Sailor Starlight Senshi: Sailor Star Fighter

Name: Kou Seiya
Name Translation: "light of the star arrow"

Height: 5' 5"

Birthday: July 30

Astrological Sign: Leo

Blood Type: A

Sailor Color: Red

Favorite Food: Hamburgers

Least Favorite Food: ?

Favorite Subject: Physical Education

Least Favorite Subject: Literature

Responsibilities: Lead Vocal, Keyboard, Writing Lyrics, Composing Music, Drums

Clubs: American Football

Has Trouble With: Girls, particularly Tsukino Usagi

First of all, ALL the true forms of each Three Lights are girls. Kou Seiya, Kou Yaten, and Kou Taiki are their human "disguised" form. However, this disguise works so well they're built like males and have a male voice when they're in disguise and not in Sailor Senshi form. But they're really girls since they transform into Sailor Starlights and you can tell they're female. They are NOT travesties, ok? And they're not related even though the last names are the same.

Sailor Star Fighter took on the disguise of Kou Seiya to find their princess on Earth. Seiya is a vocalist in their idol goup Three Lights along with the other Sailor Satrlights. So I'll be refering to Seiya AND Fighter as "she." Sorry if you're confused!

Sailor Starlights are Sailor senshi from another planet and galaxy. Their own homeworld was destroyed and their princess came to earth for help and the Starlights came to Earth to search for their Princess. Disguised as the idol group Three Lights, they hoped to send out a message through their songs. With the Three Light's popularity growing, Seiya transferred to Juuban High School where the other Sailor Senshi attended. Of course, everyone knew about the famous Three Lights except Usagi and that really caught Seiya's interest. He thought everyone knew the Threee Lights and was quite surprise she didn't.

Seiya has short black hair, blue eyes with tapered pony-tail and grey star earrings. Seiya joined the American football team since she likes showing off his skills since she is very athletic. Seiya became good friends with Usagi, and cared for her a lot. Seiya also knew that Usagi has secrets to hide and the two become close. One time Seiya told her that every person on earth had a glittering star inside themselves, and that the stronger the star, the brighter the glitter. Seiya then said that Serena's glitter was very bright.

When Yaten and Taiki found out Usagi was Eternal Sailor Moon, they didn't want Seiya to see her again. The Outer Scouts, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus were going to attack them if Seiya didn't stay away from Usagi, which Seiya reluctantly agreed to. This was because the Sailor Starlights were aliens from another galaxy and the Outers protected Earth from invaders from outside our solar system. Haruka became very protective and suspicious of the Starlights as they got closer to Usagi.

Seiya really loved Usagi, but felt that Usagi's boyfriend was very lucky. Seiya developed strong feeling for Usagi and it hurt her that Usagi didn't return her feelings. She accepted it though but Seiya wished that they had met much sooner.

Sailor Star Fighter acts as the leader of the Sailor Starlights. Fighter wants revenge on Galaxia for destroying the Starlight's planet, and is trying to find the Princess of their former planet who had escaped to earth. Fighter was very happy when Princess Kakyuu (Fireball) appeared to them, but felt torn between Usagi and the Princess. When Princess Kakyuu was killed, Fighter thought there was no more reason to live, but Chibi Chibi Moon reminded the Starlights that the Inner Scouts had sacrified themselves for the Starlights. Fighter decided to stop Galaxia.
After Galaxia was stopped, Seiya, the Starlights and Princess Fireball returned to their home planet.

*I seriously doubt USA will dub Sailor Stars since they got to deal with the whole love triangle thing between Usagi, Mamoru, and Seiya. And explain how to our not so innocent children about how Seiya as a boy can transform into a girl, Fighter and obviously like another girl. I mean, they made Haruka and Michiru cousins because they're really lesbians in Japan. And then the ending of Stars is not really appropriate either.
** Nagareboshi He "To the Shooting Stars" by the Three Lights. They have three songs and you should really get this one!

Phrase And Attacks

Sailor Stars

Sailor Star Figter Introduction: Surrounded by the dark denseness of the night, Sailor Star Fighter. Stage on!

Fighter Starlight Make Up!
Seiya says this to transform into Sailor Star Fighter. His henshin pen is winged ear microphone and it transforms him into Star Fighter.

Star Serious Laser
Sailor Star Fighter says this to create a ring of stars around her and it forms into a laser beam in her hand that strike an enemy.

Voice Actress/Seiyuu
Japan Seiyuu: Shiho Niiyama as Kou Seiya

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