Welcome to Megaman Zero's Maverick Hunter Base!
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1,000 hits and still comin' strong!
Hi. What up folks! Megaman Zero here. Leader of Maverick Hunter Unit#007. Also of this site. Our staff (1 person) is working hard to bring you new stuff so check back often for updates. Don't forget to vote at the polls and sign my SlamBook!
(4/13/02) I need you guys to send me stuff to add to the site.
In other news, the sprite section has a little tuning done to it! Check it out! Oh yeah, I fixed up the site so it is smaller. Instead of all those crappy pics with the name of the section on it, I now have, A NAVIGATION BAR!!!
(3/07/02) Hiya! MMZ here. I have had a fanfic section up for a while now and so far, no one has sent me any fanfics. Or humourous stuff. Send me stories and crap and I'll put 'em up. Don't hesitate.
(1/22/02) The Humor section is now up! Feel free to submit any funny stuff you think is ...funny. I have to miss school 'cause I'm sick. Hooray! I mean, *Groan*. Also, Rock Booster probably will be shut down for a new comic. Inspired by Megaw00t, Buster Trauma! You won't know what hit you.
(1/21/02) What up peeps! Sorry for the looooong unupdatey...ness, but, you guessed it, THERES A NEW SECTION!!! Yaaaaaaaaaay! Strategy Central presents...Megaman Battle Network! The strategy guide is almost done. I'm doing how to beat the bosses and I'm up to Iceman. Hope you enjoy!
My Nidhogg, Raishoom.
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