Sailor Name: Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Uranus

Japanese: Tenou Haruka (Haruka can be a boy or girl name but many mistake her for a guy)
English: Amara
Name Translation: ("far away sky king") Swinging Cloud and Sky King

Height: 5' 9"

Coming into the show: 15
End of show: 17

Birthday: January 27, 1978

Astrological sign: Aquarius

Blood Type: B

Gemstone: amber

Favorite Color: gold and navy

Sailor Color: navy and yellow

Favorite Food: salad

Least Favorite Food: natto (a soybean dish)

Favorite Subject: Physical Education

Worst Subject: modern Japanese

Favorite Pastimes: driving, running

Has Trouble With: confessing

Strong Points: strategy, brute strength

Dream: to become a world-champion racer, "to become the wind"

Mythology: Uranus was actually the sky that was created by Gaea the Earth. Earth (Uranus) and Sky (Gaea) where the grandparents of the world and they had produced the first race of gods.

Haruka is really respected by all the Inner Senshi. She is multi-talented, although she is really good at racing, and is also smart and strong. Minako (Mina) and Usagi(Serena) tailed her when they first met for because they thought that she was a cute single guy. When they told everyone, they all thought the same until it was revealed that the "he" was a "she." Throughout Sailor MoonS, Haruka thought the girls were very cute since they were all sweet but when the truth came out they were all Sailor Soldiers, Haruka thought they were too weak and in the way so she became more mean to them. But later, in Sailor Stars, haruka was very protective of Usagi when Seiya, an idol, started liking Usagi alot.

Haruka's relationship with Michiru is very special. There's something going on between of them and there's an implication that the two are lesbians and lovers. They never say it because hey, it's USA and they tend to cover that stuff up but the actions between the two show their real feelings for each other.

Haruka is more of an extreme tomboy. Along with her short haircut, something pretty uncommon in Japanese animation for girls since most of the time hair is extremely long, she wears a boys uniform for school and enjoys to race which is usually considered a masculine activity. Haruka is also a very good runner, which, coupled with her racing, can describe why she wants to "become the wind."

As a Sailor Senshi, Sailor Uranus was willing to sacrifice someone to save the world in Sailor Moon S. Uranus does take being a Sailor Senshi a lot more serious than the Inner Senshi, and with being an Outer Senshi, who would protect the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millenium from outside invaders, she was granted more powerful attacks than the Inner Senshi. This is also why she thought the Inner Senshi were weak, but her opinion of them changed as well and learns that the Inner Senshi have strengths of their own, especially Sailor Moon.

Anime Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Uranus Introduction: Wherever trouble is, so am I, to clean the mess. Here I am, Sailor Uranus!

Sailor Moon S

Uranus Planet Power, Make up!
Haruka says this to transform into Sailor Uranus. Before Haruka was granted this power, she used to have dreams that the world would be destroyed and that she would have to do something to stop it. But she didn't want to do this because she wanted to concentrate on being a world-champion racer. About this time Haruka ran into Michiru, and they instantly knew each other. Anyway, Haruka denied Michiru's attempt to join her mission and save the world, but when Haruka was attacked by a monster, she produced her own transformation pen. Michiru (as Sailor Neptune) told her not to use the pen if she wanted to keep her ordinary life, but Haruka used it anyway because Neptune was in trouble with the monster. That's how Haruka got the pen and became Sailor Uranus.

World Shaking!
Sailor Uranus says this to create a yellow planet-shaped ball of energy in the pal of her hand and spins; then she  hurls the planet forward and against the ground, giving it the effect of a real earthquake.

Sailor Stars

Space Sword Blaster!
Super Sailor Uranus says this to create a blast with her talisman, the Space Sword, which has the effect of slicing something in half. Sailor Uranus can also withdraw the sword and use it as a real sword, like when she destroyed monsters in Sailor Moon S and attempted to break the barrier that was surrounding Galaxia in Sailor Moon Stars.

Manga Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Uranus Introduction: Invited by a new age, I'm the magnificent Sailor Uranus.

Sailor Moon S

Uranus Planet Power, Make Up!
Hauka says this to transform into Sailor Uranus.

World Shaking!
Sailor Uranus uses these words to generate a yellow ball of energy, which has all the devasting effects of an earthquake.

Space Sword Blaster!
Sailor Uranus holds the Sapce Sword above her head then swings it downward a bright light emits from it then it flies at the enemy.

Sailor Stars

Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up!
Haruka says this to become Super Sailor Uranus.

Space Turbulence!
Sailor Uranus uses this attack in Sailor Moon Stars.

Voice Actress/Seiyuu

In Japan, Haruka's voice is done by Ogata Megumi. A singer as well, Megumi will often play young boys as well as girls. With the voice of Sailor Moon playing Misato, and the voice of Sailor Saturn playing Asuka, she joined the crowd of Sailors in Evangelion, and played its main character: Ikari Shinji (a young boy). Other males include Kurama in Yu Yu Hakusho and Eagle of Magic Knights Rayearth.

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