Sailor Senshi: Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mercury

Japanese: Mizuno Ami
English: Amy Anderson
Name Translation: ("beauty of water") Friend of Water

Height: 5' 2"

Day of week associated with Kanji: Wednesday. An alternative reading for mizu is sui, appears in suiyoubi "wednesday".

Element: water and ice

Beginning of show: 14
End of show: 16

Birthday: September 10, 1978

Astrological sign: Virgo

Blood Type: A

Gemstone: sapphire

Favorite Color: aquamarine, blue

Sailor Color: light blue

Favorite Food: sandwiches

Least Favorite Food: yellow-tail tuna [hamachi]

Favorite Subject: Math

Worst Subject: none

Favorite Pastimes: reading, playing chess, studying, swimming

Favorite Animal: cats

Has Trouble With: love letters, practical jokes

Strong Points: calculating

Club She's In: Computer Club

Dream: to be a doctor like her mother

IQ: Usagi said she had an IQ of 300

Mythology: In the Greek mythology Mercury was the god Hermes. Hermes was the messenger of the gods.

Ami is a studious perosn. She's constantly studying and reading large textbooks so she can become a doctor like her mother. She had this dream since she was very young and has worked ard to acheive it. Ami is smart and she's the one who thinks through a problme before rushing into it unpreapred. She's a matha nd comuter whiz and as Sailor mercury, she has a minicomnputer which anayzles almost everything for her.

One thing about Ami is she lacks in self-esteem. Unlike the other girls, she can't take an insult without feeling bad about it. She's always worrying if people hate her because she's so smart.The reason she becomes such good friends with Usagi is that Usagi never really cared if she was smart or not; as Ami put it, Usagi is the one who taught her how to "have fun." One episode showed Usagi, Rei and Ami at the beach and Usagi took away all of Ami's books abd made her play beach volleyball with them. Ami is always grateful for her feinds and how close they are.

Ami enjoys to swim, and is very good at it. In fact, in one episode she raced Michiru, and tied with her. Michiru said that she must have come from the ocean in a former life. Ami really respects Michiru, and they have many things in common.

Ami also had a boyfriend named Urawa (Greg), who showed up in 2 episodes but had to move away. Urawa liked Ami a lot, but thought he didn't deserve her. Usagi got them together anyway, but then his father was promoted and he had to move away. At first, Ami thought they were just good friends, but Mako said that she was denying her real feelings for him because she didn't want to get hurt. When Ami saw him again, he was visiting Tokyo, and she explained her real feelings for him. Apparently they were a couple, but he didn't appear in the show again. In the SuperS special, "Ami's First Love," she fell in love with a boy who tied her in all the practice exams (by getting a perfect score). However, he took the tests under a nick name, so she never found out who he was. His pen name was Mercious, the Latin name for Mercury. Turned out he was a Melivin/Umino twin.

As Sailor Mercury, she can use her super computer and her visor to spot the weaknesses of an enemy. She is basically the "brains" of the Sailors, and usually can come up with a solution to something unsolvable. Her brain power and determination make her an important member of the Sailors. She'll keep the girls on track if they have something to accomplish.

Anime Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Mercury Introduction: For love and exams, I am the pretty, sailor-suited fighter, Sailor Mercury! Splash some cold water on yourself and repent!

Sailor Moon

Mercury Power, make up! (Mercury Power)
Ami says this to transform into Sailor Mercury. She was the second to discover her power and receive a transformation pen after Sailor Moon.

Shabon Spray (Mercury Bubbles Blast)
Sailor Mercury says this to generate a large amount of bubbles and sprays them around herself. This usually blinds the enemy so another Sailor can take them out with an attack. This was the only defensive attack of the Sailors; however, it could make an enemy cold.

Sailor Moon R Phrases

Mercury Star Power, make up! (Mercury Star Power)
Ami says this to transform into Sailor Mercury. This transformation is supposedly 10 times more powerful than the first transformation. There isn't much of a change in the transformation sequence, but when she's done transforming and poses her planetary symbol can be seen in the background.

Shabon Spray Freezing (Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze)
This was Sailor Mercury's powered up "Shabon Spray" attack in the first part of Sailor Moon R. She got so angry at a monster for stealing a baby's energy that she discovered the attack and used it. The ice bubbbles would freeze the enemy so that Sailor Moon could finish it off. For some reason, she only used it twice, and the second time it didn't work.

Shine Aqua Illusion (Mercury Ice Storm Blast)
This was Sailor Mercury's main attack for Sailor Moon R and S. She would generate a bunch of ice crystals and condense them together, and then throw them at the enemy. This attack was more powerful then Shabon Spray Freezing, so she used it instead.

Sailor Moon SuperS phrases

Mercury Crystal Power, make up!
Ami says this to transform into Super Sailor Mercury. In the anime, Pegasus granted her this power-up, but in the manga she looked deep inside of herself for more power.

Mercury Aqua Rhapsody
Super Sailor Mercury says this to generate an ice harp that blasts the enemy with ice. The harp places some nice music too.

Mercury Aqua Magic
This is Mercury's special attack, which she only used once in the Ami special, "Ami's First Love". It involves her creating a ball of ice which breaks into several fragments of ice and reforms around an enemy, and then explodes. Sailor Mercury destroyed the monster of "Ami's First Love" by herself, but collapsed afterward.

Manga Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Mercury Introduction: Douse yourself in some water and repent!

Sailor Moon

Mercury Power, Make Up!
Ami says this to transform into Sailor Mercury.

Sabon Spray!
Sailor Mercury says this in order to generate a mist fog that reduces the visual range of enemies. This generally confuses them, making them more vunerable to attacks.

Sailor Moon R

Mercury Star Power, Make Up!
Ami says this to transform into Sailor Mercury.

Shine Aqua Illusion!
Sailor Mercury says this to generate a massive freezing attack. This will usually freeze opponents and/or objects, preventing them from moving.

Sailor Moon S

Mercury Aqua Mirage!
Sailor Mercury's attack in S.

Sailor Moon SuperS

Mercury Crystal Power, Make Up!
Ami says this to transform into Super Sailor Mercury.

Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!
This is Super Sailor Mercury's attack

Voice Actress/Seiyuu

In Japan, Ami's voice is done by Hisakawa Aya. Another great singer, Aya has a habit of playing intelligent and dark-haired characters, such as Urd of Ah! My Goddess! or Iria of Iria.

In North America, Amy's voice is done by Karen Bernstein.

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