Sailor Starlight Senshi: Sailor Star Healer

Name: Kou Yaten
Name Translation: "light of the night sky"

Height: 5' 0"

Birthday: February 8

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Blood Type: B

Sailor Color: Green

Favorite Food: Caviar

Least favorite food: ?

Favorite Subject: Art

Least Favourite Subject: Physical Education

Responsibilities: Keyboard (Arrangement)

Hobby: Cameras

Club: Homecoming Club

Has Trouble With: Physical Exertion

First of all, ALL the true forms of each Three Lights are girls. Kou Seiya, Kou Yaten, and Kou Taiki are their human "disguised" form. However, this disguise works so well they're built like males when they're in disguise and not in Sailor Senshi form. But they're really girls since they transform into Sailor Starlights and you can tell they're female. They are NOT travesties, ok? And they're not related even though the last names are the same.

Sailor Star Healer took on the disguise of Kou Yaten to find their princess on Earth. Yaten is a vocalist in their idol goup Three Lights along with the other Sailor Starlights. So I'll be refering to Yaten AND Healer as "she." Sorry if you're confused!

Sailor Starlights are Sailor senshi from another planet and galaxy. Their own homeworld was destroyed and their princess came to earth for help amd the Starlights searched for their Princess. Disguised as the idol group, Three Lights, they hoped to send out a message through their songs. With the Three Light's popularity growing, Yaten transferred to Juuban High School where the other Sailor Senshi attended.

She has short grey hair with long pony-tail, pea-green eyes, and seems to be always in an indifferent, grouchy mood. Yaten transferred to Usagi's high school, but didn't join any clubs because of getting sweaty. She's the "pretty boy" of the group and Yaten has a quick temper and a very high ego, and can sometimes be very rude. Only Mina could bring out the good in Yaten. Yaten is a squeamish, artsy guy. Yaten has the most obnoxious, self-centered attitude, and he seems to have a "comment" towards anything anyone says. Yaten is worse than Rei when it comes to picking on and making fun of others, especially Usagi.

Yaten doesn't like the fact that Usagi and Seiya are good friends, since their mission of finding their princess was more important. As a Sailor Senshi, Sailor Star Healer was very determined to find the princess, and would stop at nothing.
When Princess Kakyuu was killed, Healer felt there was no more reason to go up against Galaxia. But Chibi Chibi Moon reminded the Starlights that the Inner Scouts had sacrified themselves to save them.

Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Stars

Sailor Star Healer Introduction: The secret maternal movement away from death???, Sailor Star Healer. Stage on!

Healer Star Power, Make Up!
Yaten says this to turn into Sailor Star Healer. His henshin pen is winged ear microphone and it transforms him into Star Healer.

Star Sensitive Inferno!
When Sailor Star Healer says this, she has this star in her hand which shoots forward like lightning.

Voice Actress/Seiyuu
Japanese Seiyuu: Chika Sakamoto
She also worked as Nuriko in Fushigi Yuugi. I noticed that their attitudes were very similair in the beginning when I rewatched Fushigi Yuugi. Nuri-chan!

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