Sailor Senshi: Sailor Venus, Super Sailor Venus, Sailor V

Japanese Aino Minako, nickname Mina
English: Mina
Name Translation: ("love of everything") Surrounded by Beauty of Love

Height: 5' 2"

Day of week associated with Kanji: Friday. The Japanese word for Friday, kinyoubi is literally "gold day". Sailor Venus' "Love Me chain" is a metal-based attack as implied by her associated day. The astrological symbol for Venus is a hand-held mirror and also the ancient symbol for copper. Early mirrors were made from polished copper.

Element: Gold

Beginning of show: 14
End of show: 16

Birthday: October 22, 1978

Astrological sign: Libra

Blood Type: B

Gemstone: topaz

Favorite Color: yellow, red, orange

Sailor Color: yellow and orange

Favorite Food: curry rice, pasta

Least Favorite Food: shiitake mushrooms

Favorite Subject: Pysical Education

Least Favorite Subject: Math, English (but she's fluent in English!)

Favorite Pastimes: playing volleyball or any sport, dancing

Favorite Animal: birds

Has Trouble With: showoffs

Strong Points: leadership, English (She lived in England as Sailor V!)

Club She's In: Volleyball Club

Dream: To go to the state championships as a volleyball player, to become an idol

Mythology: Venus was the Greek goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

Sailor Venus is similar to Sailor Moon in many ways. She was created by Naoko Takeuchi before Sailor Moon, and had her own manga called Sailor V. This recalls her exploits as fighting evil in England. Later Naoko-sama created the series called Sailor Moon, and eventually added Sailor V to the series under the name Sailor Venus. Probably because Sailor Moon was modeled after Sailor Venus, they have many things in common. Dittzy blondes! No, just kidding. Well they could be since refering to the episode when Minako and Usagi stalked Haruka because they thought she was a cute guy in Sailor MoonS.

Minako is a more out-going member of the group. She is always on the lookout for a boyfriend, much less than Makoto however. She also tends to concentrate a lot of her energy on things she loves, such as becoming an idol or playing volleyball. One of Minako's dreams is to go to the state championships as a volleyball player. However, between her studies and being a Sailor Soldier, Minako doesn't have much time to follow her dream. Minako even considered quitting as a Sailor because she wanted to do volleyball, but, of course, she changed her mind. Minako also wants to become an "idol" (which is how the Japanese label a popular person in pop culture, who usually sings and acts).

At the end of the show in Sailor Stars, she tried out to become an idol, and got accepted to the final rounds. Then she said, "This proves my ability. I can be an idol any time I want. But right now, it's important to be with the others."

Minako likes to involve herself with the love affairs of others, mostly because she's the "Goddess of Love" (as she claims). Minako also has a habit of misquoting people, while Artemis can't resist correcting her. It's so funny becuse it happens so often in the series.

As Venus, she is supposed to act as the leader of the Inner Sailors, although Mars seems to take that position often. Venus' attacks are pretty powerful, although she seems to be behind Jupiter and Mars in powerfulness. Because Venus looks so much like Sailor Moon, she took part in disquising herself as Sailor Moon in one episode so she could fool the bad guy, Kaolinite.

Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Venus Introduction:

Sailor Moon

Venus Power, make up! (Venus Power)
This was Minako's first tranformation to become Sailor Venus. It's assumed that Artemis gave her this transformation pen, since Sailor Venus never appeared before Luna before transforming. She also might have used the same transformation pen for Sailor V as she did for Sailor Venus although Artemis never explained anything about that. Basically, Sailor Venus and Artemis appeared one day and saved the Sailors. However, the fuku or uniform for Sailor V is slightly different from Sailor Venus.

Crescent Beam! (Venus Crescent Beam Smash!)
Sailor Venus says this when she creates a "crescent" beam of energy. Often she will team up this attack with Mars' fire or Jupiter's lightning. The beam acts like a laser, and will cut through things as well as hurt bad guys.

Sailor Moon R

Venus Star Power, make up! (Venus Star Power)
This was Minako's second transformation, given to her by Artemis and Luna, which is supposed to be 10 times more powerful. Her transformation sequence isn't much different either; except that at the end, when she poses, her planetary symbol glows in the background.

Crescent Beam Shower! (Venus Meteor Shower)
Sailor Venus says this to create several beams of energy. The beams appear above the bad guy, and then they rain down on him/her like a shower. Venus didn't use this attack much at all... I think she used it when she discovered the power, a second time when attacking Allan and Ann, and a third time in a later Sailor Moon R episode.

Venus Love-me Chain! (Venus Love Chain Encircle)
Along with using her Chain in a similar way to using her Crescent Beam, Venus would use her Chain to steal objects away from bad guys or yank the other Sailors to safety. She also used it one time to save herself and Pluto from falling off a cliff; by climbing up the chain like a rope in Sailor Stars.

Sailor Moon SuperS

Venus Crystal Power, make up!
Mina says this to transform into Super Sailor Venus. In the manga, she looked deep inside of herself to find the ability to become "Super Sailor Venus," while in the series, Pegasus gave her the power to transform. The transformation sequence isn't much different from her old one, except that she throws her hair back in this one.

Venus Love and Beauty Shock
Super Sailor Venus says this when she does a kiss, producing an orange heart, which she uses to zap a bad guy. This attack is associated with the mythology of her planet, since Venus was the "Goddess of Love and Beauty."

Manga Phrases And Attacks

Sailor Venus Introduction: Sailor Venus, strutting on the stage.

Sailor Moon

Venus Power, Make Up!
Minako says this to transform into Sailor Venus.

Venus Love Me Chain!
Sailor Venus says this to generate a chain of energy. She can then use this to trap an enemy within the confines of the chain.

Rolling Heart Vibration!
Sailor Venus says this to generate a massive rotating heart directed towards an enemy.

Sailor Moon R

Venus Star Power, Make Up!
Minako says this to transform into Sailor Venus.

Venus Wink Chain Sword!
Sailor Venus's R attack using the Sword she found on the Moon

Sailor Moon SuperS

Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!
Minako says this to transform into Super Sailor Venus.

Venus Love and Beauty Shock!
This is Super Sailor Venus' attack.

Voice Actress/Seiyuu

In Japan, Mina's voice is done by Fukami Rica. Another talented singer, she also sang the inspiration songs of Macross Plus as Myun Fan Lon.

In North America, Mina's voice is done by Stephanie Morganstern.

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