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First off the bat, I'd better tell you guys that i got this background from another site... i just don't remember which site it was! ^_^;;

Okay then...*looks at everyone staring at me and hides behind a couch* Okay! Okay! I'm starting now! (not that anyone cares)

My RL (Real Life) name is Lina.  And no, i'm not an relative of Lina Inverse.  I currently have short (up to my ears), black hair.  That's about as descriptive as i go for my hair.  I'm 160cm tall (however tall that is in feet, i do not know).  And i don't think my weight is going to be very useful to your knowledge since when could you form an image of someone from their weight?   I live in Alberta, Canada and i can't tell you what city in case some of you are axe murderers and kissing bandits.  ^.^;  I'm 13, though i'm turning 14 in another month (Yay!). Umm... what else is there? Oh yes, i REALLY like to draw! I draw pratically anything, but especially anime! When my friend finally manages to scan them on for me, i'll show you all my "wonderful" pictures... (not)

I'm really strange if you know me really well, but most of the time, i'm like that just to be funny and make people laugh.  (Me like making people laugh!)  So, now that i've warned you, don't be scared by weird remarks i make! Okay...this is all i can think up of right now so... yeah...ummm...bye...

-Me, the wonderful L-Sama, Lina, Lemur, Animeker