Sailor Senshi: Sailor Neptune, Super Sailor Neptune

Japanese: Kaiou Michiru
English: Michelle
Name Translation: ("full, king of the ocean")

Height: 5' 5"

Coming into the show: 15
End of show: 17

Birthday: March 6, 1978

Astrological sign: Pisces

Blood Type: O

Gemstone: aquamarine

Favorite Color: marine blue

Sailor Color: aqua blue or teal

Favorite Food: sashimi

Least Favorite Food: kikurage

Favorite Subject: Music

Worst Subject: none

Favorite Pastimes: playing the violin, swimming, painting, collecting cosmetics

Has Trouble With: sea cucumbers

Strong Points: violins

Dream: to be a violinist

Mythology: Sailor Neptune is the Greek god Poseidon. Poseidon was the god of the oceans. Poseidon was also the fifth brother of Zeus.

 Michiru is multi-talented, and has talents in playing the violin, swimming, and painting. She is also very smart, and in some ways shares some characteristics with Ami.  Although she has a softer heart that Haruka, she was willing to sacrifice someone to save the world, and thought that the Inner Senshi were getting in her way when they tried to fight the Death Busters.

Sailor Netpune or Michiru has a special relationship with Sailor Uranus, Haruka which the dubber is USA tried to cover up. There's something going on between of them and there's an implication that the two are lesbians and lovers. They never say it because hey, it's USA and they tend to cover that stuff up but the actions between the two show their real feelings for each other.

As a Sailor, Sailor Neptune thought that the Inner Senshi weren't powerful enough to go up against the Death Busters, but she realized that they could hold thewir own, especially Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon became the Messiah at the end of Sailor MoonS and sailor Neptune and Sailor uranus realized how powerful Sailor Moon really was.

Anime Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Neptune's Introduction: Wherever trouble is, so am I, to deliver victory to the people. Here I am, Sailor Neptune!

Sailor Moon S

Neptune Planet Power, make up!
Michiru says this to transform into Sailor Neptune. After having dreams about the end of the world (before she became a Sailor), Michiru decided to do the right thing, give up her dream of becoming a world-class violin player, and concentrated on saving the world. It's assumed that Michiru generated her transformation pen one day.

Deep Submerge
Sailor Neptune says this to form an energy-ball representing her planet, which she generates from a lot of water. Then she throws the ball at the bad guy. Neptune tends to use this attack throughout the series, even when she's learned her "Submarine Reflection" attack. It's associated with Neptune, or the Greek god Poseidon, who was the god of the ocean.

Sailor Stars

Submarine Reflection
Super Sailor Neptune can use this attack to learn weaknesses of an opponent. She uses some kind of energy from the Aqua mirror, her tasliman, to reflect on the bad guy, and then the weakest part of the bad guy will glow. Sometimes this is teamed up with Sailor Uranus' "Space Sword Blaster" attack; Neptune learns the weakness and then Uranus attacks the weakness.

Manga Phrases And Attack

Special Powers (Sailor Moon S)

Neptune Planet Power, Make Up!
Michiru says this to transform into Sailor Neptune.

Deep Submerge!
Sailor Neptune says this to call up a massive funnel of water, which she can direct at an enemy.

Submarine Reflection!
Sailor Neptune appears with her mirror. She twirls around while holding the mirror saying 'submarine reflection'. She turns the mirror around to face the enemy. A beam of light emits from the mirror and shoots at the enemy.

Special Powers (Sailor Moon Stars)

Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up!
Michiru says this to transform into Sailor Neptune.

Submarine Violin Tide!
Sailor Neptune's attack in Sailor Moon Stars

Voice Actress/Seiyuu

In Japan, Michiru's voice is done by Katsuki Masako.

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