Senshi: Tuxedo Mask, Tuxedo Kamen

Japanese: Chiba Mamoru
Nicknames: mamo-chan (Used by Usagi and Chibiusa)
English: Darien Shields
Name meaning: earth protector

Height: 6' 2"

Day of the week associaed with Kanji: ?

Element: Earth

Beginning of Show: 18
Ending of Show: 20

Birthday: August 3, 1975

Astrological sign: Leo

Blood type: A

Favorite Color: black

Favorite Food: chocolate

Least Favorite Food: none

Favorite Subject: Physics

Worst Subject: none

Favorite Pastimes: reading

Has Trouble With: needles (scared of shots!), Usagi's tearful begging

Strong Point: ladies first!

Dream: to be a geneticist/doctor

Mythology: Endymoin was the handsome young shepherd who was lulled into an eternal sleep bu Selene so that he could never leave her.

Mamoru had a tragic past and when he was a child, he was in a terrible car crash. Both his parents were killed, and he was left with amnesia about who he was. he had no realktives and no place to go. After his cerash, he met Fiore who returned in the Sailor Moon R movie.. He has spent almost this whole earlier life trying to figure out who he is.

When the forces of darkness descend upon the Earth, Darien/Mamoru transforms into the caped super hero Tuxedo Mask/Kamen. Primarily he offers moral support to the Sailor Scouts/Senshi when they are in danger. He can project sharpened roses, which often stun evil creatures. Then Sailor Moon and the Scouts/Senshi can finish the monster off.

His past identity of being Prince Endymion was revealed in the battle for the rainbow Crystals. ILong ago in the days of Silver Millienum, Endymion was the prince of the Earth, and was deeply in love with Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. During the fierce final battle, Prince Endymion rejected the evil of Queen Beryl and the Negaforce to protect Serenuty. In the battle Serenity and Endymion were both killed. They where then sent to the future on Earth.

In the first part of the Sailor Moon R series Mamoru loses his memory because he was being controlled by Queen Beryl. After the defeat of Beryl, everyone lost their memeriues but the Sailor Senshis regained them. Deep inside of himself he still knows that he must protect Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts/Senshi. In this case, he creates a split personality and becomes The Moonlight Knight. The Moonlight Knight is Tsukikage no Knight or Kishi Tsukikage in Japanese.

Tuxedo Kamen is the senshi from Earth. Not technically a SAILOR senshi but a warrior since there is no princess. Remeber, all the Sailor Senshis were princesses of their planet!

Anime Phrases And Attacks

Tuxedo Mask Intoduction:'s different everytime!

All Seasons

Rose throw
Project sharpened roses, which often stun evil creatures. Great aim! Roses might contain neergy because one time, he threw them in acircle surrounding the bad guy and it created a energy wall to contain it and hurt it

Manga Phrases And Attacks

Tuxedo Mask Introduction: Our love is like a rose, beautiful while in bloom, but it cannot last forever

Tuxedo a la Smoking Bomber
The Tuxedo Kamen Manga Attack

Voice Actor/Seiyuu

In Japan, Furuya Tohru does the voice of Chiba Mamoru.

In North Amerca, Rino Romano (1-11), Toby Proctor (12-65), Vince Corraza (66+).

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