Sailor Senshi: Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Moon
Japanese: Tsukino Usagi
English: Serena, nickname Bunny in the comic
Nicknames:  Mamoru calls her Usako.
Other Names: Princess Serenity or Serena, Neo-Queen Serenity, the Messiah in Japan's SMS and the Sovereign in USA's SMS
Name Translation: Tsukino Usagi literally means Rabbit on the moon which is like USA's version of the man in the moon.

Height: 4' 11"

Day of week associated with Kanji: Monday. The symbol for the moon, tsuki, appears in the Japanese word getsuyoubi, "monday". Monday is "moon day".

Beginning of show: 14
End of show: 16

Birthday: June 30, 1978

Astrological sign: Cancer

Blood Type: O

Gemstone: Diamond

Favorite Color: White and pink

Sailor Color: Silver and pink

Favorite Food: Ice cream, peanut butter and jelly

Least Favorite Food: carrots [this is a pun, remember how her name means Rabbit?]

Favorite Subject: Home Economics, Music

Worst Subject: Math, English

Favorite Pastimes: playing video games, shopping, and eating

Favorite Animal: bunny rabbit [another pun]

Has Trouble With: dentists, ghosts

Strong Points: whining, crying

Club She's In: Drawing Club

Dream: to be a bride

Mythology: The name Serena (from the dub) is a spin-off from Princess Serenity (in the Japanese version). Serenity comes from the Greek myth about Selene, the goddess of the moon. Selene fell in love with the handsome young shepherd Endymion, who she lulled into an eternal sleep so that he could never leave her. Selene is often identified with the Olympian goddess of the moon, Artemis.

Sailor Moon is a typical main character for a Japanese animation. She is a klutzy and whiney character most of the time, but during an emergency she can pull herself together. She also has an amazing amount of potential power; however, for most of the show she only shows enough power to destroy the enemy. She's very loyal and loves to eat. She makes freinds easily throughout the series because she's o friendly. She's not that smart but that's like typical Japansee character heriones anyways. When her friends are threatened she can usually tap this potential power and destroy whatever enemy is threatening her.

Usagi is very loyal, and is always friendly and outgoing. Usagi also cares very much for her friends, even if she fights with a few of them constantly (like Sailor Mars). Her best friend since childhood has been Naru (Molly), but basically any of the Inner Sailors are her best friends. She doesn't share the same kind of relationship with the Outer Sailors; she simply respects all of them very much (however, she does have a more affectionate relationship with Sailor Saturn). Her strongest relationships tend to be with the people who push her: both Luna and Rei are always yelling at her when she makes mistakes but Usagi shares a deep friendship with both of them.

Usagi's Relationship with Mamoru: She loves mamoru soo much and she proves her love throughout the series. it's sucha a sweet romance that the two share.

Anime Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Moon Introduction: For love and justice, I am the pretty, sailor-suited fighter Sailor Moon! On behalf of the moon, I'll punish you!

Sailor Moon

Moon Prism Power, Make up! (Moon Prism Power)
Usagi says this to transform into Sailor Moon. This was her first transformation and was the only one to not reveal the Moon insignia on her forehead (the one that permanently appears when she's a princess).

Moon power .... ni nare (Disguise Power, change me into _______)
Usagi says this to disguise herself with her "Luna Pen". She used this power several times in the first season, a couple times in the second season, and then she pretty much stopped using it. However, Sailor Venus once used it to disguise herself as Sailor Moon to fool the enemy, Kaolinite in Sailor MoonS.

Moon Tiara Action! (Moon Tiara Magic)
Sailor Moon says this when she turns her tiara into a Frisbee, and hurls it at an opponent. This power Sailor Moon can use no matter what transformation she's in. Again, this is a power that was used mostly in the first season, a couple times in the second season, and then slowly died out. She did use it as Super Sailor Moon in the SuperS movie.

Moon Tiara Stardust!
This was only used once in episode 5 (that wasn't dubbed into English). It involved her throwing her tiara like before, except it sprinkled stardust on a bunch of zombies and returned them to people.

Sailor Moon Kick!
In the original series, she shouted this when kicking someone. In the dub, they just left that out (they had her say something else).

Moon Healing Escalation! (Moon Healing Activation, Cosmic Moon Power, Moon Crystal Healing Power)
Sailor Moon says this when uses her crescent wand to heal someone. She used this whenever Zoisite turned a human into a monster. She also used it to save Tuxedo Mask's memory, and it worked, until Queen Beryl re-captured him. For some reason the dub gave lots and lots of different names for this one attack... She also used this to destroy Malachite, although that didn't exactly heal him... She also used this attack in the second season to heal the Four Sisters.

Sailor Moon R

Moon Crystal Power, Make up! (Moon Crystal/Star Power!)
This was Usagi's second transformation to Sailor Moon that her mother (Queen Serenity) granted her. The dub varied between "Crystal" and "Star" power, which was stupid (it's Crystal!)... This transformation was supposedly 10 times more powerful then "Moon Prism Power."

Moon Princess Halation! (Moon Scepter Elimination)
This was the power, granted by Queen Serenity, that came with her Moon Sceptor. It involved Sailor Moon waving the sceptor around and creating several stars and a small crescent moon.

Sailor Body Attack!
Again, an attack she shouted in the original series but in the dub they just had her say something else.

Sailor Moon S

Moon Cosmic Power, Make up!
This was the third transformation Usagi used to transform to Sailor Moon. After "Moon Cosmic Power" stopped working, Usagi and Mamoru's power of love created her new brooch and let her transform again.

Moon Spiral Heart Attack!
Sailor Moon says this when her heart rod generates a spiral to destroy an opponent. This attack was pretty neat since it involved Sailor Moon doing this elaborate spin. She used it to destroy daimons in the first half of the third season, but eventually this attack wasn't powerful enough to defeat later bad guys.

Double Sailor Moon Kick!
Again, this is basically the same as Sailor Moon Kick, except she does it with Sailor Chibi Moon.

Crisis, Make up!
This is her double transformation; Sailor Moon says this to transform into Super Sailor Moon with the holy grail. However, becoming Super Sailor Moon really exhausted Usagi at first.

Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!
This is the updated attack that Super Sailor Moon used. This attack involves Sailor Moon creating a huge heart that smashes into the monster and destroys them. This still involves the spin Sailor Moon does. It's very similar to "Moon Spiral Heart Attack" in some ways, but is much more powerful.

Sailor Moon SuperS

Moon Crisis, Make up!
Usagi says this to transform into Super Sailor Moon (with Super Sailor Chibi Moon). Usagi couldn't transform into Super Sailor Moon anymore since the Holy Grail was destroyed, but Pegasus gave her the power to do it.

Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Super Sailor Moon says this to generate a blast from her kaleid moon scope. This attack many fans believe is the coolest, since it lets you see several views of Sailor Moon performing the attack at the same time. In the Sailor Moon SuperS movie, Super Sailor Moon performed this attack with Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

Sailor Stars

Moon Eternal, Make up!
Usagi says this to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon. In the beginning of the season, this power couldn't be achieved until Usagi had transformed to Super Sailor Moon, and then all the Sailors had to combine their power. Eventually Usagi creates her own brooch and transforms by herself.

Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!
Eternal Sailor Moon says this to return a monster to a human being with beams from her Eternal Moon Tial. This is claimed the most boring attack, since she doesn't do much while performing it.

Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!
This is the power that Chibi Chibi Moon granted her by updgrading her Eternal Moon Tial. Eternal Sailor Moon still uses this to return a monster to a human, but this attack is a lot more powerful. It's also pretty nifty looking (unlike "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss").

Manga Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Moon

Moon Prism Power, Make Up!
Usagi says this to transform into Sailor Moon.

Moon frisbee!
Sailor Moon says this when she converts her tiara into a frisbee like weapon. At first, it was capable of destroying monsters. It is now used to knock down enemies, rather than destroying them.

Moon Power!
Usagi says this to activate her disguise pen. She uses this to disguise herself as needed, to follow people (or enemies) where her normal self could not go.

Moon Twilight Flash!
Sailor Moon says this attack using her tiara, the stone lights up.

Moon Healing Escalation!
Sailor Moon says this when using the Cosmic Crescent Wand to convert monsters back into their original form (as normal Earth beings).

Sailor Moon R

Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!
Usagi says this to transform into Sailor Moon.

Moon Princess Halation!
Sailor Moon says this to use the power of the Moon Princess Sceptre to eliminate her enemies.

Sailor Moon S

Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up
Usagi says this to transform into Sailor Moon.

Crisis, Make Up!
Usagi says this to transform into Super Sailor Moon.

Moon Spiral Heart Attack!
This is Sailor Moon's attack using the Spiral Heart Moon Rod.

Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!
This is Super Sailor Moon's attack using the Spiral Heart Moon Rod.

Double Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!
This is Super Sailor Moon's attack using the Spiral Heart Moon Rod, with Super Sailor Chibi-Moon.

Sailor Moon SuperS

Crisis, Make Up!
Usagi says this to transform into Super Sailor Moon.

Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
This is Super Sailor Moon's attack using the Kaleid Moon Scope.

Sailor Stars

Silver Moon Crystal Power, Make Up!
Usagi says this to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon.

Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!
This is Eternal Sailor Moon's attack using the Eternal Tier.

Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!
This is Eternal Sailor Moon's attack using the Moon Power Tier.

Sailor Moon Manga phrases that never appeared in the series:
Moon Frisbee!
This is the comic book equivalent of Moon Tiara Action

Moon Twilight Flash!
This is when moonlight shines down on Sailor Moon, and then it reflects to the enemy and destroys it. Sailor Moon used it to destroy Nephrite's shadow monster.

Silver Moon Crystal Power, Make up!
This is the equivalent of "Moon Eternal, make up!" in the comic - it's how she transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon.

Voice Actress/Seiyuu

In Japan, Usagi's voice is mostly done by Mitshuishi Kotono. Kotono is well-known for playing Mink in Dragon Half and Misato in Neon Genesis Evangelion. She also has a healthy career as a singer. When Kotono was in a car accident, Sailor Chibi Moon's voice, Araki Kae, took over for a couple episodes.

In North America, Usagi's voice is mostly done by Terri Hawkes. Tracey Moore did her voice for eps. 1-11, 15, 21, and 41

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