Season: Sailor Stars
Episodes 167-200

    Baby Hotaru is having a dream. She sees a figure surrounded in white moonlight, standing on a crystalline pillar and the voice speaks. The voice belongs to Sailor Moon and she says "I am the soldier born from love from all. Eternal/" Suddenly, the Super Sailor Moon fuku turned into Eternal and Sailor Moon reveals her next power. Hotaru wakes up and giggles. Professor Tomoe comes up behind her and picks her up. He asks her about the dream when Setsuna appears and says "Hotaru, I have come for you." and she takes Hotaru away.
    Meanwhile, Usagi, Makoto, Ami, and Minako now went to the same high school. They'd just entered high school, and had new uniforms. They celebrate and talk about how their lives have changed since they're in high school now. They will be students in Juuban  *Tenth Street* High School. Usagi and Minako joke about the test retakes after they fail together and Rei says t's been hard on all of them. The others girls jump on her and say that she's went to  private school so she didn't need to take entrance exams. Rei still wore her normal one. The girls looked forward to having normal high school teenager lives.
    Queen Nehelenia *Sailor Moon SuperS* was floating in her mirror prison saying how wonderful it is that she can be beautiful forever when a disembodied figure went to Nehelenia and freed her from the seal. The world around her shattered as Nehelenia floated over the dark city of Tokyo. The voice continued speaking, offering her everything she ever wished for.
    Chibiusa and Diana decided it was time to go home. The girls, cats, and Mamoru were gathered and saying good-bye. Chibiusa used her Time Key to open the door of time, and paused to say goodbye to everyone.
    The figure and Nehelenia see the ink beam of light and Nehelenia is shown the Senshis in their civilian forms. Nehelenia, who thought that Super Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon had been destroyed in the battle in SuperS, couldn't believe that Chibiusa and Usagi were alive. She grew madder and madder until she produced her own soul mirror. The figure told her to shatter her it and where the pieces fell, evil and misfortune will touch the lives of the surrounding people. Nehelenia shattered her mirror, and pieces of glass fell to the ground like rain. The shards knocked out Chibiusa's time opening, and one piece of glass lodged in Mamoru's eye. Usagi asked if he was okay, and he assured her he was fine. But his eye flashed an odd golden colour. They all look up and admire the falling glass, thinking they were shooting stars.
    Michiru and Haruka were standing watching fish swim  by in an aquarium. *Same one as when Haruka took Usagi's heart brooch in Sailor Moon S?* They talk, walking outside and Michiru said she looked into her talisman, and said that an evil had arrived. They admire the shooting stars when one of the shards falling from the sky hit Haruka in her arm, but Michiru sucked the glass out from the wound and spat a glass shard into her handkerchief. It flashed and Haruka knocked it away, and the shard quickly grew into a monster *referred to by Nehelenia as Mirror Paredory or Parody*.
    Other shards grew, becoming monsters and surrounded them, but suddenly a Sailor Pluto's Dead Scream blasted them all. Michiru and Haruka were shocked as Pluto appeared holding baby Hotaru. Haruka asked why she was here, and Sailor Pluto said that a big warp in time had happened, and she needed Hotaru for her power.
    She was cut off as  more glass fragments became monsters so she told Harukla and Michiru to transform. So they did becoming Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. As sailor neptune and Sailor uranus took care of the monsters, Pluto placed baby Hotaru in some bushes to keep her safe. Then the three Sailor Senshis attacked hand to hand, but more and more kept coming. Sailor uranus got knocked off the roof and Saikor Neptune grabbed her as she dangled above the skyscraper. Sailor Pluto was being restrained by three monsters. Suddenly, a monster found infant Hotaru and was about to hurt Hotaru, but she woke up and generated a huge burst of energy that disintegrated all of the monsters. The Saturn sign appeared on her forehead, and suddenly Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto found themselves floating alone, covered in ribbons. The three said, "A new power...has been...awaken." and their planetary signs appeared on their foreheads. Then a power came and transformed them to their Super forms. They're outfits had modified to Super Sailor fukus *longer back bow, heart brooches, star chokers, and smaller front bows*.
    As they appeared back on the roof, the power from Saturn light up the rooftop. They teamed up their attacks to destroy all the shards with ease. Super Sailor uranus turned and wondered out loud, "What could be so powerful to awaken Saturn so soon?" Super Sailor neptune turned and gpased. Then they all turned and gasped to see Hotaru appeared grown to an age of 4. She said "The time for reform has come. The princess is in danger." The three Outer Senshis become grim with Hotaru's warning.
    Nehelenia was becoming more powerful and she was visible in every reflected surface. She used this to watch the five girls, especially Usagi. Meanwhile, Usagi was very worried about Mamoru's odd behaviour. But the other girls told her to cheer up and they all thought Mamoru was just sick and will feel better after he rested..
    Meanwhile, Hotaru had still been growing rapidly, and was living with the three Outer Senshis in their home. She was very cute as she called everyone Haruku-papa, Michiru-,mama, and Setsuna-mama. Michiru remarked that she felt so sad since she wanted Hotaru to have a normal life when they realized Hotaru disappeared. They searched the whole house and finally found her. She was simulating the creation of our universe at a high speed. The three adults felt srene as they watched. Suddenly Hotaru collapse as a shadow came over the moon she created. The three adults ran to her and Hotaru went pale saying that a dark cloud covering the moon and everything was all dark. The three adults looked up and wondered what was going to happen.
Later, when hotaru was put to bed, Sailor Saturn came to Hotaru in a dream, and told her to wake up. She touched Hotaru's forehead and Hotaru remembered the events in Sailor Moon S. She grew rapidly to her normal age, and told the Outer Senshi that danger was approaching the princess.
    The Inner Senshis and Chibiusa gathered at Hikawa Shrine *Cherry Hill*  and were discussing the weird things that was happening with mirrors. Rei told everyone that the sacred mirror in her shrine was almost possessed by a  dark negative energy when mirror monsters attacked them. They all transformed and everyone was captured by the mirror monsters except for Super Sailor Moon and Super Chibi Moon. Tuxedo kamen appeared to save them and began a normal introductory speech, but suddenly he clutched his eye and cried out in pain.
    Suddenly, we ehar the themes of the Outer Senshis and Super Sailors Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto appeared. Uranus's World Shaking attack released the Senshi, and the three began their introductions. They said hi to the girls and Uranus said, 'We have one more." The five Inners gasp as the Outers parted to reveal Super Sailor Saturn appeared. She explained after her introduction that they must combine their powers and hearts to awaken the real princess of the moon. All the Senshi except Sailor moon and sailor Chibi Moon started to glow with energy which combined and entered Sailor Moon's transformation brooch. She started to float as the energy went into her body and she knew her new transformation phrase and yelled "Moon Eternal Make Up!" and transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon.
     Her wand also transformed into the eternal tier, and beams of light shot out from it destroying all the mirror paredory *or Parody* without the customary attack phrase. Then Sailor Moon collapsed and transformed back into Super Sailor Moon as the girls ran to help her. They asked Super Sailor Saturn what was that and she explained that was Sailor moon's true form. She was reborn for this mission and they all wondered how powerful Eternal Sailor Moon was since she blasted all the monsters by herself.
    Later Mamoru remarked that he felt his body wasn't his after demolishing his computer because it kept beeping. He went to wash his face in the sink but Nehelenia appeared and said she'd take everything Mamoru loved. Mamoru said nothing, but his eye flashed golden again. Later after that, Usagi walked him home and asked if he was all right and he said he was fine.
    As time passed, everyone in Tokyo started acting weird around mirrors. Michiru looked in her talisman mirror, and got a vision of Mamoru. Mamoru started buying a lot of mirrors, and was hanging them around his room. Usagi came over to check up on him and knocked on his door, then rang the doorbell for a long time. When Mamoru didn't come to the door she pulled out a spare key and opened it. Usagi looked around, surprised by the dark rooms and went into mamoru's bedroom and saw Mamoru hanging up more mirrors. She steeped forward as Nehelenia appeared and cracked one. mamoru turned around and said some very harsh words, making Usagi step back and apologized. He told her to leave his room since she wasn't invited and caressed the mirror, but got a glass splinter in his hand. Usagi tried to kiss it better but Mamoru pulled away. Usagi backed off saying she brought some lunch for him and will leave it with forced cheerfulness. She left as Mamoru continued staring into the mirrors.
    Usagi was hanging with the other girls at the Hikawa Shrine and Hotaru and Setsuna appeared to the Inner Senshi, and explained to them about the shard monsters and mirrors were affecting people in strange ways. Everyone realized that Mamoru was in danger. The Senshi all transformed and took off for Mamoru's apartment. Neptune and Uranus were already in front of the building facing off against shard paredories, and Pluto's Dead Scream shattered them. The Inner Senshi went into the building, while the Outer Senshi stayed outside to defend them.
    Heading up to Mamoru's apartment by stairs, Sailor Moon realized that the enemy they were facing was Nehelenia. She remebered the laughter, mirrors, and shadows as she ran. The Senshi were shocked at this, and continued up the stairs again. They reached Mamoru's apartment, and Sailor Moon rushed forward to see him caressing a mirror. She tried to pull hs hand away but Mamoru slapped her away and Chibi Moon rushed to Sailor Moon and yelled at Mamoru. Nehelenia appeared in the mirror, laughing  and reached out to Mamoru, pulling him in with her. Sailor Moon rushed to grab him, but was too late and bounced off the mirrors. Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury tried their attacks, with no effect. Sailor Moon rose and asked the Senshi to give her their power. The Senshi contributed their power and she transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon. She destroyed several shard monsters, than demanded Nehelenia return Mamoru. Suddenly she powered down to Super Sailor Moon, and Nephrenia laughed. She left with Mamoru in her arms saying that if she wanted Mamoru back, she'll have to come after him. The Outer Senshi had reached Mamoru's apartment, and Chibi Moon's outfit began to flash. She lost her transformation and powered down to Chibiusa.
    Back at Rei's temple, Setsuna remarked that Chibiusa wouldn't exist if Mamoru didn't return. The past was changing if Mamoru didn't return to usagi and Chibiusa will never be born. Usagi, who had been sitting outside, started crying and ran down the path. Usagi stopped, and one of her tears fell onto her brooch. It began to glow, and turned into an Eternal Sailor Moon transformation brooch. She wanted to go after mamoru but everyone told it that she should stay while they do it. Usagi transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon and flew up into the sky as Rei ran after her.
    Hotaru said that their mission was to protect their princess at all costs and they all prepared to Sailor Teleport.  The Senshi followed Sailor Moon, holding hands. They activated the Sailor Teleport, briefly glowed their aura, and disappeared. The cats ran up and wished them luck.
    Usagi found herself alone surounded by darkness. Nehelenia suddenly appeared, taunting her for coming after Mamoru when Usagi knew it was a trap. "She called usagi names and told her "If you don't come to me before dawn, his heart will be mine." She laughed ash she then created a blinding blizzard all around Usagi before she returned to her castle and sat on her throne. Next to her was a dazed Mamoru still trapped within Nehelenia's dream illusion. Nehelenia also realized that the other Sailor Senshi was coming.  They were still in a circle  holding hands as Sailor Chibi Moon began to flicker, and Saturn held her hand telling her she'd be all right. Nehelenia got mad that they came after their princess and threw her goblet at her mirror. Shards from the goblet that nehelenia threw and appeared in the Sailor Senshis' path, and when they soared through it the Senshi got separated into several groups. Chibi Moon, Saturn, and Pluto flew off in one group, Mars and Neptune in another, Mercury and Uranus in another, and Jupiter and Venus in the last.
    Uranus and Mercury fell to the ground near some ruins. uranus got up first and looked around and mercury appeared. Sailor Mercury pulled out her computer and began typing, but Uranus told her there wasn't time and took off running. Mercury looked up and tried her best to keep up with Uranus. Uranus noticed that Mercury was having trouble keeping up with her and he was adjusting her pace to mercury's. She realized that befpore it was Neptune who adjusted her pace to her own. As they ran, they noticed that the land kept repeating, and Mercury tried to analyze it with her computer again when they stopped on top of a hill. Uranus wanted to keep moving but Mercury told her that Nehelenia was trying to tire them out before attacking when suddenly Nehelenia appeared. Mercury tried her attack, but it bounced off of Nehelenia and blasted her backwards. Uranus pulled Mercury out of the way of black lightning, and started to do her World Shaking attack. Mercury told her to wait, but Uranus threw it anyway. It reflected again, and blasted Uranus backwards as well.
    Mercury pulled out her computer visor and started typing rapidly. Nehelenia blasted Mercury with black lightning, but Mercury simply withstood there typing, still trying to find the weakness. Uranus yelled at her and told her fight but Mercury igored her. She fell to her knees still typing, and Uranus jumped in front of Mercury and told her to finish much to mercury's amazement. Mercury's computer screen showed a cross hair on the eclipsed sun, and she yelled to Uranus to throw a World Shaking at it. Uranus obeyed and the sun shattered, and the whole area was revealed when Nehelenia was only a mrror paredory in disguise. Uranus attacked with her talisman sword and shattered it. Mercury and Uranus found themselves floating in space while large mirrors appeared behind them. They didn't see Nehelenia's arms snaked out and dragged them in. They entered the mirrors and floated unconscious in them.
    Usagi struggled forward in the blizzard, crying out Mamoru's name.
Sailor Neptune and Sailor Mars were alone in a forest. They disagreed on which direction to go in since Mars used an ofuda *sacred Japanese paper*, and Sailor Neptune used her Aqua Mirror but Sailor Neptune started off in the direction she'd chosen. Mars sighed, and followed Neptune. Neptune remarked that Usagi and Rei must be close
and Rei agreed and said uranus and Neptune were closer. Nehelenia appeared to them and chanted, creating a ring of fire which surrounded Neptune and Mars. The fire burned higher, and Mars' skirt began to catch on fire. She put it out while Neptune threw a Deep Submerge, quenching the fire. Neptune said such a weak illusion won't stop them and Mars became embarassed that she fell for it. Nehelenia laughed and shot a web at them, and they appeared floating in emptiness. Tendrils of hair came up behind Neptune and grabbed her ankles, pulling her toward Nehelenia. Sailor Mars began to use her Flame Sniper, but Nehelenia pulled Neptune to her and used her as a human shield. Mars held back and Neptune ordered her to fire because they had to save their princess. If Neptune doesn't make it, Sailor mars could still go ahead. Mars hesitated again but Nehelenia began to strangle Neptune, and Mars fired off the attack. Mars's aim was excellent as the sniper hit Nehelenia in the side, avoiding Neptune completely. Nehelenia became another mirror paredory and shattered. Neptune and Mars were transported back to the forest. They walked towards each toher and into a small pond before they collapsed, and were pulled inside of mirrors.
    Usagi was still struggling through the blizzard. Nehelenia watched her from her throne through a mirror and pitied her mockingly. She said she'll make it easier for her and suddenly everything melted around Usagi, to reveal pretty flowers.
    Sailor Pluto and Sailor Venus were running from a pack of mirror paredories. Another group of mirror paredories appeared in front of them, and they ran out to a rickety wooden bridge crossing a deep chasm. Sailor Pluto told Sailor Venus that she would hold off the mirror paredories, and Venus must go ahead if she died. Venus said no and Pluto said that she was a leader and that she must survive to save thir Princess. Sailor Venus started reluctantly across the bridge.
     Usagi was still in the large flower garden and one of the dandelions in the field asked Usagi if she was looking for someone. When Usagi mentioned Nehelenia the flowers shivered. The lowers all say that she sounded scary even though they had no idea who she was. Usagi said she was looking for someone but couldn't recall the name. The flowers all told her to stay with them and Usagi goes into a trance while the flowers begin to giggle. Usagi's eyes became vacant as the flowers told her to stay with them forever.
    Pluto got hit several times by the mirror paredories while Venus was halfway across the bridge. Venus changed her mind, launching a Love and Beauty Shock at the mirror paredories around Pluto. She grabbed Pluto and they ran across the bridge together, pursued by the the pack of mirror paredories. As they were half-way across the bridge broke and everyone fell into the chasm. Sailor  Venus threw a Love Me Chain up to the chasm and grabbed Pluto's hand. They swung precariously above it all and Pluto asked why did Venus came back. Sailor Venus smiled that as an order from the leader, they had to save their Princess together.
"Why did you do that?" Sailor Pluto demanded.
"How can I leave my teammate? As a leader, I order you to fight with me to protect the princess."
Suddenly they heard a laughter joining in their own, and they looked up to see Nehelenia holding the chain at the top of the chasm. She let it go, and Venus and Pluto fell into mirrors below them. Nehelenia changed into a mirror paredory before vanishing.
    The real Nehelenia was gloating over Usagi in the field of flowers. She was about to strike Usagi, when Sailor Jupiter grabbed her hand and threw her into the air. Nehelenia paused in mid-air while levitating, taunting Jupiter to attack her. Jupiter got angry and charged Nehelenia, missed, and fell hard on the ground. She got up and threw a Jupiter Oak Evolution attack, but Nehelenia deflected the attack and it hit everything else but her. She attacked Jupiter with dark lightning, knocking her to the ground. Jupiter ended up close to Usagi, and when Nehelenia attacked Usagi with lightning, Jupiter leapt in front and took the attack. Nehelenia got angry because she couldn't get Usagi and blasted Jupiter again and again with her lightning. Jupiter was hugging Usagi, protecting her and crying out in pain with each blast. Eventually Jupiter collapsed, and one of her rose earrings fell off and rolled in front of Usagi. A mirror appeared around Jupiter, and she was trapped before she could wake Usagi up. Usagi stared at the rose earring, remembering roses and a figure in a black cloak. Usagi snapped out of her trance and her pupils reappeared. She grabbed the earring and stood up saying, "Mamoru." Nehelenia was shocked that Usagi broke out of her spell and said that she hasn't won yet. Usagi still had to get to Mamoru before dawn or everyone will be forever trapped in her nightmare. The field of flowers disappeared, and she found herself on a flight of stairs leading to Nehelenia's palace. Thorn bushes appeared growing around the path, and Usagi forced herself through the thorns.
    Nehelenia retunred to her throne room, mad at what happened when Sailor Saturn and Sailor Chibi Moon appeared in Nehelenia's throne room, and Saturn spun her Silence Glaive and stopped the glaive inches from Nehelenia's throat, as Sailor Chibi Moon held on to Mamoru, trying to wake him up. Nehelenia laughed and vanished, as Sailor Chibi Moon began to blink, fading in and out. A blast of energy knocked Saturn across the room. She stood up and grabbed her glaive and stood in front of Sailor Chibi Moon and Mamoru, protecting them.
    Usagi continued to force herself through the thorns.
    Chibi Moon tried desperately to wake Mamoru up. It was starting to work as Mamoru twitched as he regain some conmtrol. Saturn and Nehelenia both saw this and Sailor Saturn told Sailor Chibi Moon to call harder. Nehelenia blasted Mamoru, making him push Sailor Chibi Moon away but Saturn leapt in front and blocked the energy with her Silence Wall attack. Sailor Chibi Moon began to fade more. While Nehelenia laughed, Saturn lifted her glaive.
"It looks like I have no other choice." Sailor Saturn said as she held her glaive out.
"Do you thin k I'm ignorant? The power of Death is a double edged sword. If you use it, you die as well." Nehelenia mocked.
But Saturn replied, "I believe in the princess."
Her reply made Nehelenia gasped and move back as her Silence Glaive began to glow. Nehelenia asked her why would she want to throw away her life so young and Sailor Saturn bean her attack. Nehelenia had enough and blasted her but Saturn gathered and absorbed Nehelenia's attack and used it for her own. Saturn lifted her glaive high as total silence descended around them and Saturn swung it towards the ground. A huge explosion destroyed most of the palace and knocked Usagi down the stairs. Usagi looked up after everything stopped shaking and wondered what was going on.
Inside, Sailor Saturn opened her eyes and saw Sailor Chibi Moon holding onto her. Saturn asked why and Sailor Chibi Moon told her not to or she'll die. Sailor chibi Moon told her that Sailor Moon won't sway to nehelenia before she fell onto the ground, fading in and out. Nehelenia took advantage of Saturn's distraction and knocked away her glaive before she trapped Saturn. Above them all the mirrors containing the other Senshi appeared and Sailor Saturn's mirror took its place beside them.
    Nehelenia laughed just as Usagi called out her name. Nehelenia tiurned to see Usagi staggered toward her and she welcomed her. Usagi noticed Sailor Chibi Moon and rushed to her. Sailor Chibi Moon began to fade even more, then said weakly, "Usagi, I couldn't save Mamoru. But I believe in you." Chibi Moon closed her eyes before she disappeared entirely while Usagi broke down in tears. Nehelenia was nearby and said it must have felt bad to lose the girl. She then mentioned the mirrors behind Usagi and she turned. For the first time Usagi noticed her friends in the mirrors.
A dark mirror appeared, revealing a teenage Nephrenia. It told her about how her past was like, being surrounded by no one but herself forever. Having no one as her friend made her like this. Nehelenia grew angry, and blasted Usagi again and again, finally slamming her against the wall. She picked up Usagi and strangled her, shocked to see Usagi crying. Angry at the sympathy Usagi had in her eyes and how everyone of the Sailor Senshi had the same determined look, she hurled Usagi across the room. Usagi knelt where she landed, still crying. Nehelenia yelled that Usagi should be mad at her, but Usagi replied, "If it was me, I couldn't live alone. I can't stand being alone like you."
Nehelenia screamed at her, saying how she could never know what it was like to be her and Usagi agreed.
"But it won't change anything even if you keep doing this!" Usagi said. Mamoru's eyes glowed brighter and brighter, then the shard came out and shattered. As it did, the mirrors holding the Senshi also shattered and they stood in a circle around Nehelenia, and even Sailor Chibi Moon re-materialized next to Mamoru. Mamoru smiled and they held hands.
Usagi asked everyone for their help and they said they already knew. Nehelenia looked at the circle i confusion as they all began glowing. Nehelenia looked up at the eclipsed moon, then attacked wildly, blasting the Senshi one after another. When she attacked Sailor Chibi Moon, Mamoru shielded her and turned into Prince Endymion. The Senshi glowed with energy and told Nehelenia to believe in Usagi. Usagi transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon told her to remember her dream.
"I wanted a friend, that I can talk to. Can I really start over?" Nehelenia asked.
Eternal Sailor Moon's tier grew into a staff, and a beam of energy shot from it to the eclipsed moon. The moon slowly uneclipsed as all the Senshis' energy travelled up into the moon, and while Nehelenia cried her mirror broke.
    Nehelenia disappeared into a brilliant wash of white light. Little Nehelenia woke up from a bad dream in her throne room. her court told her if she was tired, she should sleep in her own room. Little Nehelenia agreed and turned and asked someone to sing her a nursery rhyme. The same female voice said it'll be her pleasure and Nehelenia smiled.
    The Senshi stood in the remains of Nehelenia's palace, staring at the sky. Sailor Moon offered Jupiter her rose earring, and smiled and thanked her. Prince endymion smiled and said it was a beginning for Nehelenia.
    In space, an evil laughter was heard...
    Chibi-usa and Diana had already returned to the future. Usagi was really sad to see them go. Also, Mamoru was going to America for a big opportunity. He wasn't sure if he should go, but Usagi said it was okay. At the airport, Usagi and Mamoru walked towards his plane, passing up three teenge boys. A crowd of screaming fans were shouting for them as Usagi brushed past one, he stopped and stared as Usagi walked away.  Before Mamoru left for the plane, he gave her a ring. *An engagement ring?*
    In space, Galaxia told Sailor Iron Mouse that there were many star seeds on the blue planet, and that Iron Mouse would find them to take over the galaxy. Then a light approached the plane Mamoru's in, and the plane disappeared in a wash of golden light.
    Ami, Makoto, Minako, and Rei were all excited because the Three Lights, a popular idol group, were coming to their area. Usagi was subdued since Mamoru had left, but they dragged her along to a video shoot. There they saw Yaten and Taiki, and even Ami was excited to see them. Usagi decided to walk around, still depressed about Mamoru's departure when she walked behind a bunch of trailers. Seiya snuck into a restricted area out of sight, bored of the video shoot and he saw her and told her she shouldn't be here. He sat up and she asked who he was. He was the same guy who turned to stare at her at the airport earlier this morning. She didn't realize he was one of the Three Lights. Before he left he called her "Odango Atoma" *Dumpling Head*, and Usagi got really mad because only Mamoru was allowed to call her that.
    Later, she snuck around the trucks and saw Sailor Iron Mouse attack someone and take their star seed. She transformed and challenged her, but Sailor Iron Mouse turned the person into a monster, a Sailor Scout monster, and left in a phone booth. Sailor Moon tried to dodge the monster's attacks, when she heard fingers snapping and some intro music. *Or maybe not the music but fingers snapping definitely.* She turned and saw the Sailor Starlights. The Starlights' fukus weren't like the Sailor Senshis. They were dressed in black leather boots, tops and really short shorts. The Starlights started to attack the monster, but she told them to stop because the monster was human. She used her "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss" attack and healed the monster. She turned around, but the Starlights were gone.
    Later, Usagi wasn't sure how to explain what had happened to the Inner Senshi.
    The next school morning, a big crowd of girls were gathered in front of the school. Ami, Makoto, and Minako were all excited because the Three Lights were going to their school. Rei starts to pop up at their school a lot, even if she doesn't go there. Usagi wondered who were the Three Lights when their van pulled out. The Three Lights got out and  Seiya saw Usagi and called out to her, and she realized Seiya was one of the Three Lights. Ami, Makoto, Minako, and Rei wanted to know how she knew him. They all crowded around them, saying their fan number ranging from the thousands and going down and Ami beat them all with fan #27. All the others stared at her while she blushed. One remarked that she was early for everything. The Three Light left and later joined the girls' class, with Seiya sitting near Usagi, Yaten near Minako, and Taiki near Ami. The girls offred to show them around, Minako especially and Seiya kept talking with Usagi, although at the time Usagi didn't like him very much because he kept calling her "Odango." *Dumpling, shorter than Odango Atoma meaning Dumpling/Meatball Head*
    During this time, a football player at their school was attacked by Sailor Iron Mouse and all the Inner Senshi got involved and finally met the myserious Sailor Starlights. The series counted on and the Three Light kept talking about  being idols would mean that they could find "her". Seiya kept making attempts on Usagi. He asked her if she had a boyfriend, and when she said he was across the ocean, he said he still had a chance.
    Sailor Iron Mouse kept making attempts on different people looking for a true star seed, but Sailor Moon would always heal the monster. She tried to speak to the Starlights after the battles, but they usually just walked off. Seiya became even more close to Usagi and it was apparent that he had a big crush on her. Usagi was struggling with her feelings of depression since Mamoru wasn't writing back or calling her. Seiya kept her company at this time. Haruka and Michiru met the Three Light after the had a joint concert with Michiru playing her violin. later we find out Sailor Uranus and Neptune and Sailor Starlights didn't get along.
    Through the episodes it was revealed that Seiya was Sailor Star Fighter, Yaten was Sailor Star Healer, and Taiki was Sailor Star Maker. They came to this planet in search of the missing princes after their own home world was destroyed.
    Galaxia was becoming impatient with Iron Mouse, who kept failing.
    Sailor Uranus and Neptune showed up in one of the battles. Uranus told Sailor Moon to stay away from the Starlights, as they were invaders from outside the solar system. usagi thought that they could work together and that seiya was nice. One day, Seiya asked Usagi to meet him in a park since she wasn't doing anything and it became a date sorta.  Galaxia kept calling Iron Mouse, but she kept hanging up the phone. Then she saw a Three Lights poster, and said she should have realized earlier that such great idl stars should have a true star seed. Iron Mouse called up Yaten, but Yaten replied that Taiki was writing lyrics and that Seiya was out.
    Seiya asked Usagi about her boyfriend while riding a ferris wheel, and she replied that she wrote letters to him everyday, but he never responded. Seiya thought Mamoru was playing games with Usagi, but she said it wasn't so. Seiya stared at Usagi, and thought that she felt like the princess they were looking for. Then he snapped out of it, and took her to a disco. Sailor Iron Mouse had done some research, and realized Seiya was probably at the disco. She went there, and saw Usagi and Seiya enter.
    Usagi and Seiya went to another room to tlka and then they went back out and started dancing, and Usagi was really nervous. Then the lights went out, and Iron Mouse appeared. Seiya told Usagi to escape, and Usagi ran off and transformed. Iron Mouse fired her fireballs from her bracelets, but Seiya jumped out of the way and transformed into Sailor Star Fighter. Iron Mouse was shocked, then Sailor Moon arrived! As Sailor Moon went through her speech, Iron Mouse began to cry. Sailor Moon asked what happened to Seiya when she saw a teddy bear chain Seiya was wearing on the round, and Fighter said that he was all right. Iron Mouse asked Sailor Moon if she wanted to know Seiya's identity. Suddenly Sailor Fighter fired her "Star Serious Laser" at Iron Mouse, but Iron Mouse jumped into her telephone box. Just then Iron Mouse got a phone call, and was really scared. It was Galaxia.
    She said she had no use for Iron Mouse anymore. Galaxia appeared outside the phone booth. Iron Mouse begged for her life, but Galaxia took away Iron Mouse's bracelets, and Iron Mouse vanished. Sailor Moon was shocked, and Galaxia said that the galaxy belonged to her, Sailor Galaxia. Then she disappeared. The Sailor Starlights said grimly that Galaxia was the one that had destroyed their planet. Sailor Moon asked if they could fight together, but Fighter called her spoiled and Healer told her to protect her own planet. Then they left.
    Galaxia called forth the Anima-mates. They said they had 80% of the galaxy, and the only planets left were the ones in this solar system. Galaxia told Sailor Aluminium Siren to get the rest of the star seeds. So she replaced Sailor Iron  Mouse.
    Usagi was telling the Inner Senshi about Galaxia and what the Starlights had told her, and insisted she didn't think that the Starlights were bad. Setsuna came and told her not to trust others so quickly, since there was an evil energy all over the galaxy. Usagi took this in but still felt the same way about the Starlights and hoped they could work together after all.
    In a park, Luna told Usagi she trusted people to easily. From the sky, a white umbrella floated down to the ground but hanging off it was a little girl with heart-shaped pigtails. The same girl with her white umbrella appeared in front of Usagi. The umbrella blew away, but Usagi caught it and returned it to her. The little girl smiled, and Usagi said that she was cute. Then Usagi and Luna left. As they walked home, Luna looked behind and noticed the little girl was following them. Usagi walked over and asked her who she was, but the little girl kept saying "Chibi Chibi". Usagi thought this was her name and replied, "Hi Chibi Chibi" but all the girl said was "Chibi Chibi." Usagi sighed and thought she was lost and decided to call the police. When Usagi looked behind at Luna for a second, then turned back, the little girl was gone.
    Sailor Aluminum Siren in civilian form was cleaning up Iron Mouse's desk, when Sailor Lead Crow came. They had been top rivals among the Anima-mates, but Lead Crow had come to check up on and help Aluminium Siren. Then Lead Crow told her to find a target, but Aluminium Siren said she would eat first. sailor Lead Crow sweatdropped and decide to wait.
    Usagi returned home, hot and tired from searching for the girl. Luna sid her mom probably found her and Usagi said she hoped so. She opened her door and fell over as she saw the little girl standing in the house. Her mother, Ikuko came over and scolded her for not going out with her little sister, Chibi Chibi!
    Later the Inner Senshi were observing Chibi Chibi shopping with Usagi's mother. Ami wondered if Chibi Chibi was Chibiusa's younger sister which made usagi blush crimson all over. The other girls were all "Ooh...", but Setsuna popped up again and said that the Queen's only child was Chibiusa. She told them to be careful of Chibi Chibi. Then Chibi Chibi vanished and Ikuko rushed out calling her name so they split up to find her.
    Usagi found Chibi Chibi by a policeman. She started to run forward when the man stood up and turned to reveal...Seiya! usagi skidded to a stop as Seiya said hi to her. he was carrying chibi Chibi on his shoulders going back to the police station when he remarked that Chibi Chibi looked a lot like Usagi, enough to be her child. Usagi blushed, and Seiya thought she was hiding something. Then Usagi said that Seiya was hiding things too, and Seiya admitted that.
    Sailor Aluminium Siren had found a target which happened to be the police chief, and took out his star seed. But it wasn't a true star seed. Sailor Moon and Sailor Pluto arrived, and then Sailor Lead Crow arrived. Sailor Moon asked who they were, and Sailor Aluminium Siren offered her her business card. Lead Crow got upset at her ditziness, and introduced herself as the number one Anima-mates. Sailor Pluto attacked them, but they got into a telephone box and left. The Sailor Starlight appeared again but Sailor Moon used her attack and healed the monster.
    Later, Usagi was writing a letter to Mamoru and became depressed. Then Chibi Chibi walked in. Usagi smiled at her fondly and told her if she was scared, they could sleep in her bed. Chibi Chibi smiled and they did just that.
    One time, Usagi and Seiya were praticing softball for a school game and they were looking up at the stars. Seiya said that every living thing had a glittering star inside their bodies, and that the stronger the star was, the brighter the glitter. Then he told her her glittering was exceptionally bright. usagi asked if he was saying this to al girls and Seiya said that he was serious. When Sailor Lead Crow was trying to get the star seed from another girl that was on the rival softball team at the high school, Usagi grabbed her compact and started to transform. But Aluminium Siren walked down the hall and saw the glittering of her transformation. She thought the glitter was the real star seed.
Sailor Moon was about to heal the monster, but Siren attacked her and said she'd take her glittering star. Then Chibi Chibi arrived, and ran over to Sailor Moon's tier which got knocked away from her by Aluminium Siren. The monster stood in the way, but Chibi Chibi jumped over her and touched the tier. A beam of light came out of it and went into the sky. The Inner Senshi felt something and the Starlights felt something, and thought that that was the princess. Even Sailor Galaxia felt something too.
    Sailor Moon and Chibi Chibi were in a together in a dreamy world, except Chibi Chibi was in a Sailor Scout outfit. Chibi Chibi floated to Sailor Moon, and they held hands. Sailor Moon wondered who Chibi Chibi was and if her power was also a Sailor Senshi's. They returned to real time, and Sailor Moon's tier flashed and a longer stick grew out of it. Then she used her new power, "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss" to heal the monster. Siren was going to attack Sailor Moon, but the Starlights came and Siren left. The Starlights asked what had happened, and Sailor Moon didn't know.
    The Three Lights were going to debut their new movie on an airplane, and all the fan club members were going. Usagi wanted to go, and asked the Three Lights for tickets, but they didn't have any. She was really sad since everyone was going. Later after returning home, Chibi Chibi gave Usagi a letter. The letter had airplane tickets, and Usagi became very happy, but then she read the letter and it was from Sailor Aluminium Siren. Siren said she had a special seat for Usagi and it said she knew that Usagi as Sailor Moon. Usagi was shocked, and headed off for the airport in a taxi. When she got there, she told the stewardess to cancel the flight, but the stewardess just pushed her on the plane and it took off. She got ushered upstairs and the other girls saw her and wondered how'd she got on without tickets. Her seat was right next to Seiya's. Seiya asked her about the ticket, but Usagi couldn't tell him about Sailor Aluminium Siren. She told them that something bad will happen and Seiya replied, holding her hand, "I'll protect you." Siren was releasing sleeping gas into the other cabins. Then, in Usagi's cabin, three monsters strapped the Three Lights to their seats. Sailor Aluminium Siren appeared and told her to exchange her star seed for the lives of everyone, as Usagi or Sailor Moon. The Three Lights gasped and stared at Usagi who backed away.
    Rei, Ami, Minako, and Makoto got up to the second level and fought against the stewardesses. Siren grabbed Usagi's brooch, but it was too powerful and she let it go. Then she got ready to blast Usagi with her bracelets, but Seiya ripped out of the seats and transformed. Then Taiki and Yaten watched, calling him a baka *idiot* but had no choice since Seiya already transformed. As they did, the girls stared at them going, "They're the Starlights."  The Inner Senshi watched and couldn't believe it. Fighter turned to shocked Usagi and said, "I said I'd protect you." as she smiled. Fighter used her attack and Healer told them to escape, but then Rei said, "Iie! Minna! Henshin yo!" *No! Everyone! Let's transform!* and the Starlights stared at them as they all pulled out their henshin pens and transformed. Sailor Star Fighter watched as Usagi transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon. Aluminium Siren panicked and screamed, "You're all Sailor Senshi! No fair!"
    Siren told the stewardesses to attack, but the Starlights subdued them and Sailor Moon finished them off. Siren used her "Galactica Tsunami" attack, but the other Senshi blocked the attack. Siren realized she was outnumbered, and left. Siren returned to Galaxia, but another Anima-mates from the shadows blamed her for what happened. Siren said she had seen the star seed, but Galaxia just took away her bracelets, killing her. Lead Crow couldn't believe it as Sailor Aluminium Siren disappeared.
    After the flight, the Three Lights walked off without saying anything to the Inner Senshi.
    Galaxia said that she felt a strong fluttering on Earth, and told Sailor Tin Nyanko and Sailor Lead Crow to get the star seeds. Nyanko went to Siren's desk to clean it up, and Lead Crow went too. Nyanko told her to be careful, and Crow said that Siren had done her duty, and that she would defeat Nyanko in the end.
    Usagi went to a Three Lights event after Rei gave her own ticket to Usagi. Seiya was supposed to read a post card. Instead, he made up a pen name and told her a message. Taiki and Yaten got angry at this. Later, Usagi thanked him, and then they heard a scream. Usagi immediately rushed off, and Seiya was going to follow, but Yaten and Taiki stopped him. Usagi transformed and Sailor Lead Crow was trying to take the star seed from a DJ, but it wasn't the real one and Sailor Lead Crow turned him into a monster. As monster attacked Sailor Moon,  the Inner Senshi arrived and subdued it so Sailor Moon finished it off. Then Crow came back for revenge because it was their fault that Aluminium Siren got killed and Sailor Tin Nyanko watched and said she was stupid for trying to fight, so she used her bazooka attack and aimed it at Sailor Moon. It was about to hit her when Seiya came running and took the hit. Seiya crashed to the ground and Sailor Star Healer and Maker arrived right after and attacked Crow and Nyanko, so they got into their telephone box and escaped. Sailor Star Maker carried Seiya away, and they told them that they could defend their planet, but not to get them mixed up in it before they walked away.
    Later, the Outer Senshi confronted the Three Lights and told them to stay away from Usagi. They almost got into a fight, when Seiya walked up badly hurt and agreed not to see her again. After that, Seiya called up Usagi and told her to go to a concert and listen to his song and he hung up. The concert was sold out, so Usagi went on a large Ferris wheel to watch it from there. Seiya wondered if Usagi really came to the concert but noticed a a glitter of light near the Ferris wheel from Usagi's compact which was reflecting the light. He began to sing his song, but it was different. He sang and told her that it was all Galaxia's doing, that she wanted to destroy all the stars and control the universe by getting all the star seeds. He said that when she got all the star seeds, the galaxy would be hers, and that his planet had been destroyed by Galaxia. But that their final hope, the princess, had escaped and came to Earth, and that they had followed. As the song ended, Seiya fainted.
    Lead Crow was looking for the star seed in a concert person, but it wasn't the right one so it became a monster and she left. Seiya was trying to get outside to fight, but Usagi came and transformed, then tried to protect Seiya from the monster. Then the Outer Senshi came and blasted the monster, and Sailor Moon healed the DJ turning him back to normal. Later, the Outer Senshi were mad at the Three Lights for letting Seiya see her, but Usagi said it was her fault. Taiki and Yaten were carrying Seiya away, when Seiya thanked her. Usagi was going to run to Seiya, but Haruka stopped her.
    Chibi Chibi was walking in the city alone. She started chasing a pink butterfly, then she followed it to a lake where thee were more pink butterflies. Chibi Chibi walked on top of the water, following the butterflies, and they turned an incense holder shaped like a pot. Chibi Chibi also turned into a Sailor Scout. The Three Lights began to notice that the fragrance of the princess was on Chibi Chibi.
    Sailor Lead Crow found Siren's secret diary and looked in it. She gasped at what was revealed inside and she headed off in search of the Sailor Senshis.
    Galaxia was feeling the Starlight's princess's presence, and said that no matter how many star seeds she got, she couldn't take over the galaxy if the princess existed. Galaxia called Nyanko and asked her if she'd found the star seeds. Nyanko said she had some leads, but Lead Crow came and said she knew who the owner of the star seed was. Tin Nyanko looked at her and got mad when Lead Crow got sent next.
    Seiya walked by Usagi's house at night and a pink butterfly suddenly flew out from Usagi's window. Usagi appeared and asked what he was doing there. Seiya smiled and she asked him to go the school festival. Seiya agreed and said good night. As he left, he smelled the scent of the Princess as a pink butterfly flew overhead. At the school festival, Yaten and Taiki also noticed the scent and traced it to Chibi Chibi who was outside. She saw a butterfly, and started chasing it, then opened her bag and took out the incense holder. Then Taiki and Yaten came and tried to take it from her. Chibi chibi started to whimper as she hung onto it but Makoto came and tried to stop them. She got into a fight with Yaten who was her match and then the other girls and Seiya arrived, and after a quick discussion the Three Lights left. Lead Crow came, and said she knew that Usagi was Sailor Moon from Siren's diary.
    Yaten and Taiki told Seiya that the fragrance of the princess was around Chibi Chibi, and that she had the incense holder that belonged to their princess. Seiya saw a pink butterfly, then felt something and ran off. The other two follwed.
    Lead Crow was badly beating the Inner Senshi. The Starlights arrived, but Crow said she knew they were the Three Lights. Then Crow pulled out a capsule that contained a black hole, and she asked Sailor Moon for her star seed. The Inner Senshi told her not to give up, but she didn't want them to get hurt. Then Crow took out her star seed, and Sailor Moon turned back to Usagi. A blast hit Lead Crow, and she dropped the capsule and it broke. Tin Nyanko was amazed at how beautiful it was. It was shaped differently from the others, instead of being a small diamond prism it was a large flowery crystal. Tin Nyanko shot Lead Crow and she dropped the capsule. The black hole came out, surrounded Lead Crow and killed her. Nyanko was going to take the star seed, but Chibi Chibi came in between her and Usagi. The black hole swallowed up Usagi, Chibi Chibi, and the star seed, and Nyanko gave up and was about to leave. Then a huge explosion came out from the black hole, destroying it.
    Chibi Chibi held the incense holder above her head and the energy was pouring out from it.  A powerful light shot out of it. Usagi floated in the air, and the Princess appeared and held Usagi in her arms. Usagi looked up and wondered if this was the woman the Starlight were searching for before she passed out. When the Princess came to the ground, the Starlights began to cry and they kneeled before her. She thanked Chibi Chibi, and said she had been watching Sailor Moon from inside the incense holder. She explained that there had been a holy war going on throughout the galaxy called the Sailor Wars, and that the Sailor Senshi had always fought against the evil. But the strongest Sailor Scout sealed chaos into her own body, which was the source of evil in the galaxy. But then the chaos reappeared.
    She told them that Galaxia wanted to get the star seeds and put the galaxy in a state of chaos, but there was always hope as long as the "light of hope" existed. The "Light of hope" was the one thing that could save them from Galaxia and choas and it had come to earth. She was here for that reason. Sailor Star Healer said they should just reclaim their planet, but she said that if they didn't find the "light of hope", they couldn't seal chaos and they would be in anger again. She asked Sailor Moon to help her, but then Sailor Uranus and Neptune came and told them they were being selfish for asking Sailor moon to help them since it was risking her life. The Starlights got angry, but the Princess just said she believed in Sailor Moon and walked away.
    Galaxia noticed Sailor Lead Crow's disappearance. She said she felt the energy of someone powerful on the earth, and that she had to find it because it could destroy her. Sailor Tin Nyanko came in and reported that she'd found the star seed, but didn't have it. Galaxia didn't want to hear it and told Nyanko to go.
    Haruka and Michiru were sitting in a car outside Usagi's house, because they knew the enemy was after her. Usagi was calling Mamoru's answering machine again and again so she could hear his voice.
    Back in the Three Light's studio house, their Princess asked Seiya why they were using that appearance on earth, and he said that was the best way to find a woman on earth. Being male idol stars attracted more attention. The princess smile and rested her head against Seiya's shoulder and said she heard their songs but couldn't answer them. Seiya smiled and said it's ok since she was there with them now. Seiya was asked to sing and he sung for her. Yaten and taiki came in as Seiya finished and he left.
    Next morning, Minako and Rei came to pick Usagi up so they could go to school together. Minako was yelling, "Usagi-chan. let'!!" and a really loud voice and Rei was embarrassed since Minako was shouting it in a childish tone by stretching out the words. At school, Ami, Minako, and Makoto gave her some defense items and a whistle. Usagi looked at the whistle and asked what it was for before blowing it. Suddenly, a dust cloud stormed through the streets of Tokyo and Rei barged into the classroom, out of breath. Usagi sweatdropped as Rei glared at her. During the other classes, Minako, Ami, and Makoto stuck very close to Usagi as bodyguards so they could protect her. They wouldn't leave her alone since their identities were known by the enemy. They said they didn't want anything to happen to her while Mamoru was away, and Usagi became very sad at the mention of his name. So Ami, Minako, and Makoto went to the Crown to let her alone, and Rei said it was dangerous for them to leave her.
    The Three Lights were leaving and Seiya left a red rose on Usagi's desk, remembering everything they'd been together. Usagi went out on the roof alone, and Tin Nyanko came out in a school uniform. She transformed into Tin Nyanko. Nyanko started attacking Usagi, and she transformed. The girls returned and asked Seiya who was still in classroom where was usagi and they all split up to look for her. Sailor Moon and Sailor Tin Nyanko was still fighting, when a red rose came flying and hit Nyanko. Sailor Moon thought it was Tuxedo kamen since he was shadowed, but instead it was Seiya. He transformed into Sailor Star Fighter and used his attack, and encouraged Sailor Moon to use hers. Sailor Moon used her attack and it hit Nyanko, but she managed to get into her telephone box and escape. Half of her got fried, so she was half white and half black.
    Usagi became sad and collapsed because the rose had reminded her of Mamoru. She started to cry when Seiya became serious, and asked her if he wasn't good enough. Usagi stared at him as he repeated the question.
     Later that night, Rei came and visited Usagi's house later. Rei asked her if she had decided, and Usagi went to her desk and looked at her picture of Mamoru. She started crying, and wondered what Mamoru was doing now. Rei couldn't believe it, and asked if they had been communicating. Usagi said there weren't any replies since the beginning, and Rei asked why she hadn't said anything! Rei told the other girls and Ami checked with the university mamoru was suppose to be staying at and they told her Chiba Mamoru never checked in.
    Also, the final concert was coming up for the Three Lights. Now that they'd found their Princess and they had to let the public know. The media was all over their disbandment. The Princess told them to cooperate with the Sailor Senshi, but Taiki and Yaten said they could defeat Galaxia themselves.
    Usagi and Chibi Chibi were walking in the rain, and Haruka and Michiru came by and told her not to see Seiya. They said she liked Mamoru, but she said she liked everyone. Haruka and Michiru told her to say good-bye to Seiya.
Before the final concert, they arrived together. Seiya asked if they could be alone, and Haruka said they had 5 minutes. They walked out and were followed by yaten, taiki, and the Princess. Seiya started off saying he had been serious, and that he liked her a lot. He said he would go all out for the final concert, and that he hoped she would meet her boyfriend soon. Usagi apologized, but Seiya said it wasn't her fault. Then he kissed her on the cheek, and said he wished he could have met her sooner. usagi cried a bit as Seiya ran out to perform.
    During the final song of the concert, Chibi Chibi began to glow and then Sailor Tin Nyanko appeared on the stage, and said she wanted the star seed. Sailor Neptune, Uranus, and the Princess appeared on the stage. The Princess said that Tin Nyanko only had one bracelet so her memories as a good Sailor Scout were returning. This was apparent when Tin Nyanko had arguments with herself about what she was doing, good and evil. The Three Lights transformed, and Sailor Tin Nyanko attacked. Then Eternal Sailor Moon appeared.
    The Starlights and Uranus and Neptune started arguing, and the Princess told them to stop fighting. Sailor Moon agreed and said they had to be one team. Galaxia appeared on the stage and took Nyanko's remaining bracelet, killing gher off. She spotted the Princess, and started attacking them. The princess stood in the way and created a shield around the Syarlights and herself She told the Starlights to get away and work with the others. The Starlights began crying and saying no but she made them move. Eventually she lost as Galaxia took out her star seed. Sailor Moon used her "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss" on Galaxia, but Galaxia just stood there and it didn't affect her. Then she left. The Princess told the Starlights to combine their powers. Sailor Chibi Chibi held onto the Princess' hand, and the Princess whispered, "A warm feeling". Then she died.
    Galaxia left the stage and everything started falling apart. The city as beginning to be destroyed by galaxia's dark energy as she appeared on the all the TVs and said that the galaxy belonged to her and she wouldn't allow ugliness. The Starlights said that was the same thing that had happened on their planet. Mercury used her computer and located Galaxia at Ginga TV. The Starlights started to leave. The Sailors tried to stop them, and Star Fighter turned but the others told them it was their duty to protect the princess, and since they had failed, they would take revenge on Galaxia. Star Fighter agreed and she ran off joining the others as the Sailor Senshi watched helplessly.
Then a black stream of lightning came down from the sky towards Sailor Moon, and uranus covered Sailor moon. Sailor saturn appearred *FINALLY!!* and used her attack "Silence *or Silent since it sounded like Silentto* Wall" and blocked the attack. Pluto and Saturn appeared together.
    At Ginga TV, Galaxia trapped the Starlights and brought them to her dimension. She started the battle.
    At the Hikawa Shrine, Setsuna said the enemy had taken over most of the galaxy, and Hotaru said this enemy was stronger then previous enemies. It was going to be a hard battle and most of them were feeling helpless as their planet was being destroyed. haruka and Michiru said they'll have to protect their own planet. Haruka and Michiru walked off and they reached the middle of the street when Setsuna and Hotaru met them and said they would go together as the Outer Senshi.
    Ami located the Outer Senshi near Ginga TV using her computer. The girls decided to go, realizing that they had to save their planet and they transformed. At Ginga TV, Sailor Moon saw the battle of Galaxia and the Starlights through the TVs all around Tokyo. She wanted to rush in but a bird flew into a force field around Ginga TV. The girls stopped and wondered how could they help if they can't get in.
    Galaxia started blasting the Starlights badly. She was overpowering them and the Starlights couldn't fight back. Sailor Moon tried to go and help them, but Mars and Jupiter stopped her from running into the force field. The Outer Scout arrived at the Ginga TV building and saw what was happening since they were in an editing room surrounded by TVs.
    Sailor Moon started crying because she couldn't help the Starlights. Then a ball of pink light appeared in front of them with Sailor Chibi Chibi floating in the middle. Sailor Moon cried out, "Chibi Chibi Moon!" Galaxia was about to finish off the Starlights who were barely standing up, but the ball of light appeared in front of them, and the Sailor Senshi came out of it. Galaxia asked how did they break through her barrier and was amazed at their skill. Sailor Moon told her to get off the planet, and Galaxia said she would if she gave her the star seed. Galaxia blasted the Starlights again, but the Inners jumped in front to protect them. So they got blasted. Galaxia powered up and blasted them for the last time, and they got hit again, their star seeds coming out.
    In the control room the Outer Senshi knew what was happening. Saturn called out crying, "Venus...Mars...Jupiter... Mercury..." Pluto said the glitter of the planets was fading.
    Galaxia took the four star seeds, and the Senshi collapsed. The Starlights couldn't believe they'd go to such a sacrifice, but Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury said the Starlights and Sailor Moon were important to them, and asked them to protect Usagi and the world. Sailor Moon went to Sailor Mars, as the rest of the Inners faded away.  Then Sailor Mars placed her hand on Sailor Moon's head. Sailor Moon told her not to leave, but Sailor Mars told her not to be a cry baby. Then she faded away as sailor Moon cried. "NOOOOOOOO!!" Sailor Moon cried out. She yelled at Galaxia and told her to give them back to her. Galaxia blasted her backwards and the Starlights watched. galaxia laughed and then decided to showed her the star seeds she had already collected. Above galaxia, thusnd so star seeds glittered and Sailor Moon saw a golden one in the cloud, and felt the presence of Mamoru. Galaxia laughed and praised her for noticing it so sharply. She told Sailor Moon that it belonged to "the protector of this planet" and it ws very powerful. The star seed was for the Earth.
    Sailor Moon shook as Galaxia explained that everyone had a star seed, but the ones that glittered forever were the ones that belonged to Sailor Senshis. Sailor Moon remembered her friends, and Galaxia boasted about collecting all the star seeds. She recalled the battle with Tuxedo Kamen...
    Mamoru's plane was attacked by the golden light, and then disappeared into a different dimension. Tuxedo Kamen got out onto the wing of the plane. He asked her why, and she replied the galaxy belonged to her, so she could do as she please. Tuxedo Kamen said he won't let her as he launched himself at her, but she released her two blasts and his star seed came out. As he was dying, his ask fell off and he slowly coolapsed. Galaxia laughed but he told her that, "On this planet, they are there. They are the Senshi that protect the peace of everyone. They will defeat you." Then he whispered, "Usagi", and faded away completely.
    Sailor Moon started crying even more going Mamoru. Star Fighter watched her helplessly as Sailor moon was overcome with this news. Galaxia was about to blast her, but Star Fighter jumped in front and was going to take the blast. But before it hit her, there was another flash of light, and they were gone. Galaxia couldn't understand what light was allowing them to escape and it scared her at how easily they were able to move around in her dimension.
    Sailor Moon woke up. They were somewhere in Ginga TV, with the Outer Senshi. It looked like a conference room. She started crying again when she remembered the Inner Senshi were gone. Sailor Chibi Chibi was sleeping in Usagi's arms and uranus said she must be tired, using all that energy. Uranus and Neptune were going to face Galaxia, and the Starlights were going too. But Neptune said they were in no condition to fight.
    Uranus and Neptune left first. The Starlights sat against the wall and said they had survived again without their Princess. Sailor Star Fighter said all was lost and there was nothing except for  the "light of hope", and then Saturn asked her if she liked Sailor Moon. Fighter said yes, and Saturn said that was good, because they had the same hope in their princess. Pluto said they would win. Then Pluto and Saturn left.
    Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus were attacking Galaxia, but not having much effect. Uranus tried her using her Space sword by slashing at Galaxia but Galaxia stopped it cold by using one hand. The blade dulled and she flung Sailor Uranus away. Uranus got up and blamed her sword's edge for not being sharp enough. neptune said it's not the sword but uranus said she was just as strong. Galaxia started to attack them, but Saturn used her "Silence Wall" attack and blocked it. Sailor Saturn does this really cool spin with her glaive and told her to leave the planet.
    Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon woke up. Healer said it was better if she remained sleeping so she didn't have to see this destruction. She then said they had nothing left to protect, but Chibi Chibi ran over to them and said, "Not left?" The Starlights remembered the Inner Senshi dying for them and asking them to protect Sailor Moon. They got up and Sailor Moon did too, ready to face Galaxia.
    The Outer Senshi were fighting Galaxia and losing. Sailor Pluto and Sailor Uranus used their attacks, but she just knocked them away. Galaxia said the attack wouldn't hurt her, even if all of them attacked together but Saturn jumped in, spun her glaive above her head, and pointed it menacingly. "Then I'll kill you, even if it costs me my life." Galaxia laughed, and said she had revived Nehelenia so Saturn would appear. She wanted all the star seeds, including Saturn's. She couldn't use immature star seeds since Saturn was just an infant. she gave them all an enemy to deal with which forced Saturn to return. Saturn couldn't believe that Galaxia had all of this planned out but she blasted them after her speech, and knocked them all down. Saturn's glaive and Pluto's staff both got knoced away from them. Before finishing them off, Galaxia offered them the option of the bracelets.
    She s if they put on the bracelets, they could live forever without the star seeds. But of course, they'll have to work for her. Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn immediately said no, but Uranus became interested. She said she wouldn't mind selling her soul to the devil if she could be with Neptune, and Neptune agreed. Sailor Saturn asked why and Sailor Pltuo asked if they lost their pride in being Sailor Senshi. Sailor Uranus told them both to shut up and Uranus and Neptune stood to accept Galaxia's blast. Galaxia got their star seeds, gave them bracelets, and Uranus and Neptune didn't die but were now under Galaxia's control. Galaxia ordered them to get Pluto and Saturn's star seeds, and they started attacking them. Saturn and Pluto couldn't believe they were fighting for real. Uranus tried to punch Saturn but she barely dodged as Neptune attacked Pluto. Sailor Neptune and Uranus let loose the bracelet blasts, and Pluto and Saturn closed their eyes and took the hits.
    Sailor Moon and the Starlights were coming when a light filled the hallway they were standing in. They felt something was very wrong and rushed forward. They arrived to see Saturn and Pluto on the ground, starting to fade. Sailor Moon ran over to them. Pluto said it was all right, and Saturn told her not to forget her trusting heart and to believe in herself. Then they faded away completely. Sailor Moon looked up and saw the bracelets on Neptune and Uranus, and couldn't believe it. The Sailor Starlights couldn't believe it either. Star Fighter screamed and asked they why did they sell out? Galaxia told Neptune and Uranus to take Sailor Moon's star seed. Sailor Moon said they were friends, and they replied they'd take her star seed in a way that she wouldn't suffer, because they were friends. Sailor Moon still believed in them, but Galaxia laughed and ordered them to show Sailor Moon reality. Galaxia left. Sailor Uranus used her "World Shaking" on the Senshi. Fighter tried to protect Sailor Moon with her "Star Serious Laser", but the attack was too strong and it engulfed all of them. All of them were knocked out. Sailor Moon was in a dream sequence. She was Usagi and Chibi Chibi was there with her along with all the Sailor Senshis in their school uniforms. They all told her that everything as jsut an act to defeat Galaxia and it was all right. Usagi began crying with relief and look up when  Mamoru and Chibi-usa appeared! Mamoru told her the fighting was over. Usagi looked down and looked back up saying how happy she was when she was suddenly alone.
    Sailor Moon woke up somewhere else, still with Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon. She saw Uranus, and ran to her saying, "Please tell me the truth. You have some plan, right?" Sailor Uranus slapped her. The Starlights came and attacked her, but Uranus insulted them, saying they couldn't even protect their princess. Fighter got mad and attacked her, and  landed a punch before Sailor Uranus knocked her away. Uranus and Neptune both used their attacks, and there was a huge explosion, blasting everyone outside onto the roof of Ginga TV. Galaxia reappeared and asked if she'd given up hope, but Sailor Moon said she still believed in them.
    Galaxia powered them up with her thunder, and told them it was time to end this. Neptune and Uranus both obeyed and both raised their arms. Sailor Moon and the Starlights braced themselves for the blast. Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus both turned around and fired their blasts at Galaxia! Galaxia had no time to react and she got hit, and struggled against the bracelets, but then she returned to normal. She didn't have a star seed!
    Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus couldn't believe it. Galaxia said they were the first Senshi she'd met that weren't controlled by the bracelets. She was thoroughly impressed and she let them know it before she took away both their bracelets. Sailor Uranus and Neptune collapsed onto the ground, both saying they just sold their souls to the devil for committing murder. They'd dirtied their hands with the blood of Saturn and Pluto. Sailor Moon asked why, and Uranus said it was their way. Sailor Moon started crying.
    Star Fighter was crying and she asked them why because now there was no one left to protect Usagi. Sailor Uranus smiled and replied "If you're fighting for peace, love and life, you're fighting for our princess." Before they faded, Uranus told Fighter to protect Sailor Moon. Uranus and Neptune began to fade even more. Neptune cried out to Uranus, and they reached out to each other. They struggled and finally touched each other's hands. Neptune closed her eyes and said, "I can see the light." Uranus closed her eyes and said, "It's warm, Michiru." Then they faded away completely.
    Galaxia said she would take away the star seeds herself. She attacked sending out a huge blast, and the Starlights protected Sailor Moon. They all got knocked into a deeper section of the roof and the Senshi hid in the rubble. Sailor Moon thought it would be best to give up to go see her friends. Sailor Star Fighter said that Neptune and Uranus had done that because they believed in her. She also said she used to think she would never fight with Sailor Moon, but she was doing it now. Fighter said she wanted to believe in Sailor Moon. Maker said the time they would disappear was the time she gave up, and Healer said they all believed that she wouldn't give up. She told her everyone believed in her because they knew she'll never give up. Fighter asked her if she wanted to give in to Galaxia, but Sailor Moon said no. She asked if they were friends, and the Starlights said, "Of course."
    The Starlights said Sailor Moon might be the one with the "light of hope" that belonged to the legendary Sailor Scout, but Galaxia overheard and said the legendary Sailor Scout of the Sailor Wars was her, the strongest Scout in the galaxy. Galaxia said that after the strongest Sailor Scout sealed chaos inside her, peace returned to the galaxy. But there was nobody she could rely on, so she had to reconstruct the galaxy herself. Galaxia gathered the star seeds and became powerful. So she indeed was Sailor Galaxia!
    The Starlights were shocked since they were fighting the strongest Sailor Senshi ever. Sailor Star Healer wondered if the "light of hope" was really Galaxia and what good will that do for them. Sailor Moon asked if that was the only way, doing it all herself, and if she'd gotten everyone together nobody would have had to been sacrificed. She said that if Galaxia was a Sailor Scout too, they could be friends. Galaxia laughed, then said that the Starlights had betrayed their own planet by running away. The Starlights said that wasn't true, but Galaxia blasted them all again. The building began to crumble, and Chibi Chibi Moon fell off the building. Sailor Moon dove after her, and the Star Fighter dove after her, protecting her from the fall. The Starlights saved Sailor Moon. Galaxia asked where they were going to escape to, and Fighter said they weren't going to escape anymore.
    The Star Lights got up.
"For the planets that were destroyed by you." Maker said.
"For the princess that protected us." Healer said.
"And for the important friends that put their hope on us." Fighter said.
"Sailor Star Fighter!" "Sailor Star Maker!" "Sailor Star Healer!"
"We've come onto the stage of battle!" They yelled.
    The Starlights attacked Galaxia with their attacks. At first, the attacks didn't have much effect on Galaxia. But the attacks kept getting stronger as they kept hitting her. Galaxia was blasted back, and began to bleed. The Starlights had injured her! The Straights were happy that she wasn't invincible after all but Galaxia got up and blasted them all. She was about to finish them off, when Sailor Moon stepped in the way. She tried to tell her to stop, and said they were all Senshi so they could be friends. Galaxia said she created the future for the galaxy, so she was like a god, but Sailor Moon said that wasn't true and would turn her back to normal.
    Sailor Moon's tier grew longer, and she cried out "Silver Moon Crystal Power!" Everything lit up, and the Starlights watched. Galaxia began to shield herself from the light. But Galaxia recovered, jumped up and slashed Sailor Moon's tier into two pieces. The Starlights went to protect her. Galaxia said she would turn the glitter of shooting stars to darkness, and Sailor Moon cried, "No!" Galaxia blasted the Starlights again, and the star seed of Sailor Moon came out. galaxia realized that this star seed belonged to the Moon princess and was the most beautiful of all. The star seed glowed and the Starlights wondered if the star seed was going to release energy, but Galaxia called her stupid and took the star seed. Sailor Moon collapsed to the ground, her wings broke off, her uniform disappeared, and all she was covered by were pink ribbons.
    In a flashback, the good Galaxia was shown right after sealing Chaos. She didn't know the reason for fighting, since, after a while Chaos would take over her body. So she sent away her star seed to a place so it an be forever safe, and it went to the Milky Way.
    In real time, Galaxia said, "But it's going to end without that power awakening." Galaxia was about to finish Sailor Moon off, but Chibi Chibi Moon began to pray. Her tear started to emanate with pink rings of power, and Galaxia couldn't believe it. Sailor Moon's star seed went back to her body. Chibi Chibi Moon floated in the air over the puddle of light. Galaxia said, "The light of hope awakened?"
    Galaxia was sealing Chaos again in the same flashback. Over that, Chibi Chibi said, "This was the beginning of everything."
    There was a huge blast of pink power from Chibi Chibi. Chibi Chibi had grown up and she began to talk to Sailor Moon. She was floating in another dream sequence still covered by the pink ribbons. Sailor Moon asked her who she was. Chibi Chibi Moon said she had always been looking for someone to take her in. Sailor Moon repeated, "Who are you?", and Chibi Chibi replied she was the glitter in Galaxia's star, the "light of hope".
    A pink butterfly flew to Sailor Moon. She smiled slightly, and raised her hands to it. Chibi Chibi said, "Please take my glitter of life." Then Sailor Moon was transformed to her Princess form. The star seed turned into a sword like Galaxia's. Chibi Chibi Moon asked her to take the sword and defeat Galaxia.
    Princess Serenity hesitated levitating in mid-air, but Galaxia attacked her. She began to fall, but wings grew out of her back. Galaxia crashed to the ground after missing her. Her eyes turned red, and her outfit became totally black. Her bracelets broke off. She said that the sword couldn't beat her with her power.
    Galaxia attacked Princess Serenity quickly but she blocked the attack, and said there was no point in fighting. Galaxia grew black wings, and floated in the air like the Princess. Galaxia said she had to make all the stars disappear, and needed hers and the light of hope. Chibi Chibi said Chaos had taken over Galaxia so Princess Serenity must stop her now but still Princess Serenity hestitated. Chibi Chibi said it was too late, and to save the galaxy with the sword.
    Galaxia attacked again, but Princess Serenity didn't want to fight. Then she pulled up her sword and stabbed Galaxia's wing by accident. She began to bleed, but Galaxia just got mad and shattered her sword with her own. Chibi Chibi Moon appeared in the place where the sword had been, but faded. Princess Serenity held onto her as she faded, said that there was no point to fighting, because people just hurt each other.
    Princess Serenity apologized to Chibi Chibi, and Galaxia said she didn't have the courage and pride of a Sailor Scout. Princess Serenity said nothing would come out of fighting, and it wasn't the only way to solve things. The ribbons converged on Serenity's body, and she became totally nude except for the wings on her back. Galaxia asked if she'd given up, but Sailor Moon said that she hadn't. "I love this world. There might be some sad things, but this is where I met my friends. I love this world. You should know too."
    Galaxia reminded her that her friends were gone, but Sailor Moon said that they were always by her side if she didn't give up, just like what the Starlights had told her. She said, "I won't give up." *Background Music - The Full length Sailor Stars song*
Sailor Moon parted her hands, and revealed her star seed. The star seed lit up, and Sailor Moon flew towards Galaxia. But Galaxia grabbed her sword and created a blast. Sailor Moon tried to block the attack, but just kept screaming. Galaxia said she didn't have a strong enough glitter, but Sailor Moon said she'd light it up and save the world. Galaxia said it was no use, and readied another blast. Sailor Moon kept screaming as the power hit her, even more than before. Galaxia said she had lost her pride as a Scout, and that the only thing left was to give her the star seed and disappear. Sailor Moon stopped screaming and said she wouldn't give up, and that she believed in this world, and the piece of hope still in Galaxia's heart.
    The star seed lit up even more.
    In an alternate dimension deep within Galaxia herself, a woman with long red and gold hair was in a field filled with yellow flowers *the good Galaxia*. Sailor Moon said, "I believe in the piece of hope in your heart." The good Galaxia gasped. Sailor Moon held out her hand and said, "I believe."
    Sailor Moon said she loved this world, and that she didn't want to lose it, everyone, and also Galaxia. Sailor Moon flew towards Galaxia again. Galaxia told her not come near her and held up her sword, but it shattered! The good Galaxia inside said she loved this world too. In the dimension all the yellow flowers opened up to reveal star seeds, and began to appear in their dimension. Galaxia was holding out her hands as she thought, "I can see it Sailor Moon, your glitter. The warm and gentle light." The good Galaxia held out her hand, Sailor Moon held out her hand, and Galaxia and Sailor Moon held hands. *End of the Sailor Stars song* Chaos screamed and left Sailor Galaxia's body, then floated up into the clouds. The clouds parted, to reveal the moon.
    The real Galaxia and Sailor Moon floated in the air, now both nude. Galaxia thanked her, and wondered where Chaos had gone. Sailor Moon said it went to the place where it belonged, in the hearts of everyone. Galaxia became sad, but Sailor Moon said they should believe in the people of this world, because the "light of hope" was in everyone's heart. Galaxia said she was strong, but that what she'd done couldn't be reversed.
    Sailor Moon said they could start over, and asked her to lead the star seeds home. Galaxia freed all the star seeds. They went throughout the galaxy, and Galaxia vanished too.
    Sailor Moon floated by herself. She became lonely, but then Sailor Mars voice said she wasn't alone. The star seeds floated around Sailor Moon, and each of the Sailors appeared around her. Sailor Mars repeated, "You're not alone, Usagi." Sailor Mercury said, "Everyone's here." Sailor Moon cried out, "Rei! Ami!" Sailor Venus said, "We believed in you." Jupiter said, "That you could do it." Sailor Moon said, "Minako. Makoto. This isn't a dream is it?"
Sailor Uranus said, "This isn't a dream. You saved this world." Sailor Neptune said, "With your trusting heart."
Sailor Moon said, "Haruka. Michiru." Sailor Saturn said, "Thank you, Usagi." Sailor Pluto said, "You did very well."
Sailor Moon cried, "Hotaru! Setsuna!" She began to cry. "I'm so happy."
A voice said, "Usagi." Another said, "Chibi..." Sailor Moon whirled around. Two star seeds appeared, and then Mamoru and Chibi Chibi appeared. Mamoru said, "She led me to you."
Sailor Moon said, "Mamoru..." Mamoru said that she did well. Sailor Moon began to cry, then flew to him. "Mamoru!" Mamoru said it was all right, because the fighting was over. Chibi Chibi began to rise, and said, "Thank you." Then she turned into pink energy and flew off toward a star. Sailor Moon thought, "Thank you, Chibi Chibi."
    The Starlights were on the ground. Fighter said the light of hope was in everyone's hearts, and Maker said she'd taught them that. A voice said, "The angel has come down to earth." The Princess appeared from a star seed. The Starlights became very happy. Healer said, "It's a miracle!" Fighter said, "I'm so happy." Maker said, "Welcome back." The Princess said simply, "Hi." Fighter looked back up at the Sailor Senshi, floating in the sky. He thought, "Thank you, everyone."
    The five girls and Mamoru stood at the roof of the school building with the Three Lights and Princess. Ami asked if they had to leave, and the Princess said their friends on their planet were waiting. Yaten said they would make a new planet with their princess. Luna became all starry-eyed and told him to do his best, and Yaten thanked her and winked. Luna blushed and purred, and Artemis cried out, "Luna!" Seiya said to Usagi it was great her boyfriend had come home, and Usagi said it was because of him she could do her best. Seiya said she wouldn't forget her, and Usagi said, "Yes, we're friends forever!" Seiya stared at her for a couple seconds, then became disappointed. Yaten started laughing and Taiki teased him. Usagi became confused because she hadn't understood him. The girls began to make fun of Usagi, and she and Rei almost go into another fight. Seiya told Mamoru to protect her. Then he said goodbye to them.
    The Three Lights transformed to the Starlights instantaneously. The Princess thanked them, and the girls told them to come back any time. Then they vanished. Usagi thought, "Thank you, Seiya." In Haruka's car, Hotaru, Setsuna, Haruka, and Michiru watched the shooting stars near the ocean. Setsuna asked what Hotaru had wished on the shooting star, and Hotaru said it was a secret. She asked Setsuna and she said it was a secret. Haruka said they weren't shooting stars, they were the star seeds going home. Hotaru asked what they wished for, and Michiru said there was nothing she needed to wish for because she was with Haruka. Haruka agreed.
    At the park, Mamoru and Usagi walked by the water. Usagi asked if he liked her, and he said yes. She asked how much, and he said, "When I'm with you, I get filled with energy." Usagi and Mamoru looked at each other with a big moon in the background. Over that Usagi said, "I'm Tsukino Usagi, 16 years old, in first year of high school. I'm a little clumsy, and a little bit of a cry baby. But actually, for love and justice I'm the pretty, sailor-suited fighter, Sailor Moon." Usagi and Mamoru kissed as the moon filled the screen.
    The ending theme had all the pticures beofre the battle and afte the battle with all the Sailor Sensis being warriors and civilians. Then at the very end, it goes. "THE END."

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