"An Ode to a Princess" By Savannah Comilla I hate the way he listens to you, I hate the child you share, I hate the child that is your own, I hate how you don't care, Your Ugly personality, It holds no appeal for me, So take your daughter, and Your son because, lady, Your pain has just begun, You've angered the first, and the only, You never even got to know me, Your Loss, Because You don't know what I can do, What my anger can do to you, I'm not the warmest person on the block, But my revenge is about to talk, Your a terrible mother. You have no patience, Your House is like a hellhole, How humans can live there, I don't know, You don't raise children, But little beasts, with no respect, or consciences, and even though you pretend to be, an angel on a mission see, I'm not an angel, Or a unicorn, I'm not your Child, Full of scorn, I'm his daughter, The First and Only And Lady, You're going to wish you got to know me my heart isn't coniving like yours and I'm not going to sink to your level, I don't need to. I'm far above you. This heart of stone will break yours, So think about all the times, You'll never get to hear my rymes, alone in your house with your children, well earned, and all the fights that you started , and then selfishly departed, Only because Your a "princess' Well I say 'no more' For your features are not lovely, and Your body leaves much to be desired, and your prince was thrown away, because of the day, Your Queen got her way, So have fun little princess, In your broken house, With your retched children, and your happy fairy tale, only this doesn't end happily ever after, This tale has just begun. Savannah Comilla 12:01 PM August 12th 2001