opened as Sailor Neptune walked in. Sailor Neptune demanded they release Haruka but the dummy said no. Sailor Neptune prepared to battle but the man told her to listen to him first.
    The man told her that she cannot touch him. The bottle the dummy held was called the Spirit Sealing Bottle. If it broke, then every person's shadow will come alive and attack their owners all around the world. Sailor Neptune had visions of this but she said that the man had no proof. The man agreed but there was no proof he was lying either so would Sailor Neptune care to risk it? Sailor Neptune shook and the man laughed. He told her to wait while he took the rest of Haruka's energy.
    Sailor Neptune released a Deep Submerge and the bottle smashed on the floor. The man got up and gasped as Sailor Neptune stood over him.  Sailor Neptune smirked and asked "Now, have the shadows started to run rampant?"
"How did you know I was lying? How?" The man demanded. Sailor Neptune smiled and asked, "So, it wasn't true?"
    The man gasped and Haruka was released from the wall. She fell on the bed. The man couldn't believe she would risk the world like that since she was suppose to be a heroine. "You did it just to save her? What kind of heroine are you?"
Sailor Neptune turned and smiled. "Oh maybe you misunderstood. A world without Haruka is hardly worth saving." The man cowered in fear. Haruka got up saying, "Like hell you treated me well..." and she transformed.
    The man couldn't believe she was also a Sailor Senshi. Sailor Uranus cracked her knuckles, ready to return the favor. Sailor Neptune stopped her an d said the real enemy was the puppet itself. The puppet gasped as Sailor Uranus turned to it. Sailor Uranus asked what should she do it and cracked her knuckles once more. The puppet got up and ran for it but a World Shaking attack smashed it against the wall. "Why did I return...I did nothing for the Dead Moon..." the puppet said before it shattered. The third eye disappeared from the man's forehead and he looked around confused. The maid's third eye disappeared as well and all the diners woke up.
    Haruka and Michiru are gone from the hotel. They stand by the car watching the sky and moon. Haruka had a piece of the puppet in her head. She wondered if this was the new enemy.
    Michiru smiled. "Don't worry. They'll take care of the world..."
    "You're right. They'll take care of it." Haruka smiled and an image of all the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen appeared.

Part 3
Chibiusa's Adventure! The Dreaded Vampire Castle!
Takes Place During Sailor Moon SuperS Series.

    At Chibiusa's school, her class gets a new student called Yubale Ririka. The girl has long purple hair and purple yes. Chibiusa's friend, Momoko bu referred to as Momo-chan, remarks on how cute she was. Chibiusa stares at her and says her skin is so white, like snow. All the boys in the class stand up to get a better look. Momo-chan gets jealous and turns around to a boy behind her. Kyusuke had his head on his desk and he looked up confused when Momo-chan asked him if he liked the new girl too. Kyusuke said he was hungry since he slept in and didn't eat breakfast. Chiibiusa and Momo-chan giggled as Kyusuke dropped his head back on his desk.
    The day passed by quickly and the children were walking Ririka home. Ririka said she lived in the Embassy on top of the hill. The others said her father must be rich then. But Momo-chan said that the Embassy has been empty for the longest time. She said it was haunted. Kyusuke whacked her over the head and told her not to scare Ririka with those stories. Kyusuke and Momo-chan argue as Ririka shivered and said she was scared. Momo-chan and Kyusuke continued to argue and then Ririka fainted. The others asked her what's wrong and Ririka said the story was scary so it made her feel faint.
    Another boy, Ishihara, offered to walk Ririka home since he was going the same way and Ririka thanked him. She smiled and one of her fangs glinted in the setting sunlight. The two of them walked away from Kyusuke, Momo-chan and Chibiusa. Chibiusa hoped Ririka would be ok. Momo-chan said that boys always go after the pretty one and Kyusuke said that jealousy was not a virtue in girls. Momo-chan grabbed Keisuke's shirt and yelled at him. Chibiusa sweatdropped as the two of them argued.
    The next day, the teacher said that Ishihara was absent and asked if anyone heard from him since his family didn't call in. Chibiusa turned and looked at Ririka. She stood up and asked her of she heard from Ishihara after he walked her home. Everyone turned to her and Ririka said she didn't hear a thing. Chibiusa sat back down but another boy beside her whispered to his friend that Ishihara's mother called him because he didn't come home yesterday. Chibiusa turned again to stare at Ririka.
    Momo-chan and Chibiusa were walking, discussing about Ishihara. Ishihara didn't call home or return last night. They walked past a corner and saw Ririka pick a yellow flower. Momo-chan ran up and told her angrily that they worked hard to grow them. Ririka asked wasn't it better to pick them but they grow ugly and die? Chibiusa said she was wrong because when they die, they drop new seeds into the ground so more will grow. It was wrong to pick them. Ririka giggled and placed her hand on Chibiusa's cheek.
    "You're so strange. Your cheeks are so plump and delicious looking." Ririka said before she walked away. Chibiusa touched her face and said Ririka felt very cold. Momo-chan called for Chibiusa's attention and she pointed to the spot where Ririka was. All the flowers around the area died. Ririka smiled as the two girls gasp and crowded around.
    The next day, Chibiusa yawned widely and got smacked by Kyusuke for not paying attention to what he was saying. Chibiusa apologized and said she was thinking about Ririka so she didn't get enough sleep. Kyusuke was worried because another student didn't return home. A boy named Kuwano also walked Ririka home and he didn't come home at all. Chibiusa and Kyusuke suddenly see Ririka walk by. She was at the flower garden again. They spy on her from around the corner. Chibiusa and Kyusuke watch as Ririka yank a flower from the ground. Ririka bit the flower off the stem and growled as she turned. Chibiusa and Kyusuke hid behind the building, shaking. They couldn't believe that Ririka ate the flower.
    Later, Chibiusa tells the girls about Ririka at her house. Makoto thinks Ririka must be a vampire and Ami tells them that vampires drink blood and lived for hundreds of years. They're pale and like flowers with strong sweet scents. Makoto gets all scary looking as she tells Chibiusa that the Embassy house was also known as Hell House and that is famous for the screams heard at night. Chibiusa backs away in fear and tells Makoto to stop. Minako stands up, wrapped in a black cape and fangs, goes on saying vampires live in coffins and drink the blood of beautiful women night after night. Rei explains how to kill  a vampire but using a cross as a shield and stabbing "vampire" Minako with a stake. Usagi adds that the easier way to destroy a vampire was garlic and that means...Korean barbecue! *Heh heh* Usagi gets hungry and the rest of them agree. They all go, "Wai!" *Like yay?* and Usagi turns to Mamoru and asks him to buy it for them. Mamoru looks at her and everyone thanks him and he goes, "Are you serious? Oh..."
    At school, Chibiusa is asked to deliver something to Ririka who stayed home today. Chibiusa wondered what was wrong with her when Kyusuke and Momo-chan walked up. They offer to go with her and Chibiusa thanked them. The two of them covered their nose and asked what was that smell and Chibiusa said she had too much Korean barbecue last night. 
    At the Embassy, Ririka heard the doorbell and she got up from her coffin. The three children were waiting outside and Chibiusa opened the gate and waked in. The back was a cemetery covered with the same yellow flowers that Ririka was eating. Ririka reached out and touched Chibiusa's shoulder. Chibiusa jumped out in fright and saw her. Ririka thanked them for visiting her and took them inside.
    They asked if she was a vampire and Ririka laughed. She said both Ishihara and Kuwano went home after walking her home. Then Chibiusa asked if she ate flowers and Ririka smiled. She took out a box and opened it. It was full of yellow flower petals. They were all sugar coated petals. She offered some to them and Momo-chan tried it. After she said it was delicious, Chibiusa apologized for thinking she was a vampire.
    Momo-chan asked to use her washroom and Ririka led her to it. As the two of them walked down the hallway, Ririka's shadow turned into large bat monster and attacked Momo-chan. Then Ririka walked away calmly.
    Chibiusa thought Momo-chan was taking too long so the two of them searched for her. They ran past a room with the doors ajar. Chibiusa came back and saw Ririka drinking blood from Momo-chan. Kyusuke opened the door and they could see the three children but not Ririka. Suddenly, Ririka apppearred from behind them and Chibiusa asked what did she do to them. Ririka replied she only drank a little blood before she turned into a vampire monster and attacked. Kyusuke took the attack by jumping in front of Chibiusa *He's so sweet! But then he kinda likes Chibiusa anyway,* and got knocked out.
    The vampire attacked Chibiusa but a red rose struck her. Tuxedo Kamen was above on a window ledge and Usagi appeared by the door. Both Usagi and Chibiusa transformed together, "Moon Crisis Make Up!" The two Sailor Senshi introduced themselves. Then suddenly the other Sailor Senshis appeared. Then Sailor Mars told them to use their special attack. Sailor Mercury was afraid it was dangerous. But Sailor Jupiter said it was ok since it was a vampire. Sailor Venus told her not to worry since they had so much last night. The four Sailor Senshi jumped up and Mars shouted, "Sailor..," Jupiter shouted, "Special...", Mercury said in a rather embarrassed tone "Garlic...," Venus smiled, flung her arm in the air and shouted, "Attack!" in a happy voice.
    The four Inners surrounded the vampire and opened their mouths and breathed garlic on her. The vampire gagged and Sailor Mercury told Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon to attack. Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon looked at them strangely and Tuxedo Kamen jumped behind them and said, "Don't let my hard earned cash go to waste." Both Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon said, "Seriously..." Sailor Chibi Moon called Pegasus using her "Twinkle Yell" and Sailor Moon destroyed the monster using "Moon Gorgeous Meditation."
    The vampire was killed after she shouted that they were many more of them and Ririka was released from the vampire's control. Chibiusa woke her up and so did everyone else as a result. Ririka asked what she was doing here and Chibiusa said she was just having a really long dream.
    At the Dead Moon Circus, Zirconia appeared in front of the Amazon Trio and Tigers Eye asked what was wrong. Zirconia told them that Lemures has been destroyed. Hawks Eye asked if it was the Sailor Senshis' doing. Fish Eye said it was so impertinent of them to get in the way. Zirconia told them not to worry as more of the shadow monsters appeared from behind the Amazon Trio.
    Suddenly, the scene is back at the fountain where Chibiusa and Usagi sits in the very first part. Usagi says she'll take care of everything no matter what enemy it was. The others looks at her, not believing her. Suddenly, Ami calls over the communicator on Usagi's wrist and told her that the enemy appeared. Usagi gets up and starts to rush off when Chibiusa asks her if she even knew which way the enemy was. Usagi stops and laughs nervously. She forgot to ask. Chibiusa wonders if she really was going to be ok.

End song is "Watashi-tachi ni naritakute"  (We Want To Be Ourselves)